E-Magazine # 05, Holotropic Breathing

  • 2012

A word that encompasses the ALL

This valuable experience is shared by Paula Di Bello, Humanist Psychologist

and Transpersonal, facilitator in holotropic breathing. Thanks to Paula for so

valuable contributions !!!


It was in my early youth that I heard about the technique of Holotropic Breathing, and practicing it since then, 15 years ago, I have found nothing but benefits. This means that today I want to bring it closer to Pedagooogy 3000, in order to find new ways where in a creative way, they come together.

The Holotropic Breathing created and developed by Dr. Stanislav and Christina Grof, is a method of deep self-exploration based on our internal dynamics that leads us all to move towards the whole.

The wonderful thing about this approach is that we can access our own healing potential and inner wisdom. And this is achieved through Holotropic Breathing. Through this effective self-knowledge tool, participants access expanded states of consciousness. How? Through a faster and deeper breathing, accompanied by evocative music from ancient cultures, focused body work, art and group and / or individual integration.

Purpose of Holotropic Breathing

The general objective is to achieve greater self-understanding, expansion of the identity of the self and facilitate access to the roots of emotional and psychosomatic problems. The word holotropic suggests overcoming internal fragmentation, as well as the feeling of separation between the individual and the environment.

Benefits of the Technique

Participants have remembered, discovered and explored different levels of the spectrum of consciousness. They have obtained clarity, information and integration about aspects of their own birth, repressed or unresolved trauma, bioenergetic release and discharge as well as recognition of unconscious family dynamics. They have contacted intuitive wisdom, awareness and spiritual awakening.

Likewise, Holotropic practice usually engenders a deep sense of community with the participants and connection with the All.

Due to the power of Holotropic breathing, people usually feel that they benefit and complement the integration of their regular practices, such as meditation, any type of psychotherapy, art, dance, etc. While it is said that, due to its intensity, an HR session is equivalent to months of psychotherapy, she should not be seen as a substitute for it. Through the HR, participants literally

they redefine themselves, providing greater multilevel understanding, which can result in significant changes in their views and lives.

Re-Cordando the Tribe

Holotropic Breathing, framed within Transpersonal Psychology, is based on the healing and transformative power of expanded states of consciousness. The "holotropic" are a part of those and Grof differentiates them for being highly curative. They are comparable to those of ancestral practices, shamanic trances and various rituals of multiple cultures. Holotropic Breathing is a non-directive work of internal processes. The experiences that occur during the sessions come from the internal movements of the participants' own psyche.

How do facilitators trained in this technique work?

When a child becomes aware of his mission in life, he contributes with his knowledge to the change in frequency of his environment and that change of consciousness affects like a stone in the lake making repetitive slings that form an infinite sequence.

Who is a holotropic breathing workshop for?

Framed within Transpersonal Psychology, Holotropic Breathing

As a technique, it is a great contribution to pedagogy 3000 because it is a powerful tool that favors the integration of Being from practice and communes with the objectives proposed by said pedagogy. It is a tool for fathers and mothers, for educators, educators, people who work in the field of education, health, and for people who interact with other people.

Transpersonal Psychology advocates the integral development of people, and in the educational field, both of the child, adolescents as well as the adult that accompanies them. Holotropic Breathing is indicated for personal development and for the therapeutic treatment of psychosomatic, emotional and psychological difficulties. It allows access to deep layers of the psyche and activates our own inner wisdom.

Applies to people who want or need:

Access to states of relaxation and relieve stress.

Activate and integrate unconscious content.

Relate and bond with other like-minded people.

Perform a therapeutic process and / or enhance and support your current therapy.

Mobilize blocked energies and improve creativity.

Resolve bodily tensions and psychosomatic symptoms.

Elaborate traumas, phobias, anxiety, depression.

Prevent emotional difficulties and promote integral health.

Personal and transpersonal research.

Working with expanded states of consciousness as a rite of passage or transition.

What experiences can happen with this technique?

The content of the experiences is therefore very varied for each person and it is impossible to determine them in advance and also varies among the participants from the same session to another. We can connect with experiences that include:

Biographical facts: from our life from the moment of birth to the present.

Perinatal level material: related to the time we spend in the womb of the mother and the birth itself, which can connect with sequences of death and psychological rebirth (dying to old ways of functioning).

And of the transpersonal domain: where the sense of identity extends beyond a person, encompassing aspects of humanity, the psyche and the cosmos, which provide a sense of life and connection.

Guide us through our inner radar

Holotropic Breathing facilitates access to expanded states of consciousness, in which our own wisdom connects with healing and transforming power.

internal, so that it guides the experiences to those aspects that are loaded, ready to be processed or integrated, or to what we can learn and heal at that moment.

Many people find that Holotropic Breathing is an adventure in self-exploration, which sustains and enhances other forms of healing and psychotherapy.

Others also use it to explore changes or challenges, as well as obtain a guide in their own spiritual path, or complement the professional educational work, among others.

Contact information: Paula Di Bello Uruguay www.holotropica.com.uy

If you wish to share a newsletter, article, pedagogical information, and / or life experience, please send it to:

Monika Betancur:



To conclude, going back to the beginning of this text where the origin of the word holotropic is explained, I would like to associate it with the term photo tropism, used in botany (since a part of the word shares the same root) in order to evoke its image.

Photo - Tropicalism is the movement (of plants) that obeys and is oriented in the influence of a stimulus, in this case the stimulus is light.

Is not this "light", identical to everything (holos) and to the completeness that we yearn for and towards which we all move (tropism, trepein)?


April 14 and 15. Breathing Workshop

Holotropic — Uruguay

Contact: Paula Di Bello


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