The super-moon eclipse - Metatron

  • 2015

Greetings, Masters, I am Metatron, Angel of Light, joined in this session to Tyberonn of the Crystalline Service, and we greet you in unconditional love! Dear humans, today is an incredibly timely energy. A grand opening of energy is now taking place. Today, September 27 (including 28) of 2015, there will be a Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse that is energetically combined with the Solar Eclipse of September 13, and with the Mercury Retrograde in progress. The energy of the Total Lunar Eclipse is a peak within the energy that happens on the planet. And although you are in the middle of a time of chaotic purge, the eclipse can provide a moment of reboot, a time for deep contemplation and co-creation of your highest goals. This eclipse also provides the movement of progress towards the highest and most significant energy phase of 2015, that of the bio-crystalline transformation that begins in November, with the 7 meteoric events and the direct movement of all the planets.

We insist on the importance of taking time to meditate to manifest your highest intention during the maximum of this lunar eclipse. Linear time stops briefly during a total eclipse, and dimensional veils rise to an amazing degree in this "super-moon" eclipse. Within the opening of the eclipse, the life force, the concentrated vital energy of the akash flows to the earth plane. And when a high intention is visualized with a theta-coherent mind, the "noble" thoughts and the elevated intentions will crystallize with the particles of life energy, and thus they will manifest more easily in 3D reality. Then we urge you to use this energy wisely.

Earth Moon

The Earth's Moon enables the existence of physical life on the planet. Even beyond this essential qualification, your moon also affects humanity much more than most of you recognize in these times. You are familiar with the moon for its recognized sciences and through its fables and mythologies. Some are aware of lunar influences in what tradition considers folklore or pseudo-science, called astrology, although other more advanced civilizations of its past and its future recognize astrology for its validity in terms of its effect on emotional aspects, Physical and mental.

The moon provides an enormous service to the Earth. The moon affects humanity in many spiritual aspects that are not well remembered or as well understood in current times as in the past. The moon is absolutely conscious and sentient, and is responsible in many ways for the ability of the Earth not only to support physical life but also the development of humanity while in the energies of the Earth plane.

The lunar phases allow specific periods that the human adept can use to seek deeper understanding. Certain phases are embellished with light and gravity that absolutely balance the human auric field, which by the way includes the mental and emotional bodies. I will tell you that without this living "lunar" cycle, your ability to dream, to enter that essential field of re-calibration, which you call a dream state, could not have easy or effective access.

Just as the Moon brings reflection and offers light in areas of darkness, so the "Living Moon" helps you gain clarity in the movement of your life, to gain more and more understanding of how to move forward in areas of uncertainty or shadow.

The reflected light of the moon is very different from direct sunlight. It influences you quite differently. However, in many ways it is as essential to your well-being as sunlight. The lunar effect is that there is a prolific correlation between the specific stages of the earth's lunar cycle and the emotional field and the aura of humans, which is much more than the mere variation of light levels. The waves of the lunar field vary according to the phases of the moon.


Eclipses are openings that combine light, planetary frequencies, geo-gravity and collective thinking. Eclipses offer a unique platform for printing both Divine Thought and the highest vibrations of collective human thought. Now, a lunar eclipse can only occur on a full moon, and a solar eclipse can only occur on a new moon. Both provide their specific astro-frequency signature, and additional power to the associated eclipse. Eclipses are often seen by mankind as singular events, but we will tell you that it is not so ... when solar and lunar eclipses are in a direct linear sequence and take place in the present, a more amplified field is formed with an energy of Greater concentration.

Returning to eclipses online (within 15 days) that enclose either a solstice or an equinox, its intensity is greatly magnified. A symbiotic interweave of the lunar and solar vibratory signatures is formed, which melts and blends into a synergistic effect.

In more advanced societies, eclipses were known as extremely significant events that crossed the dimensional plot of reality within the terrestrial plane.

The Atlanteans called them infinity points, because during the eclipse period linear time stopped giving a brief interlude of infinity. (The word “eclipse” comes from the Atlantean language and passed to the language of ancient Greece with the meaning of hiding or ceasing to exist ) The eclipses uniquely alter the wavelengths of light and affect gravity. Gravitational anomalies occur as well as torsional effects during eclipses. In your current science it is speculated that they are Allias and Saxi effects.

Eclipses emit a wave of percussive The coherence opens the pineal and provokes a specific response from both the cells of the human physical body and the energy construction of the ethereal body.

So to speak, time as you know it is altered during the eclipse phase, especially when a solar and a lunar occur within a relative proximity with maximum solstice and equinox points. Certainly this is happening now in September 2015.

Teachers, while this energetic event creates intensities, it also opens up extraordinary dimensional doors of consciousness . The dream states are stronger in these special phases, and the altered states within the waking consciousness are also different. The pulse of thought, of the life force, varies in subtle but very significant ways. The windows of reality open, the horizons of being extend. Space-time changes briefly. The higher simultaneous states of time of the `` Eternal Now '' increase, allowing a truly embellished phase of multidimensional clarity.

You know that the sacred sites are planetary power nodes within vectors on Earth, embellished with a greater concentration of life force units (also called Akence Essence). shica or Adamantina). Eclipses emit a concentrated wave of waves of creative life force particles for a period of time. This energy bombardment can be sown with insertions of divine pattern thinking, as well as with the highest intention of mankind both consciously and unconsciously.

This energy will affect all of you at some level, in varying degrees, whether you realize it or not. But how they use it, consciously or unconsciously, will depend on their concentration, their knowledge and their light quotient.

Part of what is now happening and will happen in the combined energy of the mega-eclipse day of September 2015 will be a spontaneous involuntary release of overloaded emotional states in process.

Humanity incorporates unique characteristic feeling tones in the resonant vibratory field of an eclipse. Emotional tensions, such as extremes caused by the current "energy cocktail" on the planet, can be rolled back to a more normal level more easily. The eclipses carry an energy that can stabilize emotional imbalances, in the same way that the electromagnetism of certain latitudes and certain high heights provides balance to the human body and emotions.

Tyberonn's question: Are you saying that eclipses affect biology and human emotional states?

Archangel Metatron: Human biology, and certainly the mental and emotional fields, are under absolute influence of the environment. Your environment includes much more than what you consciously perceive, including gravitational waves, light frequencies, ionic rates and mineralogical vibrations of the planet. Your physical body has a cellular consciousness operating biologically, so that hormonal and biochemical balances are directly affected by the format and matrix of the planet's light. The eclipses have a direct impact on the human auric field because they project a differentiated light and are coded with conscious life force that enables a greater and higher interface with the higher dimensions of multidimensionality. Therefore, much is enabled during the 5-day window of influence of an eclipse, or during the elongated time of a triad of mega eclipses in tandem with the equinox.

To put it simply, the cells in your body respond to the embellished light and the life force in a similar way to the plants that from the shadow seek heliotropically to grow towards the sunlight. However, the effect is much deeper, it is not simply biological, it aligns the integral being and provides a prolific window towards the higher Self, a unique and specific window of the period of evolution of humanity and its light quotient.

The eclipses of the present (September 2015) are also frequently connected to the two total eclipses of March 20 and April 4 in the first part of this year 2015. The sometimes chaotic intensity of the current year will remain high, but whatever happens in September it will allow a necessary relief, something like a pressure release, and this release will be assisted by the maximum of Saturn's influx, the 7 meteoric events and the crystalline transformation that begins at the maximum saturation of November.

As we have already told you, the solstice and equinox nodes are programmable. The eclipses of 2015 logically are very highly coded. Much more than anyone who has experienced in the recent past. Such programming will continue, in order to format the Return of Light in 2038. Each of you should devote time on the dates of these eclipses to deepen within. They will discover an extraordinary opportunity to experience higher realities.

They will discover that dream states will be much more lucid, and an opportunity will be provided to resolve personal issues. But it is imperative that time be spent.

Because these openings are real, this is not folklore, it is gravitational. They are given an extraordinary opportunity to clear obstructions ... and those opportunities should be used optimally; Do not ignore or waste.

Because of its multiple effects, the lunar eclipse of September 27 and 28, 2015 is especially conducive to receiving and enabling new transitional codes, or as you say, updates. Eclipses were always openings in which energy frequencies can be inserted into their structure.

The joint (direct) alignment of the earth, the moon and the sun, which allows eclipses to occur, can occur four to seven times per year. The more eclipses, the greater the energy coding of a given year.

The next occasion for 7 eclipses to happen will be in 2038, and that is certainly significant. But what is happening in your present is also extremely important to prepare the changes, because the crystalline bio-transformation begins in the final quarter of 2015, and will reach its peak in November, with all the planets going direct in December 2015.

The total lunar eclipse of September 27/28, 2015 in the “super-full moon” coincides with retrograde Mercury, which is unusual, providing an extraordinary increase in inner psychic vision. But it is important to note that the level of clarity, in contrast to the level of misleading interpretation of this visionary opportunity, will depend on your individual auric integrity, the state of equilibrium and the ability to remain "anchored." Remember, Mercury is retrograde, so not only can communication errors and misunderstandings occur, but they can be exponentially amplified unless preventive maintenance is diligently applied. Think twice before speaking, and three times before entering a conflict.

Throughout your history lunar eclipses and full moons have been powerful energies, but they are double-edged swords; They cut both sides. If used with high intention, the amplified ecliptic energy can open the pineal and the senses of the chakras towards an extraordinary optimal psychic consciousness, giving magnified clarity and even greater lucidity to the search engines that maintain auric and mental balance. But for the unsuspecting mind, if you enter these amplified energies in states of depression, anxiety or imbalance, these will also be amplified.

So, in the intensity of that 5-day duration of the lunar eclipse frequency of September 2015, it is very important that you realize the relevance of the balance; if you do not, the energies that bathe the planet can be difficult to handle, and much more to use optimally. Attention and understanding is required. Otherwise, this can spiral downward to a time of regression towards depression and apathy.

If used wisely, these energies can be huge springboards towards clarity, spiritual growth and co-creation. But the amplification will be consistent with the mental state of each individual.

Therefore, those who are in the illusory will experience the illusory; those in clarity will experience extraordinary clarity. That is why the ancients always considered the equinoxes, solstices and eclipses as sacred events. Even in your current times many religions still consider these events as holy days. But achieving balance to maintain clarity is imperative.

Remember that the light received from the moon is reflected, while the sunlight is direct. During eclipses this difference is a key factor. Moonlight and patterns of the moon phases operate more in altered realms and dreamlike visions. Sunlight and solar frequency patterns have a greater influence on the life force and the co-creation of using embellished coherent energies to manifest. In the tandem combination of the eclipse duo, both must be understood to plan the activity accordingly.

I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are loved.

And so it is ... And it’s like that.

TRANSLATION: M. Cristina Cáffaro

AUTHOR: James Tyberonn


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