The Quantum Awakening of October 2008, by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

The State of Grace is its natural state of being. It is what they are naturally without all the instruments and dialogues of being too human. The State of Grace is what you were before coming to Earth. It is the point of reference in the middle of each incarnation. It is a place to rest in its light. It is a natural rhythm for you. It is the rhythm of the Creator that beats internally without resistance, with the delivery and flow of a waterfall. A state of grace says 'WE DELIVER', we do not try to fight with our karma or our past, our family, or disease. But we allow our natural divine essence to take us beyond human understanding to a point of reverence, to a point of sacredness, and to a point of sanctified and sacred humanity.

The state of grace says 'we the people of the Earth now allow the divinity in us to take us over the darkness, without going through it.' It is to allow your inner light the freedom to be in its natural state of being, freeing it from the pressures and decisions of being a human. It is back to its natural roots. Trust the universe and accept that anything that issues itself as an emotional decree, financial decree, energy decree, or personal decree, is issued by the divinity in you. In this state of grace, they will replace negativity and rest in their light. When you all release the burden that overwhelms you, that saddens you, and allows your internal cracks to heal, then you can focus on the journey back to love.

When you feel pressured by your world, focus immediately on what you love. Take that vibration of what you love (be it a flower, a song, a child, a puppy, a silly giggle, a smile, a memory) and place it on what saddens you, what hurts. Love will change the molecular content of the experience in which they are embedded. Change the molecules. What they see as a barrier and as negativity is nothing but a molecular essence that has not changed to the state of grace, for love.

You are the director and conductor of the concert of your life. Understand that love molecules can dissolve obstacles and move mountains. Nothing is impossible when you saturate it with the living energy of love. Call the energy of grace immediately to what saddens and hurts you. Give it to the divinity within you and the situation. Grace is a lighter energy and you will immediately feel an elevation. They are not avoiding doing their homework in that learning situation, rather they are invoking a molecular change through the essence of love in it.

Change everything that seems like an obstacle. When something angers you, immediately train yourself to think of something that brings you joy, something you love, and then refocus that energy on that situation and you will change it. They will tear down the walls of Jericho with the sound of his heart and the sound of love. It is your duty, it is your mission to maintain a love list. Everything that brings a smile to your face, everything that brings a laugh and a smile to your heart and everything that softens them. Keep a love list. Consult her when they are angry, when they are sad, when they are distressed. Change your life Invoke the state of grace in everything you go through daily. "Now I invoke the state of grace in this situation and now I ask that the molecules of love saturate it." They will feel animated, stop sinking in despair.

Everything in your life is designed of divinity and by divinity. It is a divine expression of a divine aspect of yourself that is asking to be healed, that is asking to be embraced, that is asking for love. Otherwise he would not be blocking his path. When you observe the sadness of your land and feel helpless to change it, think of something you love. They need a benchmark. They need to be reminded of what brought them love the last time they thought about it, the last time they experienced it.

When you change yourself, you change the outcome of what is before you. Your day should be a 24-hour state of grace. The state of grace says, “I trust what I have in front of me. I trust my choices. I trust God, I trust the world, I trust Mother Nature. ”What do they fear most? They fear people. What lives in people, but the essence of God? You do not trust divinity in them, which is only a hair away from divinity in you.

I am the one they know as Metatron. I observe the words of his world. I watch your thoughts. I am the subscriber of all verbal expressions. My presence will be seen and felt more frequently in the coming times. As you invoke the states of grace, also understand that within that molecular content of Grace is each molecule of Light. Just by using the word grace, saying grace, speaking grace, knowing someone called Grace, they invoke the presence of the Light.

Each time a heart opens, it is as if a million rainbows and a million roses were opened simultaneously. In their imagination they cannot understand how much love they can contain, how much love they are able to feel. They are still very afraid of the feeling of love. The love that is on Earth is very little compared to the rest of the Universe. On a scale of 1 to 100, the love that is on Earth is still below 0. Believe it or not, you are just entering into an accounting and measurable essence of love.

I, like all light and all beings of light, are with you continuously. We are one. Their hearts are small and tender. Some of them are withered. But we hold them like a little bird that has fallen from the nest of life. We will feed them and bring them back to the fullness of love. I'm going.

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Each of you has entered a ladder of search, of questioning, of wondering what is the next step of your trip, of your heart, of your mission. They are at the top of the stairs to heaven, but it does not connect with anything they can feel or see. The desires of his heart reside above the patterns of mass consciousness and manifestations of the masses. By seeking in your upper heart the highest truths, the superior lights and the highest loves, you also reach higher creative abilities. These manifestations reside in the invisible. They are only visible in your mind, in your heart and in your dreams. But they are not visible in your physical world.

They are asked to put all their desires, their shortcomings and their needs in an invisible future. There are very few who really know without a doubt that the invisible will manifest itself according to how deeply, how strongly, how powerfully they believe. You cannot see your future because your future does not reside here on Earth. It hasn't arrived yet. It has not manifested. You anticipated your creations. In this there is a great frustration, because they feel completely alone in their creations. It's like baking a cake from the mixture that comes in a box without instructions, putting it in an invisible oven and turning on a timer that does not exist.

Each one of you has your personal vision of invisibility. Every great person that has existed on this planet has had that vision in a place of invisibility. First they imagined her, then they accepted her, and then they loved her until the invisible became reality. It did not come by any divine decree. It came to manifest through the hearts, desires and desires of those who invoked it into existence.

You are responsible for creating the invisible dream that lives in your heart. They hold him as one who holds a little bird in his hands, comforting him, giving him heat, feeding him. They are constantly giving birth to what they need and what they want. Most people give up before it manifests; the same day the birth is to be announced, they give up, stop and walk away. Do you think who will notice? Who cares? Everything in life you notice and all life matters! The whole Earth was ready to welcome that manifestation that they created with so much love and that germinated inside their hearts and aborted so inconsiderately before it was born.

Trust the seeds you have sown. You must trust that what your soul craves is true and will come and be born. The Creator cannot and can never retain or take anything from him. They are given full dominion over the Earth. You are the ones who will give light to the future. When they see a need, fill it. At that moment of time the universe is telling you: Help me to give birth to this. Help God to enlighten it simply by holding the vision long enough for it to manifest itself.

Each of you is continually asked to help give birth to a better future, a better Earth, only with your thoughts. Hold the vision of goodness for your world, not just for your own creations. Whenever you have the opportunity to sow in someone's thinking, give them the gift of what they know is truth and hope. Hold that gift long enough for it to be born. Never give up on others. They don't laugh at their dreams or throw them in the wind because sometimes a person's dreams are their only reason to live. Help give birth to dreams, desires and make the invisible visible.

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As they move toward the culmination door, the yearning for what they once wanted will change forever. Because in the recognition of fullness there are no needs, there are no desires, there are no shortcomings. Everything is filled automatically by its corresponding parts of fullness. As they are in everything they once were and in everything they are meant to be, they reach a climatic point of reference. They look back at their lives and think and reflect, was all that necessary to be able to become who I am naturally? Wouldn't he have been able to reach the natural state without stress, tensions, groans, pains and wounds? The answer they hear so thoughtfully in the background of their thinking is No!

You needed to walk the ladder of experience to get to the roof of yourself, to be able to see over the hills and valleys that you once thought you needed to experience. They enter a place of elegant emptiness. A place where they have completely emptied of what they thought they should do, what they should be. It is a place that you don't need to fill with any yearning. Because in the emptiness of everything they are, there is such fullness and culmination that nothing will impede their progress. Only by emptying a glass do they experience their full potential. When something is full and complete, the next step is to empty it, and then fill it, and then empty it again.

Light defines itself fully as light. Just because they ask for the light to enter your life does not mean that it is a holy light or a sacred light. The vibrations of all substance reside with their genetic imprint in the house of light. Light contains the original blueprint of all things that are born in all shades of light. The light comes in more shades, then in colors. Think of the times you tried to match white with white or black with black, clothes or paint. There are thousands of shades of white and there are thousands of intensities of black.

On this planet of duality, they are given the task of dissecting the light and dark and gray matter of their life. 2008 has issued a carra of white lies demarcating a gray area, sometimes dark. As it is an election year, many speak with the Viperine language, whether their intention or not. They go down the lanes and do not verbally commit to any ideology.

Humanity tends to remain near the edges of light and darkness, mounted on the sharp fence of that particular creation. Mankind has now been asked to do the cosmic washing and swim through all the dull whites and dive deep into all the dark ones, the grays and the blacks without leaving whiter or darker than when they originally entered. You should not do the washing or become the washing factor. In other words, they must enter fully into their life experience, without judging the many shades of white / light, nor judging the many shades of gray or shadow. Just observe the tones and nuances that have always existed, but have not seen.

Do not look at those who wear dark robes of wolves in a sheep world as something that is against the light. Rather look closely, for they also embody what is needed to explain the earthly experience. As you walk through the corridor of light, you will taste from the purest light to the darkest darkness. All of you, as Creative Vortices will become the translators of light and black and gray and beige. This translation should not be done by accusing, but in a new awareness and understanding that serves a higher process.

It would be a very tasteless world if everything were vanilla. The stony of their life experience has served them well. The ups and downs of those who know they are, have brought the character lines of their heart. Walking the path of poverty and prosperity has given them the point of view of both the beggar and the prince, and therefore, it has seasoned them well. So stand in this Creative Vortex knowing that everything is perfect. Knowing that all the right ones will hurt themselves and all the mistakes will correct themselves, as they see the players and the game cheer up more and more in the coming months. Remain on the chess board of this experience, extending and encompassing all roles. We are the Council of Light, all the dyes of light.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee

EMAIL # 2 (in case the other one doesn't work)

Translation: Margarita López
Edition: Susana Peralta
Official site of The Quantum Awakening in Spanish:

A Thought, A Way of Life,
A Website and a Global Electronic Bulletin
Created, Channeled, Published and Registered with love
by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


*** Passing Above Fear Towards the 51st State of Grace
*** Holding the Vision on a Cloudy Human Day
*** In the Recognition of Penality there are no Needs
*** Journey of the Heart
*** You will see it when you finally believe it

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