The Divine Mother: Love Your True Me

  • 2015

I am the Divine Mother. I come in the name of Love.

I am right in front of you. I'm taking you out of your hidden places. I am taking you out of your heart. I am taking you out of the interior of your life. I am taking you out with my love. I want you to know what it feels like to experience my love. I want you to know what it feels like to experience my life. I want you to drop all the facades, all the reserves, that is; Everything that represses your expression. I want you to drop the fear of yourself, the fear for the power that you have, and that is your Trust.

You are entering into me. My love is drawing you to me. Soften all your parts. Trust me. And if you're scared, break the fear. Most people are afraid of love, but love is what most want. What they love most is what they fear most.

I am looking for you (each one of you). And I am seeing you through facades, barriers, walls, fear and pain. I am seeing the real you, the innocent, the beautiful, the powerful, the intelligent, the awake. I love what I see. I love you.
About the Ascension

Published on June 1, 2015.

Ascension is all about love. The energy of love is not completely understood on this planet, but I am getting them to understand it better there. I am going to move you to a greater understanding of what love really is. I have to bring light to the cells, I bring love to your cells. The cells are joined in a beautiful unit unit; so that they are no longer working separately.

All of them are operating together and their physical transformation occurs in this unit of cellular activity. Beautiful, it is very beautiful, and the change takes place, the Ascension takes place, and everything is empowered, all in your physical body, and in the subtle frequencies of light, and at the atomic levels, but the Ascension goes far beyond the atomic level; It is part of the Totality of the universal activity. So all these levels are unified and integrated on a universal scale. Then your life becomes a universal life, in which you serve the supreme good of the universe, no matter where you are, if you are here on earth or elsewhere, the supreme good of the universe is being served by you. You are consciously serving the supreme good of the universe and with much love.

This is a beautiful life for you. Now it reaches the heart. Softens in the heart. It is the heart that reveals the beauty of life. It is the heart that responds to the majesty of creation. Enter the heart. The sense of the Divine is something immovable that is difficult to describe and yet there is constant learning in it; a constant expansion that makes life interesting.

Be grateful for all the good things that happen to you. Be grateful when someone is telling you: "Good morning, " or someone stopping their car so you can cross the street, or when someone gives you a chance or advice that could be something beautiful. The environment wants to help you. I want to help you. When I assist you, all my helpers are collaborating angels, and beings of nature who are quick to help you, so be grateful to them. They shine with your gratitude. You are a divine being, learning to be yourself and in this process, you are transforming. I'm pushing you to know more about everything you are capable of being. Your consciousness is changing, your heart is healing. I am guiding you. Take my hand. I love you.

You are a divine being who lives in a physical form, and you are radiant with light. The spark of the divine essence is expanding strongly through your physical form. Trust your divine nature. Trust the truth of who you are. I am the Divine Mother. We are moving together. I want to help you in whatever way you are moving through this experience on the Earth plane. You are moving through a dynamic transformation, which is truly an Ascension. We are moving together, with joy along the path of love. I am teaching you all about Love. The path of love is the most powerful in Ascension, it is more powerful than any other path in the universe. I want you to know me intimately, I'm inside you, so let me join you. Uniform with me to return home, to live with me in my house. I am healing you with my unconditional love.

Your attention in the Light develops your ability to perceive the Light in the subtle planes. When you focus your attention on the Divine Light, you are focusing on something subtle, something more abstract. The Divine Light exists. You are used to having your attention out, focused on the things that are outside of you. Now we are teaching to focus on the interior and the Divine Mother.

Love is our nature and we will use our love to transform others. Love does not run and hides. Love finds solutions to any challenge. The solutions are here, you just have to look for them in the heart. With the eyes of your heart, you will see the solutions.

What you are doing is that you are constantly falling into the Infinite. The pure and unlimited Being that you are, is deposited in that. I am the heart of Love. My love will heal you. So everything that worries you or fear or sadness, you give it to me, you tell me about it. We have to get into conversation. The next step is to trust that the Infinite can do everything for you. Let the Infinite do everything for you. If your trust and faith are very deep, you move the activities of the universe to you. I will give you a new confidence, so that you can rise above everything that happens to you. So that he can become great and bring joy, peace, goodness to a much greater level than you have known so far.

If you say:

I love you Divine Mother, and wherever you are watching me, you will feel me. Practice this. At any time during the day or night, you can say those words or think about them and then tell me what happens.

I am supporting you all the time. I am the presence within which you operate. When you put your attention on me, you realize that you are operating in a safe field of love, and that you are safe in the field that is always around you, supported ndote in your expansion, serving as a guide, and healing.

The wave of love is increasing in this terrestrial plane of humanity. It's about reaching the crest of the wave. Help raise love as high as possible. Do not repress your heart. Let it flow, let it expand. The energy that love creates is unstoppable.

Let me love you, the display of the answers in your heart. Love is our way. Love is always our way. Keep coming to the depth of your heart. We will find the answers together. Practice trust and keep letting go.

I want you to accept who you are, full of light, whole, radiant, powerful in your Totality, powerful in your union with me. Trust yourself, that you are a divine being. You are full of light, you are full of love. You are here to receive more light and love. I am the Divine Mother. I am the Divine Mother. Let go, let yourself fall into me. It's hard to let go, if you don't trust that you're going to be safe, I'm going to keep you safe.

You are Divine Beings of Love who are learning to live from your heart. You are learning to allow the intelligence of your heart to unite with the wisdom that lies deep of their being and they are learning to embrace the intelligence of the mind to unify it with the heart and make it bigger again. You are becoming a bigger, more expanded, knowledgeable and bright person. You are opening to the Truth of Love. I am making sure you do. So don't worry, you don't have to do anything, just be with me, let me show you, I'm going to guide you. I attend them personally. They are being served directly by the Mother of the Universe. Soften all your parts and receive my love. Thank you thank you thank you. They are beautiful.

The messenger is Connie Hueber
The transcript is from Susannah
Posted on June 5, 2015

The Divine Mother: Love Your True Me

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