The Council of the Twelve: "Take advantage of the opportunities of 2012

  • 2012

The year 2012 will be full of opportunities and options that they did not have before. After all, you are living the most radical paradigm of change on the planet to date. This means that those changes - and others that began to be sown a long time ago - are beginning to take shape, one after the other.

Parts of the birth process can be damaged. Some dreams that have value to you will arouse the anger of other people who have different points of view. Sometimes you will doubt that you can keep up with the dance of change, other times you will feel like what you want takes forever to materialize.

The following are some tips to move through this year in the highest possible way and to benefit from all opportunities.

Five tips to get the most out of the Opportunities of 2012

Divine Time If there was ever a year to get in sync with the divine time, this is what it is. Do not doubt your ability to connect with divine time. After all, this is a natural ability that anyone can learn to master. Also, being alive now is proof that you, as a soul, chose this time for things to go well! To benefit more from this auspicious year, invite your high wisdom to guide the timing of your actions and highlight the things that need a quick action. Example: you hear about a social gathering and you feel tired at night to go and attend. Your intuition pushes you to go anyway, and in doing so, you meet someone who is visiting from another city. This person, who you probably wouldn't have met in any other way, becomes a great friend and new business partner. New doors open for you as a result of paying attention to your inner voice and at the time of what to do and when to do it.

Changes Learn to make friends with change. You lose power when you fear change, as you passively resist change, or actively fight against change. These responses to change will delay your progress, which totally prevents your light. Accept that the change is going to happen around you, and it will affect you and all your loved ones. In recent years they have had an idea of ​​what this means in practice. Now, in 2012, with the massive turmoil taking place, it will have to be in your power as you move through the changes. The power referred to here is the divine power, and not that based on the ego of power, that power is to access to connect with your divine being and your heart. When you express your divine power in the midst of this revolutionary change, set a positive example for others and yourself and help initiate the necessary transformation in the world.

Question everything you hear - You should be very vigilant to avoid being absorbed by the whirlwind of others' ideas about what is happening in this crucial year. In fact, there will be a lot of ideas about what is really going on, who is to blame and why you should worry. Stay awake when listening to predictions, comments about the state of the world and opinions of your friends. Invite your inner wisdom to show you the truth and help you remember to question everything you hear. You cannot afford to ride an autopilot now. Ask regularly. Question your own questions, too. Go as deeply as necessary in order to discern your own truth.

Monitor your thoughts - Put things in perspective - not everything is a big deal. You live in a moment where the game of opposites is amplified. It will be common to see people hesitant between placing obsessive attention on what is wrong and continuing to fantasize about the future. If you discover that you are doing this, pay attention to the present and have your spiritual focus on earth. Do not let fears and doubts influence your future actions. Remember this: on the other side of despair there is hope, on the other side of distrust is trust. Invite your spirit to connect you with confidence in your ability to face the unknown of 2012. Decide today that you will have hope this year. After all, it's your year to shine!

Remember why you came - You are alive now to help create a more loving world. Remember this when you encounter hate and prejudice. These answers come from the lack of knowledge and a consciousness based on fear. Humanity has been so asleep for so long and so full of fear that the change to love is going to take time. You are here, as a maker of divine change, to be at the forefront of this change. You are at the forefront now, helping others see a more loving way of living. During 2012 there is a mega-revolution that will take place across the planet. It is unique in these times because humanity is waking up in its own transformation process and waking up to the need to change. Your role is to harness the positive potential of this revolution so that you can help in the creation of a world full of love. Just do it, not only because you are coded to do it, but to demonstrate it with daily actions.

As the journey of discovery of your divine nature continues, we surround you with our love and blessings.

We are the Council of 12

January 7, 2012 - Channeler: Selacia
Copyright 2012 by Selacia * All rights reserved *
Through / thanks to Gilian for the link in this article.

Translation: Claudio Alvarez

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