The Buddha, the Christ and the Wesak Festival

Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul (DK) in the last century acted as spokesperson for the Planetary White Lodge and through the so-called Blue Books gave much information to Humanity, so much ... that it takes many years to read it and much more assimilate it. The book Treatise on Cosmic Fire, for example, has 1, 000 pages and is not only extensive but also usually abstruse, because the Master makes analogies between the Cosmic level, the level of the Solar System, the level of a Planet, the level of a human being and the level of an atom. Among so many analogies the student usually gets lost and the book is left for "later" (the one who persists in his study will surely achieve a great expansion of consciousness). In general, the esoteric study is continued with the smaller Blue Books that are usually more understandable, which is a wise measure. Notwithstanding that, there are parts of the Cosmic Fire Treaty that are very assimilable and quite concrete. Of those, we rescue a paragraph that has to do with the title of this article and can be read in context from page 604 until the beginning of 609.

Some clarifications will help to read the excerpt from the book:

Bodhisattva is the term that is applied to designate the Instructor of the World, position or position of planetary service currently performed by that Grand Master known as Christ or Lord Maitreya (has other names also in other spiritual traditions).

The Tibetan Master has said that when they make prophecies they do it because they “see” what is going to happen, but that the dates tend to run and are not accurate because it depends largely on the choices made by humanity and this cannot be foreseen . Regarding the Reappearance of Christ, Vicente Beltrán Anglada has said that this event that was expected at the end of the 20th century has been postponed until more favorable conditions are given. See in this regard his article The Triple Hierarchical Project. Keep this in mind when reading accurate dates.

Chela is a synonym for a disciple and we are all disciples in some degree of progress, from the one who placed the first step on the path to the Christ who is a disciple of the Lord of the World.

In the Treatise on Cosmic Fire you can read:

“The mystery of the Bodhisattvas has been addressed by HP Blavatsky, and until the students have assimilated and studied what she has said, nothing else can be added. Capturing the truth is a factor that always deserves a new revelation.

A very interesting period will take place near the year 1966, and will persist until the end of the century (the book was published in 1925); by then the Great Beings are already preparing. It concerns the effort made every hundred years by the Lodge and the Characters that belong to it. In each century the Lodge makes an effort in a certain line of force, in order to carry forward the ends of evolution; the effort they will make in the twentieth century will be larger than that made for a long time and will encompass a number of Great Beings. HPB and countless chelas intervened in a similar effort during the 19th century; the one to be carried out in the immediate future will involve several of the Great Beings and the Same Teacher of Teachers (the Christ); Now we could refer to three of the different methods mentioned above, which will be applied for His advent.

In the appearance of the Bodhisattva Himself, the mystery of the Bodhisattva will be evidenced in its fullest meaning, and it is not for us to extend here about it. Suffice it to say that the garments of the GREAT BEING will be used, but time will show whether the coming Lord will clothe them with a physical vehicle in that particular event, or if the astral plane will be the field of His activity. If the student reflects on the consequences of appropriating them, much light will be shed on the probable events. The clothes act with dual capacity:

to. Being excessively magnetized, they have, therefore, a profound and powerful effect.

b. By acting as a focal point for the Lord Buddha's strength and establishing a bond with the Lord who is coming, they will allow Him to increase His own wonderful resources, drawing them out of even greater centers of strength, through the Lord Buddha.

This force will be expressed on the astral plane, producing vast results of a reassuring nature, bringing, by reflex action, peace on earth. The transmutation of desire into aspiration and the transformation of inferior desire into superior will constitute some of the effects, while the result of the flowing force will produce great reactions in the devic inhabitants of that plane. Through the vibration thus initiated, many will have the opportunity (that they would not have otherwise) to receive the First Initiation. Then, at the end of the major cycle, the next Avatar will reuse clothing and all that it implies, and will take a physical body, thus demonstrating on the physical plane the strength of the Logos when applying the Law. When He comes at the end of this century and make His power felt, He will do it as Instructor of Love and Unity, and His tonic will be regenerating through love. Because he will act primarily on the astral plane, His work will manifest on the physical plane, establishing active groups in every city, large or small, and in every country, who will work intensely to achieve unity, collaboration and fraternity in all the sectors of life - economic, religious, social and scientific.

These groups will obtain results that are impossible to achieve now, due to the retention of the warlike force, but later this force will be released on the earth through the Great Lord., which will act as an aspect of the Logos and a focal point for the consciousness and energy of the Buddha.

This is the imminent probability that is taken into account when the Wesak Festival is held annually for a century. It would be convenient for students to support the aims of the hidden Hierarchy by concentrating in a similar way, during the festival period, thus initiating mental currents of great attraction. n, in the hidden sense of this term.

An indication of the proximity of this event will be the option that will begin during the next twenty-five years against extreme crime, Sovietism and radicalism, which They are currently being employed by certain powers to achieve objectives contrary to the Lord's plans. The era of peace will be inaugurated, bringing together the forces that sponsor construction and progress, and consciously and deliberately gathering the groups that personify in each country (as far as it can be visualized. ) the principle of the Fraternity. Stay tuned for the signs of the times, and don't be discouraged by the immediate future. The apparition of the Great Lord, the Christ, on the astral plane (whether or not followed by His physical incarnation) will take place when a certain Wesak Festival is celebrated, in which the Buddha will pronounce a m ntram (known only to those who are about to receive the seventh Initiation), releasing that force that will allow His great Brother, the Christ, fulfill your mission. That is why it would be convenient for the Wesak Festival and its true meaning to be known gradually in the West, thus offering the opportunity to all those who are willing to place themselves on the line. Line of this force, in order to be vitalized by it and prepared to serve. The aforementioned reaction will also occur due to the pressure exerted by today's children, many of them are chelas and some initiated. They have come to prepare the path that His Feet must travel.

When the time comes (five years before the date of His descent) they will be found fully fulfilling their service and knowing what their work is, even if they ignore what the future holds.

When the time comes, there will be cases (although there have already been some) in which the action of this influence will be observed, manifesting itself in three ways. In all the nations of the East and West there will be prepared disciples and highly evolved men and women performing their task in the assigned lines, occupying prominent positions, which will allow them reach the many; they will also have bodies pure enough to exert influence. This will only be possible in those who have consecrated themselves from childhood or have served the race throughout their lives or, because of the karma generated in previous lives, have acquired that right. This triple way of influencing will manifest:

First. Plasmando in the physical brain of man ideas, work projects, ideals and intentions that (although emanating from the Avatar) will be considered however as their own, who will execute them unconsciously helped by the strength that flows. This literally constitutes a form of higher mental telepathy, acting on physical levels.

Second. Influencing the chela while performing his work (through lectures, writings and teachings), and lighting it to serve. He will be aware of this although unable to explain it; inspired by His Lord, he will try to be more and more willing to serve, offering himself with total disinterest. This will take effect through the soul of the chela, the force that flows through its permanent astral atom, being only possible when the fifth petal has been opened.

Third. Consciously collaborating in this third method of influencing, the chela will offer himself (with full knowledge of the laws of his being and his nature), and will abandon and surrender his physical body to the Great Lord or one of His Masters. This is only possible when the chela has aligned its lower bodies, although it must still develop the sixth petal. By an act of conscious will he delivers his body and stays apart for a certain time.

These methods of exerting influence will be used mainly by the Great Lord (the Christ) and His Masters at the end of the century and, for this reason, in all countries embody disciples who have the opportunity to respond to the need of humanity. Hence the urgency of training men and women in order to scientifically recognize higher psychism, true inspiration and mediumship. Within fifty years, the need for true psychics and conscious mediums (such as HPB for example) will be very great, if the Master's plans are brought to fruition and the movement of preparation for the advent of the One to whom all nations await begins . Many must play their part in this task whenever they have the necessary perseverance.

Logically, the first group will be the most numerous because it does not need to possess much knowledge, but it implies greater danger than the other two - danger of misrepresenting the plans and a disaster occurring to the entity involved. The second group will be less numerous, and the last will consist of only a handful or two or three in certain countries. In this case, it will be true that, by sacrifice, the Son of man will again travel the paths of men, and His physical incarnation will be a fact. Very few will be at His disposal because the strength that He possesses requires a particularly flexible instrument, but proper preparation is already being made.

Also some Masters and initiates will use the method of direct incarnation by the process of:

to. The physical birth

b. The appropriation of a suitable vehicle or body.

C. Direct creation by an act of will. This will be very rare.

The second method, or intermediate, will be the most frequently used. Six Masters, whose names are completely unknown to the current occult student, have physically incarnated - one in India, another in England, two in North America and one in Central Europe, while another has made a great sacrifice and taken a body. Russian in the desire to act as a center of peace in that deviant country. Certain initiates of the third Initiation have taken feminine bodies - one in India, which in due time will do much to emancipate the women of India, while another has a peculiar work linked to the animal kingdom, and is also waiting for the day of His appearance.

The Master Jesus will take a physical vehicle and, with some of His chelas, will carry out the respiritualization of the Catholic church, breaking down the barrier that separates the Episcopal and Greek churches from the Roman. If the plans progress, as expected, this may happen around 1980. Master Hilarion will also come and become a focal point of buddhic energy in the vast spiritualist movement, while another Master is working on the movement of the Christian Science in order to induce it to adopt stronger lines. It is interesting to note that these movements have placed a strong emphasis on the heart or love aspect, therefore, they will be able to respond more quickly to the force that will flow during the advent, than the other movements considered very advanced.

The "mind can kill" the recognition of the Real, because hatred between brothers moves away the current of the force of love. The three Masters, closely linked to the theosophical movement, are already making His preparations and will also act among men, recognized by His followers and by those who have eyes to see. Those chelas who are subject to the necessary discipline will be offered the opportunity to work on the astral plane and, if they choose, to incarnate immediately, provided they have achieved continuity of consciousness. The Master known as DK plans to restore - through His students - some of the ancient and hidden methods of healing, and also point out:

to. the place of the etheric body,

b. the effect produced by pranic force,

C. the development of the etheric vision.

Nothing else can be said about the plans of the Great Beings. Its appearance will not be simultaneous, as the peoples could not resist the enormously increased influx of force; the recognition of the Masters and their methods will depend on the intuition and training of the inner senses. No herald will announce them, and only His works will proclaim them. ”

Source: Treaty on Cosmic Fire, p. 604/609.

- Viewed in: Arcane Wisdom

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