We must be prepared for a rapid global change ", by Drunvalo Melchizedek

  • 2013

"Dear friends:

We are about to enter a window of time that has no name - but that is located within the Mayan window of the END OF TIME that was connected with December 21, 2012 - and will end in approximately three years.

This window starts on February 18, 2013 and will continue for three and a half months until June 2, 2013. However, it could last until the end of August if circumstances change.

I consider it relevant to know this important period and what it could mean for you.

The window was created for three reasons; let me explain.

First, the Mayans predicted a long time ago that if they were to choose the moment when the shift from the male consciousness to the female consciousness would begin, they would choose the dates February 18/19, 2013. I wrote about this a long time ago; the Mayans visualize it as a dawn that with each day is brighter and brighter.

Simultaneously, they confirmed their uncertainty since Mother Earth is the one who decides exactly when the Mayan Prophecy begins.

What the Maya have told me about February 18, 2013 is that it is about the moment when the energy inside Mother Earth begins to flow under a new pattern. I doubt you feel this in your daily life; However, the Maya claim that it is an important moment in human history. On the other hand, NASA issued a public warning a year and a half or two years ago about solar eruptions. It was a terrible prediction; It will take a bit to explain.

In the year 2000, we experienced the fright of the Y2K: that is, if the calendars of computers around the world were not repaired to read "2000", they would all stop working at the time of the arrival of that year. I am sure that most of you remember these events well.

Thus, governments around the world were scared. The predictions were extravagant but accurate. If computers worldwide had stopped working, we would not have met much of our material needs and life on Earth would have been challenged as such.

Then, a Frenchman saved the world by creating a software program that corrected dates on computers, allowing them to function in the 21st century.

With the passage of time, the world continued to depend on computerized systems and today all aspects of our lives are controlled by them. Everything that comes to us such as water, food, electricity, gasoline, medicine, etc., is controlled by computers.

If the computers stopped working today, the consequences of the experience would be much greater than they would have been in the year 2000.

It has been analyzed that if the Internet fell permanently, hundreds of millions of people would die in months, simply due to lack of water or food.

NASA predicted that during the height of Solar Cycle 24, which we will enter very soon, all computer memories could be erased, except for hard drives, DVDs etc. that are in Faraday Cages, where they would be protected from external electromagnetic fields and radiation. If these memory disks were erased, all our electrical mesh around the world would fail. The world would fall into darkness and everything else would stop. NASA has calculated that this could happen close to the solar cycle boom, between February and August 2013 and could last between one and nine months; It would be a huge human disaster.

England did not believe in NASA reports and conducted its own investigation; Shortly after they responded by stating that they agreed with NASA. Red flags were raised around the world and governments are currently preparing to face this possibility.

Russia presented an even more terrible scenario that extended beyond the NASA forecast. Read about it in the last book, The Mayan Ouroboros.

We did not learn from our past mistakes with the Y2K. We should have slowed our dependence on computerized systems until we knew it was really safe; However, we don't even look back. We decided to expand our use of computer technology as quickly as possible. The world quickly forgot how vulnerable we are with computers and solar flares.

There is a third concern related to this same period of time; Earth's geomagnetic field is about to change its polarity from North to South and the effects for the human race. This theme is also included in The Mayan Ouroboros. It is totally necessary to understand both scenarios, and both are within the window that we will enter in a few days, on February 18.

The reversal of this geomagnetic field is more worrying for human life than anything we can remember, including all wars since World War I.

Why would you suggest closing the window on June 2, 2013 and not later in August? In the government program of the 1990s, a team of expert psychics who used their extrasensory perceptions informed the United States military that something huge would happen on Earth. They began an investigation visualizing the future and on June 1, 2013 they perceived that the Earth was already damaged. Thus, what would have happened happened BEFORE June 2, 2013. If this information is incorrect, then we must be careful until the end of Solar Cycle 24. In any case, it seems that the year 2013 will be one of dramatic changes.

I am not here to create fear; It is not my purpose. I am here to raise awareness about the events that are happening; As citizens of the Earth we must know these global transition events to be prepared and not surprised.

From a Mayan point of view, we must be ready to ascend at any time over the next three years or so. This means staying in meditation, keeping your heart as light as a feather and interconnected with the brain.

Now the question is what can we do to prepare for rapid global change and for simultaneous ascension? In my meditations it is clear that I must give instructions so that you can make this change within you and ascend to higher levels of Earth consciousness. I will do everything I can for you.

Very soon, I wait before the end of the month, we will issue special instructions for those who know the Mer-Ka-Ba, either synthetic (Flower of Life) or natural (Awakening the Illuminated Heart), about the exact way in which they can pass from the third dimension of the Earth to the fourth dimension of the Earth. This knowledge will be useful only for those who have been practicing one of these forms of meditation. It is the missing knowledge that millions of you have been waiting for years.

For the rest, they need to update as fast as they can. To support new people who are learning this meditation, we will create a series of lessons that will be available on the Internet. If you wish to accelerate your understanding and practice, you can attend The School of RememberingTM. There they will have full access to a global school with certified teachers in different countries and in several languages, all willing to serve you.

Trust yourself; You will know what to do.

Our film studio, One Lotus Studio, is almost ready. However, as we complete it, we will share information with you in any way we can.

Dear friends, we are about to enter a period where you must necessarily be awake and prepare for internal and external transformations that will change your life forever.

Please remember, if we successfully pass through the window of the Great Change, we will still remain in the period of the Mayan prophecy until the beginning of 2016. The critical period of rapid changes end when we see a Red Star in the sky. At that time we will enter the change called Order and Harmony.

With great love for you I promise - with the help of God - to support you.

From my heart, Drunvalo


Facilitated by Abjini Arr iz www.portalterraluz.com www.abjiniarraiz.com

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