Heal thyroid naturally

  • 2014

What are the glands?

This name refers to all the organs that produce a liquid (secretion). We have the salivary glands, which produce saliva, the liver that produces bile; the lachrymal that produce tears, that of the genital organs and those that cover the mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines and skin.

One of the most important functions of the glands is to destroy and eliminate foreign substances, as does the liver that filters the product of digestion, retaining its impurities and expelling them through the bile, so it is with other organs. Glandular secretions constitute one of the most admirable defenses of the organism and through them the body performs its purification.

Drugs, serums, vaccines, medications in general, chemicalized food, sedentary lifestyle, electromagnetic and environmental pollution, self-withdrawal, stress, weaken the normal work of these organs that defend organic life.

Thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is located in the anterior part of the neck; Thyroid gland hormones regulate the metabolism of all body cells.

We call all the physical and chemical processes of the body that generate and use energy, such as:

• Food and nutrient digestion

• Disposal of waste through urine and feces

• Breathing

• Blood circulation

• Temperature regulation

Hypothyroidism is a disorder that manifests from a deficiency of thyroid hormone in the body and occurs when the thyroid gland does not secrete enough thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

T4 regulates essential functions, such as heart rate, digestion, physical growth and mental development.

The hypothyroid ism and its symptoms

Hypothyroidism is manifested by weakness, fatigue, hypersensitivity to cold, swelling of the face and limbs, paleness, dejection, sadness, apathy, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, edema due to poor circulation, loss of libido, heavy menstrual bleeding and cycles. Short menstrual periods from the last period to the next, decreased intelligence, hair loss, dry skin, brittle nails, depression, stiff joints, constipation, hypertension, overweight, nutritional arrest and development.

The way of life in relation to hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism, is among many others, one of the diseases considered of the time, While like hyperthyroidism refers to a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, we refer to it in particular by the fact of being more common today and being suffered by a high number of people.

In those who approach our consultations, it is very common that a high percentage are medicated with medications, mostly prescribed, for life, to mitigate the symptoms of hypothyroidism. This is worrisome and has been the reason why we have decided to investigate.

When a person lives in constant imbalance, product of a high level of demand, of stress, disconnected from the primary sources of life (water, pure air, earth, fire, sun), of their bodily sensations, of their sexuality, of their love ties, carrying out a non-rewarding work task, which only implies receiving economic support, it is obvious that this has to generate a dysfunction, not only in the thyroid but in all its glands and bodily functions.

While it is true that the symptoms of hypothyroidism refer to uncomfortable ailments to cope with and need to be addressed, measurements regarding their irregularity and the amount of thyroid hormone present have become a constant in medical consultations, when in truth the symptoms of Hypothyroidism may be due to factors that have to do with the overall imbalance of the person.

On the other hand it is logical that against an unbalanced way of living the thyroid, as well as many other bodily functions, glands in general, organs and the nervous system, are in a state of significant irregularity.

If surely if the state of the pineal or pituitary gland or the kidney and others were measured, imbalances would also be found.

It is worrying to see that a person who has a hard time losing weight due to poor diet, life disorders, important addictions (sweets, farinaceous, soda, caffeine, alcohol), the product of a sedentary life, where there is almost no movement, due also to having armed a shell of fat to numb and not be in contact with the world, with life, be medicated for life against hypothyroidism, claiming that dysfunction Thyroid n is the cause of your obesity.

The same thing happens with a person who loses his hair or has his brittle nails, whose cause could be a poor absorption of nutrients, a hepatic or intestinal malfunction and so many other irregularities

The doctor when seeing these symptoms and with the corresponding analyzes diagnoses hypothyroidism because the measures of T3 and T4 do not correspond with the correct indexes.

The corresponding drug is prescribed for life, without perceiving that the symptoms that the patient presents and the loss of T3 and T4 form part of a general picture, stress, devitalization, denergetization, lowered of the immune system, as a result of a wrong way of life, of a disconnection of the person with the natural sources of life and fundamentally with himself.

In this context, the thyroid acts dysfunctionally and the doctor's function would be to help the person find their general psychophysical balance, teaching him to live, to understand the importance in the change of life habits and in the underlying motive of the disease, obviously helping to regulate the thyroid, but not only this one but also all the bodily and emotional functions.

If this happens, there will be no need to medicate for life, since in addition these medications generate severe liver problems that also prevent finding one's balance.

Doctors, in general, act fragmentaryly, seeing only the dysfunction of an organ or gland, without perceiving that the human being is a totality of systems, functions, feelings, thoughts, emotions.

This totality also implies interconnection with the surrounding environment.

Therefore, the disease or imbalance cannot be resolved without seeing the individual holistically.


According to Dr. Eduardo Alfonso, in his book: Course of Natural Medicine :

The production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland depends on many factors, many of which, as we have noted above have to do, fundamentally with lifestyle.

Thyroid hormones are composed of iodine and the amino acid tyrosine. A lack of iodine leads to the development of goiter, that is, of an increased thyroid gland. A decrease in the level of iodine in the diet and in the blood is the cause of the thyroid gland cells reaching a fairly large size due to stimulation of the pituitary gland.

In turn, the pituitary gland or pituitary gland, whose secretion is determined by phosphorus, as a primary element, produces thyroid congestion. The pituitary in turn awakens the function of the pineal gland.

The pituitary increases its activity with mental effort, leading, in turn, its own vibrations to wake the pineal.

These two pineal and pituitary glands are receiving and emitting antennas of mental vibration, for which positive (constructive) or negative (destructive) thoughts are emitted or received.

On the other hand, these glands are the organs where the highest intellectual operations of the human being are manifested, as Descartes already sensed, saying that the pineal is the seat of the soul.

The pineal is characterized by the classic third eye of mythological cyclops.

The functioning of the pineohypophyseal apparatus (ie pineal and pituitary or pituitary glands), is intimately linked with sexuality.

The pineal gland is a depressant of the genital function and the pituitary and thyroid are stimulants or activators of these functions. Therefore, a certain balance in the secretions of the glands (pineal, pituitary, thyroid) is necessary to avoid the sexual pathologies that are so common today, such as the total annulment of sexual energy or sexual perversions and alterations of an order natural in relation to sexuality.

That is, the irregularities of the pituitary and pineal glands, lead to the irregularity of the thyroid and is seen as the mental effort and vibration of the thoughts we emit, are directly involved in the functioning of the named glands, as well as the irregularity of these glands is related to abnormal sexual behaviors (annulment or morbidity). ”*

Treatment through food

From the point of view of food, those foods rich in iodine can help regulate thyroid function.

Although today in many places the common table salt has added iodine, the goiter rate is still high, because it is also true that there are many elements that inhibit the iodine available in the body.

This mineral, like so many others, is inhibited by poor blood quality.

Acidified blood, due to concerns, tensions, overexertion, stress, intoxicated by the presence of contaminants, by the ingestion of chemicalized foods, by contact with all types of contaminants in general, implies the decrease of minerals in the body including the iodine.

To avoid the loss of iodine it is necessary to suppress, red and poultry meat, sugar, coffee, black tea, mate grass, alcohol, farinaceous, cola drinks, sausages, excess fats (dairy products such as butter, milk cream, hard cheeses and soft), chemicalized foods in general.

There are also so-called goitrogenic foods that should be avoided in case of hypothyroidism such as: turnips, cabbage, mustard, soybeans, peanuts, pine nuts and millet. If these foods are cooked they lose their activity as goitrogens. Many of these are beneficial to health such as turnips, cabbage, soybeans and millet, so it is recommended to cook them in order to benefit from their therapeutic powers.

Foods rich in iodine

As a primary measure, replacement of common table salt with good quality sea salt is essential.

Burdocks are vegetables that contain a high amount of iodine.

In addition to fish, seaweed is a very rich source of iodine and its consumption should be part of the daily intake.

Seaweed helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. They are a fundamental source of minerals: iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium.

They regulate body temperature, raise the immune system. Because of its mineral content, they purify the body and help dissolve fat deposits and mucus.

All are rich in iodine and among them we can name:

Nori Seaweed : It has more protein than beef, it is rich in minerals especially: Calcium, Iron and Iodine, lowers cholesterol and helps eliminate fatty deposits. It is roasted in the flame of a burner, it is used for salads, cut into small squares. Sushi is prepared with it.

Algar Agar-Agar: Helps regulate intestinal transit, so it is suitable for weight loss diets, combat constipation. It is used as a thickener to make jellies and desserts in general. **

Wakame seaweed: It is the most important vitamin B content and contains large amounts of Vit. A and C, has antibacterial properties and is used to purify the blood, improves kidney and liver function, stimulates the production of hormones. It is especially used in soups **.

Hiziki Seaweed : It has 14 times more calcium than a compared volume of milk or cheese, favors dentures and is highly recommended for pregnant children and mothers, balances the nervous system and reduces blood sugar, is also used in circulatory problems. It is recommended to consume with sauteed vegetables, salads or chop-suey.

Kombu Seaweed : Regulates the thyroid due to its high content of iodine (it makes people thin and fat to thin), it is indicated in rheumatic and arthritic processes, effective for kidney and hypertension problems, it benefits hair and skin, neutralizes flatulence produced by beans due to its glutamic acid. It is used in bean stews, cooked in salads with other vegetables or in wok or chop-suey vegetables. **

Oatmeal is a cereal that contains iodine and its consumption is advised for people with hypothyroid problems, it also contains a lot of fiber, so it helps in constipation problems. Regulates hormonal function, both in men and women. Helps reduce cholesterol levels.

It has antidepressant powers and reduces the need for nicotine. It gives strength and vigor. **

Other nutrients to regulate the thyroid

Zinc, as well as vitamin E, and vitamin A, collaborate in many processes of the body including the production of thyroid hormone. B vitamins are also necessary for thyroid function.

Zinc- rich foods: oysters, pumpkin seeds, nuts, whole grains, milk, yogurt.

Foods rich in Vitamin E : sunflower seeds, almonds, wheat germ, soybeans, brown rice, whole wheat.

Foods rich in Vitamin A : carrot, spinach, parsley, apricots, sweet potatoes.

Foods rich in Vitamin B : whole grains (wheat, rice, oats, millet, quinoa, amaranth, barley, corn).

All these foods should not only be ingested as a cure but as a contribution of nutrients and fundamental benefits for a good state of health.

Physical activity

Physical activity increases metabolic activity, the practice of yoga specifically is beneficial since certain postures activate the thyroid, by compressing, flexing and stimulating the area where this gland is located.

The posture called Bhujangasana or cobra posture, Dhanurasana or arch posture, Sarvangasana or shoulder support, Halasana or plow posture, Viparita Karani, all activate thyroid function. The first two are postures that lead to arching the spine so that the thyroid area is flexed back, generating a lot of irrigation in the throat area. Through the other positions mentioned, which are reversed, the blood that descends is retained in the thyroid, through the so-called "chin key", stimulating this gland energetically.

The continuous practice of yoga prevents and resolves hormonal irregularities and at the same time helps to restore general endocrine functioning.

The aspect related to the impossibility of communication Depending on the part of the body where the dysfunction manifests, we can read about what the dysfunction is expressing and what we need to understand to generate a change.

The area where the throat is located, from where the voice arises, is the place, the physical space, from where we express our way of seeing life, thoughts, convictions, considerations about ourselves and the world around us.

Today one of the key problems that exist in humanity is the lack of communication.

You live in such a hurry, so self-absorbed, so locked up each person within their own world, that there is no time, no interest, no energy, to express and connect deeply with others and with the outside in general.

This lack of communication may be one of the causes of the thyroid gland condition.

Communicating does not mean just expressing what is thought.

Communicating is also, relating, sharing, caring, helping, being able to transmit to the other the deep feeling of one.

To communicate is to connect deeply with oneself, not to be dispersed, away from one's own sensations and experiences, is to realize one's own feelings, be authentic, truthful and be able to act accordingly.

The lack of communication that is lived today is due to the fact that, in general, few people are aware of their own feelings and feelings. It seems that there was nothing to communicate, because one feels empty.

The more empty a person feels, the greater their incommunicado attitude. If we do not communicate, if we cancel or block this possibility of expression, the area of ​​the throat, the vocal cords and all the surrounding organs will be affected.

It may happen that we are aware of our feelings, but we do not dare to transmit them and then to stop saying what one thinks is true, an energy block is generated in the aforementioned area.

If you express what you feel, but from violence: anger, irony, demand, criticism, this can also lead to a difficulty in the functioning of all our bodily functions and gl Ndulas in general and thyroid in particular.

Something that is very common is also the attitude of those people who fear expressing their will or opinion for fear of being judged, for insecurity, generating violence in themselves and towards others, because he who is silent, he who does not transmit, generates conflict in his emotional bonds.

The possibilities of self-healing

If there is a disorder of life, that is: an artificial feeding, no awareness of deep emotions and feelings, if work is a requirement, if there is no full sexuality, if female and male roles are blurred, if the primary links, with parents, children, partners, are in conflict, if there is no vision about being part of a plot, of a human network, of life interconnected with the entire Universe, imbalances are likely to arise, not only in the thyroid.

To solve the functioning of this gland, it is necessary to start by generating small changes in life habits, that is: changing the diet, moving the body, giving spaces to observe the bodily sensations, connecting with the elements of nature, understanding the link conflicts and look at them starkly, without denying or minimizing them, enjoying nature, leisure time, being more in touch with sensations.

If all this were happening in one, without demand but understanding that it is in that direction where one is going, all the glands would be balanced, the organs of the body also and there would be no need to take medication.

The general balance comes when the mind calms down and that very few doctors teach it.

There is no possible cure without learning to live.

Many people when they are told about all this or when they read this type of notes, say they leave their medication, but for this it is first important to generate changes and see how, from them one is improving their health and in this specific case of Hypothyroidism, the rates of T3 and T4 are changing. After a while you will have to consult with your doctor or a trusted therapist and see if it is possible to stop the medication. If you are not willing to generate changes, it is preferable to continue with it.

They do not educate us in health, but just the opposite, in disease, in seeking the appropriate medicine, in resigning for life to this or that tablet that regulates the irregular and also to resign the amount of contraindications that each medicine has, as it appears in the leaflets.

Take care of oneself

In general we hold others or our lives responsible for our disturbances and the things that happen to us.

Health itself does not depend on doctors or medications, but on oneself.

It is difficult for us to take care of ourselves and for not feeling different from the rest, for comfort and because we think that others have more common sense than we do, we do what they tell us, for example in the face of health.

Many people do not question that doctors prescribe a medication for life, they accept that reality and religiously they take the medication every morning. There is a strong dependence, which is often comfort in relation to doing what another says or suggests.

There are many diseases invented by medical laboratories to sell their products. It is even known that many doctors prescribe because then laboratories reward them based on the amount of prescription drugs. The greater the number of prescriptions for a given medication, the greater the prize.

It is necessary to investigate, doubt and see if it is possible to resolve from important changes in our way of life, using natural ways that do not involve aggression to the organism.

Sometimes doctors do not say there are contraindications in certain medications, nor do prospects.

But feeling tired, with less energy, with recurring headaches, with difficulties in digestion, are not manifestations to disregard, they take away energy and then we need other medicines to alleviate these symptoms and the vicious circle never ends.

Possibilities of change

There are doctors who work towards true health, understanding that it is teaching to live in a respectful way for everything that exists and for oneself, how diseases are prevented and cured.

There are schools in the world that advocate for a new education and that emphasize the freedom of the individual, the possibility that beings have to flourish in goodness, in their deconditioning, in respect for life, for the environment, for biodiversity in all its manifestations (Brockwood Park http://www.brockwood.org.uk/, LaCecilia: http://www.lacecilia.allhost.org/).

There are schools and institutions that work towards ecological literacy, where it is investigated what the possibility of generating an economically sustainable world means, where deep ecology is worked, with philosophical and spiritual roots, and where people from all over the world approach to learn and share by working together towards a better world (Schumacher College, www.gn.apc.org/schumachercollege/).

There are groups and NGOs that work towards improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of the planet, developing the use of natural resources, developing ecological habitats, with solar, wind energy, trying to generate the least possible environmental impact, developing industries through recycled from the waste of other industries, to avoid the contamination that this implies and to take care of the life of the planet and of all those who live in it.

In the book by Fritjof Capra: “The hidden connections”, Editorial Anagrama, there is a paragraph about what David Susuki said at the round table, at the conference “Technology and Globalization”, in New York, in 2001, which Somehow expresses the above: “Family, friends, community, these are the sources of the greatest love and joy we can experience as humans. We visit relatives, maintain contact with our favorite teachers, share and exchange compliments with our friends. We engage in difficult projects to help other people, save frogs or protect forests and in doing so we discover immense satisfactions.

We find spiritual fullness in nature or helping others.

None of these pleasures needs the material consumption of the goods of the Earth and, nevertheless, each one of them is deeply gratifying. These are complex pleasures, which bring us closer to true happiness than simple pleasures, such as having a Coke or buying the last minivan. ”

* (Course of Natural Medicine, Dr. Eduardo Alfonso, Editorial Kier). * See recipes in: “Learning to take care of the body-mind, 200 recipes from Las Dalias Spa” by Liliana Racauchi, José Bidart, Editorial Kier


Recipe "Sushi Nori"


200 grams of brown rice

4 nori sheets

50 grams tofu (optional)

3 pickled cucumbers or picles

1 cooked beet

1 carrot

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2 tablespoons good quality vinegar

1 tablespoon blond sugar and sea salt


The brown rice is washed and left for 15 minutes to soak. Meanwhile, cut the pickles or cucumbers in vinegar, beets and tofu in thin strips and grate the carrot. When the soak time has elapsed, the rice is rinsed again and cooked with 2 times its volume of cold water, allowing it to pass slightly so that it is dry and somewhat pasty. While resting, put the spoonfuls of vinegar in a bowl along with the sugar, salt and heat gently. The mixture is stirred until dissolved and then the rice is added and mixed well. The nori seaweed is roasted briefly on the flame until they change color and give off odor.

With all the ingredients ready and the rice still warm, a sheet of nori is placed on the mat or on a clean cloth. With a wet spoon a very thin layer of rice is distributed, which is crushed well and a strip of about 1 cm is left. without filling on the side to which it will roll, to be able to close the roll without problems. On the opposite side a strip of soy sauce is placed along the rice.

A little carrot, picles, beet and tofu are placed on it. The rolls are assembled and slices are cut like a finger with a very sharp and wet knife.

“Fruit Ice Cream with Yogurt and Agar-Agar”


1 glass of yogurt

1 glass of fresh fruit (apple, pear, strawberry, peach)

2 tablespoons of cane sugar

1 envelope of seaweed, agar-agar


Cut the fruit into small pieces and blend with the yogurt and sugar.

On the other hand, moisturize the agar-agar in warm water, pour over the previous mixture and blend again. This aggregate makes it creamier, mouse type.

Place in glass or stainless steel container, take to freezer.

Extracted from the book Learning to take care of the Mind Body of Liliana Racauchi and Jos Bidart.

Heal thyroid naturally

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