Circle of Love "Ho'oponopono", excerpt from the book "The voice of I AM"

  • 2014

September 7th

This beautiful message is communicated by Esperanza [Hope], a crystalline being who is part of the extended family of the Crystalline Team. Hope sustains the energy of the Circle of Love, where the words of the prayer Ho oponopono are repeated during the daily meditation. You can find the Circle of Love on Facebook, and yes, please let us know if this resonates with you.

Blessed are we, we are sharing our thoughts with you so that you get an idea of ​​the strength and benefit of the groups that come together in a peaceful meditation and with similar intentions to those of this Circle of Love for which I hold the central energy essence.

As my energies are established in this Circle and I hold the energetic contribution and goodwill of all your prayers and intentions, the energy radiance of the cell Central, so to speak, gains much more strength.

As this pot of energy strengthens with each meditation of his intention, so she radiates more and more love and light outside. And we love to share with you in this way the impact of all your thoughts and efforts that continually increase and add to this pot of love and compassion.

As the other crystalline beings sustain the energy with the intention of their personality and this links with each skull, and then together with my central sustaining energies they magnify all the intentions.

And as all crystalline beings link to the 'crystalline road' and since all crystals are gifts from God and all crystals are linked to all crystals inside and outside the Earth, all their intentions and efforts are part of this.

And that's why we say that this is something great, not small; even saying the words of the prayer only once will be added and magnified by the crystals and through my personality, then going off to the crystalline road and beyond; so do not doubt that every thought and intention of peace, love and compassion is valuable.

And that's why we say at the energy level that this intention is as significant as the real act because the energy follows the intention, so don't worry if you don't have 5 minutes a day, just do what you can with the intention of adding to this matrix of love, compassion and peace, and it will be done.

We feel great joy in sharing these images with you because we can demonstrate the benefit to all humanity of each and every action, thought and intention, no matter how small it seems to be for you. See the crystal skulls glowing with energy, see the connection with the essence of my personality and the connection with the crystalline road and beyond. See the connection with Mother Earth helping you restore and repair the essence of your being as she travels the path to ascension, and see all this linked to the Divine Plan and assisting in bringing the prophesied time of Peace on Earth.

We are all working together, my dear ones, we are all part of the Unity, no matter on which side of the veil you think reality is. All united we come from God and the Source, we are all part of the Totality and part of the Love of the Heart of God, now and forever. Amen.

We love you, we are grateful to you and we continue to feel closer to all of you as our mission of Peace on Earth becomes possible and becomes a reality. It has been said and will be there, there will be Peace on Earth, and with all the groups on the earthly plane working to achieve this intention, the Light will continue to shine brighter and the energies of love, compassion and peace will replace those previously experienced; all this is decreed for this time on the earthly plane and you are fulfilling your path and your purpose as part of this.

Our loving thanks, until next time, Goodbye. ”

With love and gratitude to Esperanza for sharing this beautiful statement that is shared with love and blessings by Lindsay Ball - Crystal Master of Atlantis

Lindsay Ball

Copyright @ Lindsay Ball

On promises and oaths, excerpt from the book "The voice of I AM"

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