Union of Hearts and Manifestation of the Illuminated Voice by María del Carmen Vila-Anikha

  • 2010

Speaking of manifestation is part of the creation of a reality that can be manifested in this and other dimensions ... In these non-dimensional times the entire Earth enters an abrupt current of explosion and hierarchy of opportunities.

Exceptionally, the 7th dimension is here and now a possibility of assembly between this and other worlds. Those who already frequent the other dimensions with interdimensional travel will be receiving full information during this month of August since a door has been opened between 6th and 7th dimension planes that favors the coupling of reliable sources of manifestation in those beings that have their open vision and especially your co-creator heart.

What happens to everyone and they are not few? They will be more predisposed to listen to speak and enunciate, to give more than to receive and especially they will open their enlightened heart to enter the chambers that will allow them to open their channels in this and other dimensions.

Many will be wondering what to do? The answer is only to hear what comes from the Source, to go into listening and expressing this gift is what guides and brotherhoods most stand out. If you have groups, manifest their Truth there.

If you have to go through a door that decides the vote to speak or silence, open it because a lot of homework awaits you.

In these last days in the personal sessions with the assistants to personal consultations of channeling, all received the same call: Speak, express, communicate ... unwind the voice as a thread of manifestation to communicate Truths.

What is this message telling us that resonates with Voices? It is time to co-create with others and stop silencing ... just as there were times of retraction and concealment we are now in a true manifestation cone that does not allow us to fall behind with opinions, giving opinions from the opposite path. But this manifestation has to do exclusively with the expression of what each one has to communicate from the Source, from his divinity, from his mission ... and if he does not yet recognize it, being magnetically located in the right space to listen and be heard.

It is not easy for everyone to be in the right place, I have made many changes on this issue myself but the opportunities are manifested even in the places that offer problems. Because it is there where everyone has to manifest their Power.

Where to put the mind and heart then? In the Truth that each one possesses, in his manifestation and in his co-creation in unity with others.

Other times it has been said that there are those who wait for the manifestation to save them from their situation magically. Nothing else wrong, the manifestation is already a manifestation of his ideology of his veil of illusion, his belief is acquired by his parents or co-created from another life.

More simply speaking the hierarchies, the guides, the teachers who are next to you are blowing in your ear and according to where they blow you will know where to go ... it is a game just to make us believe that we are deciding at every step ... we are actually drawing in our multidimensional frequency parallel worlds, co-creation universes.

Recently I was able to enjoy a session with a girl who could go and get back information from the inner parallel worlds of the Earth-Gaia. She knew where to go, with whom to speak and recognized the doors that allowed her access to these passages as well as the simultaneous recognition of the guardians who also allowed her to pass.

This itself is encolumnar and so from childhood (created in three-dimensional body) without fear, without pride. Today in this present there are many children, master beings, in relatively small bodies but larger in their spiritual envelope.

We have to be like them brave to enter our own portals, believers that what they receive is pure light that comes from the mastery of each one. And especially to be motivators of future beings in mission who always approach to listen to voices or to confirm their beliefs.

In this time of manifestation my heart embraces them multiply, it is a time of great manifestations even the most terrible are expressing a strong change in the membranes of Gaia (Earth's light consciousness). I deeply believe that the change is greater than we expect and even more that we are many more than we know, those of us who are embracing this great collective Ascension that is happening in this and other dimensions.

Feel the pulse of manifestation ... Feel ... the hearts that also have the same frequency as yours, feel how children speak today ... are clear, accurate, justices are not entangled with fictions when they have to state their truth.

August, September, October 2010 will be a time of strong emotional changes for many of you, adjust your belts and hug yourself is the only way to accelerate this vertex of manifestation. Do not decline, always observe how children evolve, apparently they do not know their peers when they arrive on Earth, apparently, but they come together, even with the greatest difficulties and attacks at birth.

There is no doubt that a child who survives death is a warrior of the light ... notice how many are being born in limited circumstances.

The manifestation of the New Earth is the coupling of the entity Gaia, body of Light multiplied in this and other universes. Wake up, don't doubt, manifest, co-believe. Gather your strength with others, work holding your Truth. Be eternally full in your convictions even the most divergent. And especially hold the Faith that they are really human by establishing their bodies between several universes.

For what? so as not to get confused again and let Hope and Faith disappear again from Earth.

Hang with the frequencies of cetaceans, they are drawing in the waters the physical and climatic conditions that afflict us, if they were true listeners they would know how to read these messages.

Recently in a group meditation during the last seminar that I gave to a group of therapists in my city, they showed me the great joint effort that whales make to divert the currents that transport oil to other continents, even ours in South America .. And we still believe they are just cetaceans. They are one consciousness with ours.

I embrace you again these are days of much illumination ... the doors of the definition of your missions are open. Enjoy these passages ... of Love.

I bless you in Love and Gratitude.

María del Carmen Vila-Anikha ©

Clarification: Many have asked me what Gaia is, I usually name her always as the Light Consciousness of Mother Earth connected with the planetary logos (universal consciousness of manifestation of all the crystals of Love of this Earth in manifestation).

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