REC3 - Meditation / Service OCTOBER 2012 - Full Moon of Libra “I choose the path that leads through two great lines of force”

  • 2012

Call on the Spiritual Hierarchies, our divine Father and Mother, feel strongly the divine spark that beats within you and expand the strength of your I AM. Feel in communion with Mother Earth GAIA and also invoke the Elements of Air, Earth, Water and Fire and Present your respect to the beings that live in the four Cardinal Points and in the eight directions that govern the Universe, WE ARE COCREATORS WITH THEM .

Meditation / Monthly Energy Service


DAY:Monday, October 1, 2012
HOUR:22, local time in each country, or when each person feels.


Libra is well known in terms of its balancing effects. The energy conditioned by the constellation of Libra does not lead to extremism or overactivity in any way. There is a tendency to stop and concentrate consciousness, to weigh, to judge, to decide and then to act with balance and with the appropriate measure. This quality of balance is extremely necessary in today's world, as we approach the end of a long period influenced by the Piscean era with its characteristics of fanaticism, devotion and extremism. This period of humanity is similar to the process of balancing the oscillation of the pairs of opposites that individuals experience in their own emotional natures, especially during adolescence. For long ages, the human family has fluctuated between positive and negative emotional forces, tearing itself apart and tormenting the conflict, until we eventually learn to introduce the developed, balanced effect of higher energies: the energies of the soul. This enlightened energy, clarifying the mind, produces vision and understanding stimulating the will to reach a stable, mature, balanced response to all conditions and circumstances.

In collaboration with ONECALENDAR


1) Recite The Great Invocation of the Tibetan Master

2) Invocation of Ascended Masters to guide us during the energy service:

Lord MaitreyaTibetan Master Dhwhal KhulBeloved Kwan Yin

3) Harmonization of breathing and relaxation : we breathe deeply a minimum of three times, mentally repeating SO when we inhale and HAM when we exhale.

4) Individual balance meditation for harmonization singing the OHM and the GAYATRI, it is recommended to use the following audio:


 GHB - Balance Meditation by hermandadblanca 


GHB - balance meditation 10 aum 24 gayatri + solfegio 30m by hermandadblanca

5) Balance irradiation : visualize the colors and invoke the energies specified in the table below, for approximately 10 minutes.








Mantram OHM





Keynote: "I choose the path that leads through two great lines of force"

The influence of the Lord of Libra extends from September 23 to October 22, 2007, which is equivalent to the extension that goes from the 1st of Libra until the 30th of Libra of 2007.

As we consider this month's meditation at the Libra Full Moon Festival, it may be useful to remember that qualified energies affect us all, every month, in their cycle in and out of the realm of human consciousness. We may be more deeply and constantly affected by the sign of our birth, our sun sign, but we have experienced incarnations in all signs, possibly many times, and we have become sensitive to the quality and influence of all extraplanetary energies in their approach. cyclic. This gives us the ability to respond to any type of conditioning energy that is available at any time and to direct and use it constructively.

Libra is well known for its balancing effects. The energy conditioned by the constellation Libra does not lead to extremism or overactivity in any way. There is a tendency to stop and concentrate consciousness, to weigh, to judge, to decide and then to act with balance and with the appropriate measure. This quality of balance is extremely necessary in today's world, as we approach the end of a long period influenced by the Piscean era with its characteristics of fanaticism, devotion and extremism. This period of humanity is similar to the process of balancing the oscillation of the pairs of opposites that individuals experience in their own emotional natures, especially during adolescence. For long ages, the human family has fluctuated between positive and negative emotional forces, tearing itself apart and tormenting the conflict, until we eventually learn to introduce the developed, balanced effect of higher energies: the energies of the soul. This enlightened energy, clarifying the mind, produces vision and understanding stimulating the will to reach a stable, mature, balanced response to all conditions and circumstances.

Each sign has its own quality of light. The specific light of Libra is the light that travels to rest, a light that oscillates until it reaches an equilibrium point. ” The light cast by the soul-illuminated mind reveals "the path between" the forces in conflict. At that point of balance the personality, inspired by the soul, can say I choose the path that leads between two great lines of force . This is the keynote of Libra: I choose the Path, the balanced path, the path on the razor's edge or the noble path in the middle of the Buddha, passing between all polarity, between all extremes. This is the path that allows us to observe everything as it enters our field of consciousness without negative reactions or fanaticism.

There is a condition that each of us must create in his consciousness. In this period of history, the entire humanity is also increasingly falling under the influence of Libra, which is destined to enter a pronounced control and position of power in the planetary horoscope towards the end of the century. Herein lies a basis for optimism in regard to world events. As this influence increases its effects on all humanity, we will contemplate a more balanced, more mature and less one-sided approach to human problems and relationships. Humanity has already reached a point of widespread and widespread intelligence in which a conscious choice and a sense of responsibility are emerging rapidly.

Balance on the mental plane is possible for world disciples and for those who currently aspire to planetary service. It is a contribution that can be made towards the emotional balance that humanity is now achieving in the lacerating melting pot of its own painful experience. Due to this balancing quality of Libra, this constellation can be associated more specifically with the problem of sex than any of the others. For most applicants, in the initial stages sex is not a fundamental problem. However, esoterically, it is in Libra when the whole issue comes to the surface to be solved and it is in Libra that the equilibrium of the pairs of opposites must occur and a solution must be reached through the judicious activity of the mind and the establishment of a balance between the masculine and feminine principles. This, again, constitutes the basic problem between negative and positive and between those who blindly follow instinct or customs and those who lead them, in the wheel of life, in either direction, pursuing ego desire. This or spiritual aspiration; but the point to keep in mind is that, sensibly, intentionally and after due reflection and balance between the different points, they proceed according to their will, and according to them it seems correct and desirable. This is, in itself, of an essential utility and thanks to it they learn; because every action produces results and a judicious mind weighs cause and effect more correctly than any other.

Libra governs the legal profession and sustains the balance between the so-called good and evil, between negative and positive and also between East and West. Libra has been the `` patron of the law. '' Until now, the legislation has been immersed in imposing those denials and attitudes of fear that were preserved for us in the Mosaic law and imposed through punishing their infraction. This has been a necessary stage in human development. But humanity is reaching maturity and a different interpretation of the purposes and intentions of Libra through the law is currently necessary. The law must become the custodian of a positive righteousness and not be limited to being the instrument responsible for law enforcement

It is possible to delay pain and suffering but, in the long run, a true balance, that is, a clear and equitable thought that allows the entry of the light of the soul, is inevitable. The key to this individual or national growth is the cultivation of harmlessness. The harmlessness is neither negativity nor inactivity. It is a positive condition of "a perfect disposition, a complete point of view and a divine understanding." Harmless infers so much knowledge of the nature of Soul One of humanity, as an understanding of the Laws of the Renaissance.

Libra's energy plays a decisive role in this process and in the direction of this goal. In this Festival, when the energies of Libra are so fully affordable, we can invoke this power during meditation. We create, on the mental plane, a prepared center of awake and concentrated attention, aligned with the soul of humanity, with the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, led by Christ, and with the Plan and Purpose of our planetary Life. As our minds focus on a point of tension, they become summoning centers of light in the consciousness of humanity, receiving and giving light and energy, evoking a response in the minds, hearts and small wills of human beings. In this way, meditation can radiate the state of consciousness of the human kingdom and help balance by eliminating all extremes of thought, feeling, and action. And, in meditation, we unite with everyone else on the planet pronouncing the world energy formula or prayer, the Great Invocation.

REC3 - Meditation / Service OCTOBER 2012 - Full Moon of Libra “I choose the path that leads through two great lines of force”


Call on the Spiritual Hierarchies, our divine Father and Mother, feel strongly the divine spark that beats within you and expand the strength of your I AM . Feel in communion with Mother Earth GAIA and also invoke the Elementals of Air, Earth, Water and Fire and Present your respect to the beings that live in the four Cardinal Points and in the eight directions that govern the Universe, WE ARE COCREATORS WITH THEM .

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