Meditation for Receiving the Support of December 21, 2012. By Arwen

  • 2012

The big day is approaching .. December 21, 2012, a MAGICAL and wonderful day for all light workers because we know what it brings, wake up to our reality to be what we really are, multidimensional beings, beings of light whose essence is love .. during that magical day millions of people will vibrate in the dan

Do your best ... there will be many works around our beautiful GAIA, each one as important as the other, each one will contribute to the concretion of this new era ... of this new world that we have long awaited, where awareness It is diluted because it will be the LOVE- based conscience that guides the destiny of humanity. I know very well that not everyone will understand or decide to be part of this call to Awakening .. everyone will respond according to what exists in the .. it is not time to judge it is time to flow and cross that threshold .. it is time to remember again what we are and START once and for all to live OUR REALITY. . creating and building ... united and linked by LOVE that will expand in each BEING that accepts for its free will to be part of this new era ... So today I want to share my small contribution of the work I will do with my group in Ecuador ... this work It is in relation to my reality to what I feel and live day by day through the Angelic world, since that is why today I am here and I am who I am, a being with FAITH, who wants harmony and peace over our beautiful GAIA, who seeks a world of respect and kindness, someone who learned from the hand of the Angels what it means to LOVE ...


ARWEN (Antonella Weisson E.)


Let us place ourselves in a place in our home where we feel comfortable, light incense (sandalwood, cinnamon, jasmine, or whatever we like), a soft background music to help us connect, a white or orange candle (previously energized with our intentions), light clothes and prepare for meditation.

Close your eyes and breathe slowly until you feel in complete relaxation visualize a column of light that descends from the sky to the room you are in ... Its colors are beautiful shades of litmus ... White, gold, yellow, emerald green, ruby ​​red, violet, pink observe and breathe the light of the spine and feel how it enters your nostrils and runs through every part of your physical body ... cleaning it and making it shine more and more, exhale towards the tube of light everything that within you is not according to that light, do it for several occasions, you will feel totally calm and very relaxed ... will come into harmony with your BEING and with the UNIVERSE ...

Visualize on your head a star from which a rain of golden dust that impregnates your skin appears giving you joy .. peace ... and total security ...

In your environment a beautiful landscape is drawn .. a very green meadow full of flowers ... The aroma that overwhelms you ... A gentle breeze envelops you ... you see how the sun's rays seep through the branches of the trees do you hear the trill of the birds .. the sound of the water running .. You vibrate with the life and harmony that Mother Earth transmits to you, feeling that both are ONE is the moment when you visualize the presence of your beloved Angel Guardian you perceive his warmth that surrounds you with that protection and security that his essence produces by being next to you . Receive his love that is transmitted in a bliss that your heart expresses in emotion .. Observe his joy and his happiness for your presence and let him wrap you between his wings hugging you sweetly and merging Leaving you little by little to him. Now they are ONE again ... the essence that one day divided returns to the Unit ... while you anchor its energy to you, a great spiral of light descends around Going to you and manifesting the presence of an immense Golden Angel who extends his hands towards you in signal that you approach him, you see how a shining star begins to materialize as a prism that illuminate with the colors of the rainbow colors that radiate an unparalleled brightness and envelop your heart .. it is the manifestation of the Angelic World that returns to you to remind the angel that a day I went down to this plane that it is time to wake up ... live the magic of that moment swim of the happiness and energy that is to feel your essence again .. What you really are ... Move your shoulders in signal that you are ready to feel your glowing wings expand and move with the energy That emanates from them, filling you with the light and warmth that have been stored since the beginning of time, waiting for you to expand them again to undertake the return flight to the Home, to reunite with Father Mother You have remembered the Being of Light and Love that you are ... Rejoice in it ... and see how everything around you is flooded with light and the brightness of the stars ... thousands of earthly Angels also n they have woken up with you .. you see how thousands and thousands of Beings today have become aware of their essence, raising their consciousness to the infinite and magical levels that bring the essence of the Universe to your being .. They all vibrate in the same tune of light .. in the same high frequency of Love .. A single heart beating in U nidad .. there are no separations, there are no individualisms .. there is purity .. there is harmony .. there is peace .. there is unity .. there is love ... In front of all a large golden door is drawn protected by glowing and giant angels that open it for invite you to pass inside ... walk towards it and as you do it reaffirm your commitment to Love as part of the new world ... As a light worker ... As the earthly Angel you are ... When you go through the door there is no turning back ... You strip your chains ... Of what anchors you to a past of fear ... You will see before you the reality that manifests itself in the higher dimensions and of which you are a part ... By your free will today you align to it ... You enter into communion with your body of light ... You are part of the UNIVERSAL ONE … let that infinite light envelop you and only flow in that shining sea to which you have once again become part .. to that great ALL OF UNITY AND LOVE

Thank this moment to God the Father-Mother for allowing him to live it. Thank the Angelic world for remembering that you are part of it ... welcome your guardian Angel because now they will never be separated anymore ... ... Return to stand before the column of light ... Breathe and exhale several times ... Feel happy, happy and in harmony with the universe ... Then slowly open your eyes perceiving the infinite LOVE that transcends your physical body from today manifesting your etheric body that will be the one who will guide your steps in this new era that has arrived today….


ARWEN (Antonella Weisson E.)

Copyright (C) 2011 by World of Angels and Fairies

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