Become a Human Angel Rollovers and changes due to the "Activation" of your DNA

  • 2011

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Dear Lightworkers, this information about DNA and new energies was given by Archangel Michael as part of two private channels. It is offered here with customer permission.

The first person, a healer, had asked about genetic or inherited diseases, and if they could be cured. The second was a question about fairies and how humans relate to their kingdom in the New Energy.

My feeling is that Archangel Michael is trying to explain the wonderful twists and changes that take place inside us when we align ourselves with the powerful new energies and the way in which they are "igniting" healing and self-healing abilities that are latent in all of us.

Also, playing with the energy of fairies is a beautiful choice we have at this time.

DNA and Self-healing

Now you ask us about hereditary diseases. Well, first we will have to explain a few things about DNA and how the disease manifests itself and how it can be healed. We have already spoken in our channeling of the fact that the DNA of every human is home to the "Template for Perfect Health." Every human can rewrite on this original project or template of health and happiness. You can activate this template in your cells and in the aura of your Light Body. This is the gift of the process of Transformation and Ascension.

But we can also say that each and every one of the human beings are also carriers in their DNA of the record and potential of all disorder and disease. In homeopathy they are called "miasmas", and these are stronger in certain family lines than in others. These are what medicine calls "genetic diseases."

Now, we can say that you, as an individual, do not have to choose the same pathologies or diseases that have been chosen by your family line. It really is very difficult to overcome the "addiction paths" in your family records, which are what we call the Akasha. But it can be achieved if you make a conscious choice to vibrate with the Perfect Health Template rather than according to the distorted templates of disease addiction as a way to escape an incarnation. Because disease is often just a way to break the physical body so that the soul can escape back to the world of the Spirit before it has completed its time on Earth.

In fact, the average human is coded with a normal healthy life expectancy of between one hundred and one hundred and twenty years. On the New Earth this will be equivalent to extending it to 200 years at least when humans begin to live more balanced lives and make better choices for their health and happiness.

But we also want you to know that you don't have to "do" anything to achieve this and that there is no success or failure. Your only job is to establish the intention of getting rid of addictions to illness and premature death, making the choice to align yourself with the Template of Well-being and Perfect Health. Gradually, as part of your transformation process, you will see that your body returns to health and well-being, regardless of the conditions you may have inherited. Your body has the ability to balance and restore its health.

In fact, dear soul, contained within the library of your DNA there are certain miraculous healing and self-healing abilities that were forgotten and lost when humans preferred to choose the “easy” way to “escape” through disease and violence. Unfortunately, such a thing has been reinforced by their religions during the last millennia, in which they were encouraged to see life as something inseparable from suffering and evil, considering life in Spirit as a goal. That is why their souls chose the way to destroy the body to return to the Spirit. When they learn to respect earthly life and their human bodies as great gifts of the Source, they will begin to take care of them as they deserve, and they will serve them well.

Thus, when they begin to enjoy their lives and respect their bodies, they will stop filling them with material and emotional toxins, becoming clean instruments of the flow of the vital force of the Spirit. Then, humanity will reactivate the miraculous self-healing and self-repair abilities that are in the records of its DNA.

Remember that the great teacher named Yeshua or Jesus was able to heal instantly. All he did was request that the great power of the Source activate the self-healing mechanisms that exist in the human body. Because, locked inside each of the amazing human bodies, is the original power of the Source to create and heal, and that was what Yeshua invoked in each person who “healed” since, in reality, they were healed themselves by activating their healing abilities.

Therefore, as Yeshua said, those who come after him could perform miracles even greater than his own. And now the time has truly come for you to begin to understand that this miraculous power was not only in Yeshua, but locked inside each "Son" or "Master of Light", as we might call the Christ beings that right now They are on Earth.

Dear soul, we hope that you understand that we are not offering you a “miracle cure”, but the hope born of the understanding that, in reality, miracle cures are part of the human DNA that was designed as part of the original template.

But we reiterate that to activate this mechanism you have to be able to allow the blue fire of the Source to enter your being and activate your DNA, which requires that your physical vehicle be strong enough to carry the power of the Blue Healing Flame from the source. Therefore, your job is to make your body strong enough to carry this healing flame.

We can also say that the majority of the new children that are being born now, the Children of the Blue Star who began to incarnate in 2005 and 2006, are carriers in their auras and their blue flame bodies. They carry in their cells and in their Akasha the ability to self-heal and maintain their balance, which will be activated if they are strong enough to carry this high electrical charge. Because the Blue Flame is nothing but the electric or creative energy of the Source that "recreates" the points at which the Template may have been damaged.

So, as humans, your job now is to cleanse your body and maintain it with a degree of strength and health such that it allows the self-healing mechanism to activate when mechanical damage occurs, or when the old soul choices are manifest causing disease. Of course, if an ias miasma or Old family pattern is manifested, you must empty it and release that addiction by making a clear choice to live your entire life span in a healthy way and vibrant. Right now, the most notable miasmas are those of cancer and AIDS, which is related to syphilis. These miasmas are activated when souls choose to stop being here and look for ways to leave. And we can say that these choices can be made at a collective or group level, so entire populations can be ic addicts to that miasma and also make those choices for their children.

Now, we are not saying that those choices have been made consciously by the rational mind. In reality, these are choices of the soul made when it felt nervous and invaded by the panic, not wishing to continue with an incarnation any longer. And it is true that a whole generation can `` fish for that addiction, so you will find an increase in cancer or AIDS in certain places, because That was the choice these souls made to escape and return to the Spirit. That is why it is so difficult to transform that pattern and make the conscious choice to activate the Health Template and live your life to its full extent.

Above all it is required that you, as humans, feed the qualities of the Spiritual Warrior. They need to be courageous, strong and brave. You need to trust that the Source and the Divine Plan for the Earth will take care of you. Then your soul will not panic or need to search for drugs or other toxins to suppress your fears, and will not break your bodies in order to escape back to the Spirit Before your time comes

We hope you understand as a healer why we tell you these things. This information will help you in your healing work so that you help others who, as a conscious part of it, choose life. Because the time of suffering and disease is coming to an end and those who remain on Earth will be those who consciously choose life and those who develop the courage and adaptability necessary to live their life regardless the events that happen around you. And, of course, when they make these choices and surround themselves with others who make them themselves, their lives will become more peaceful and peaceful and they will have less stress, anxiety and panic that gives rise to the need to leave the physical. Therefore, for those who are in disease states, it really is a good thing that they start working on why they have chosen to leave at the level of the spirit, not in a guilty but friendly way, if They are open to do so. It serves no purpose for this to make the person feel that she is responsible for her condition. Remember that, for a disease to manifest itself, the soul must already be in a state of fear and anxiety, so it does no good to create an atmosphere of culpa by its choice that, after all, is to escape the energies of shame and guilt to return to the pure world of the Spirit where you can find Love, Support and Honey.

Therefore, any healing process must offer this Love and this Support, and it must be free from any idea of ​​guilt, shame or burden. It should be a kind and affectionate choice of life, as well as a kind and affectionate process to make that choice to live and be helped to strengthen the body so that the flame of self-healing can be activated.

DNA and Fairy Energy

Therefore, when you say that you are "neither here nor there", it is true, you are right. You are no longer in the old energy or completely in the new. You are moving forward and evolving and you are slowly becoming what you selected from the library of your own DNA.

You are becoming a hybrid between human and fairy ... which is another form of human angel. Now what do we mean? Well, you asked us about your connection to the fairy kingdom, and we will answer this.

In the "old energy" we would have told you that you have a close connection with the fairy kingdom. Well, as you should know, when people are in transition, their guides "leave" and that is why they feel alone. Where are they going? Well, inside. They are "contained" inside you. You see, you have become One with your higher self and have incarnated your Divine Essence, but still being a human. But, confined inside, is the wonderful library of possibilities called DNA. In the DNA is the "history" of all the species that have ever lived on Planet Earth. Therefore, the fairy kingdom is within you, so you can invoke this potential within you. You believe yourself as Human / Fairy "activating" in your DNA that potential!

How is it done? Simply with the intention. You can go to your inner bookstore and invoke those beings within you, and they will work with you on the task you chose to create gardens for the planet. That way they will become your guides ... your inner voice ... and you will become them ... a fairy and human hybrid.

Of course, it depends on your ancestors and your genetics which patterns of your DNA will call you with more strength, since you can attract almost anything you choose. This is the "miracle" of self-creation with the Spirit in the new energy.

When you work with this sacred energy, you will see miracles emerge as you link with your “fairy” being. Literally, we will rain flowers in your path. You will see the return of the magic of the relationships between nature and those who care for it, because you will see them inside and in your own life.

© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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