Control Cholesterol Levels with Medicinal Plants

  • 2015

Cholesterol usually in the blood is directly related to diet, however, other factors influence, such as lifestyle and even genetics.

There are currently drugs that can help us lower blood cholesterol levels, however, there are some options, such as medicinal plants that can also be effective and more natural.

Dietary changes

To control cholesterol levels, there is no doubt that a change of habits is required and, above all, changes in our diet.

Cholesterol is not always bad, in fact, there are two types of cholesterol, the one considered good and the `` bad '', which is the one that is related to heart problems.

HDL Cholesterol: It is known as high density or good cholesterol, and it can help lower bad cholesterol levels.

LDL cholesterol: Or low density cholesterol, it is considered bad, since it can accumulate in veins and arteries or some organ, and is associated with a risk of myocardial infarction.

A reduced diet in the intake of food of animal origin, is essential to reduce cholesterol levels. Only these foods are high in cholesterol, since no food of plant origin contains it.

It prefers proteins of plant origin, such as legumes and nuts. Another very important aspect to consider in our diet is the consumption of fiber, since this helps us to eliminate cholesterol.

Plant-based foods also provide us with fiber, fruits and vegetables as well as cereals, especially whole grains.

Finally, it is important to avoid eating processed or high-fat foods.

Medicinal plants against cholesterol

Some foods, such as those rich in fiber, are ideal for lowering cholesterol, such as oatmeal and flaxseed, which are enough to include in our healthy diet to enjoy its benefits, however, there are also plants that can reduce levels of bad cholesterol.

Ginger: It is a famous root for its medicinal properties against dizziness, in addition, it is frequently used in oriental cuisine giving a unique and slightly spicy taste to food. Ginger is usually used to treat dizziness, digestive diseases and sore throat, however, it is also useful to reduce cholesterol levels, it can be added to our food, or consume a ginger tea.

Artichoke plant: The artichoke is a plant rich in fiber that helps us avoid cholesterol absorption. The ability to lower blood cholesterol levels has been attributed to the artichoke leaf, it can be used in the form of tea, using it during the day, although it can also be consumed as an ingredient in several recipes. It is not recommended to consume if there is a history of gallbladder diseases.

Turmeric: It is a species that is used to flavor Arabic or Hindu cuisine, is obtained from an orange root full of flavor, is famous for being the main ingredient of curry. Turmeric today is also highly prized for its medicinal properties that can range from promoting wound healing to liver health, however, turmeric can also be used to control cholesterol levels, contributing to heart health. It can be added to dishes such as chicken and with rice for example.

Celery: It is a very common vegetable, it is rich in fiber and known for its ability to reduce cholesterol levels, to take advantage of it for this purpose, it is recommended to include it in our diet frequently, as part of dishes or salads. Celery can also be consumed in sticks between meals, instead of other foods that can be harmful.

Fenugreek: Also known as fenugreek, the seeds of this plant help us to improve digestion and is useful for blood glucose control, it is also used in cholesterol control, seeds can be consumed for this purpose since they are rich in fibers

Cinnamon: This delicious spice can be an ideal ingredient if you want to reduce your blood cholesterol levels. Cinnamon is recommended to reduce blood glucose levels and even triglycerides, it is likely not to help raise good cholesterol levels, but to reduce harmful cholesterol levels. In addition, it is enough to include a tablespoon of cinnamon a day in our food, either sprinkled on our yogurt or as an ingredient in our recipes. We should never consume a tablespoon of cinnamon alone.

Green tea: There are many benefits of those who talk about green tea, this is due to its powerful and abundant antioxidants, which is why today it has become a highly recommended drink, whether cold or hot green tea, its Benefits are remarkable and can also contribute to lower cholesterol levels and prevent hardening of cholesterol plaques in the arteries, however, it must be taken into account that its effect is subtle, and although it is a good complement it is not recommended set aside dietary recommendations or exercise, or the instructions given to us by our doctor.

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Control Cholesterol Levels with Medicinal Plants

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