Build a Nutritious Couple Relationship

  • 2013

In these times, couple relationships are no longer as durable as in the past, what do we attribute this to? Could it be that our grandparents knew more about relationships?

There are many factors that can influence the relationship between couples are not as edifying and nutritious, even if they have remained with a couple for a lifetime. Currently when a relationship does not work, it hurts, is in crisis, it is decided to `` throw in the towel '', that is, most of the time simply the relationship is given by finished and we usually say: is that my partner did this to me or stopped doing that, however, these kinds of experiences are an invitation to change.

By becoming aware and responsible that every relationship we have in our lives no matter how small it seems is a reflection of ourselves within our interior, it is then that the way we see each one of Our relationships and especially the couple, change.

Did you know that, the biggest reflection of yourself is your partner? If dear readers, when I understood this, I became aware then that I loved myself, supported me, valued myself, the same would reflect on my partner. Do not wait for the other to cover those internal and external gaps, since you can stay waiting too long for your life.

You have wondered because you attract the same patr n of couples into your life; Maybe they abandon you, they are unfaithful, abusive, they don't value you, etc., without being able to find that person who is your half orange ? Let me tell you that each one of those relationships or your current partner is your half orange or reflection of yourself at a certain moment in your life, so I invite you to ask yourself the following questions and answer from your heart:

  • Does my current relationship or previous relationships hurt or bother me?
  • What do they have in common?
  • Are they similar to the relationships of the adults around me when I was a child?
  • What do I have to learn from each relationship?

Knowing yourself and healing yourself from all the toxic emotions from the wounds of your relationships, without those archetypes that sustain the ego, will help you see your true I, your best version and consequently attract Is your life experiences and people in that much higher vibrational frequency and therefore will attract a much more nutritious and uplifting relationship.

If your current relationship is not edifying and nutritious, I invite you to take your time, work first on yourself, once you have managed to raise your vibrational frequency, step by step, there is the possibility that your inner brightness is so strong that you illuminate to your partner and share the best of themselves or maybe that person comes out of your life and attracts the couple of your dreams in your best version. So now ask yourself and answer again from your heart:

  • How do I want my relationship to be?
  • How does my partner have to be to enter perfectly into the relationship of my dreams?
  • What do I have of all that? How am I in the relationship of my dreams?
  • What am i missing?

Remember, observe in yourself what do you have and what do you dream of seeing in your partner ?: It will be of great support for you to start building that nutritious relationship that makes them both grow.

"If you want to change the world, start with yourself, " said the great teacher Gandhi, look inside and you will find unconditional love, appreciation, respect, admiration, support and experiences with your partner will be truly nutritious and edifying.

May peace and love be in your life today and forever.

Marlene Llanes (Harpal Kaur)

Personal Development Coach


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