Channeling the 7th Seal Code "The Great Transformation

  • 2013


Through Bethlehem of Peace


The Virgin of Fatima gives us the seals-Codes, these seals are sacred, she shows us a better world, In Fatima there is an Intraterran City connected with Sirius, there are Syrian beings on Earth and inside the earth because they facilitate that the energies of Sirius penetrate to help in the process of evolution, liberation and planetary ascension


On February 2, 2013, the 7th Sacred Seal-Code will be activated where the bonds of union with the rest of the universe will be sealed and narrowed, we will become part of the Federation of Mutes of Light, where interplanetary trips will begin to become a reality

Between February 2 and 3, 2013 the Earth will be activated and the shadows will disappear, from February 2 to 22 the water will be the main protagonist along with the wind

You have your temple in the High Heart and this temple is the only one you should go to, there is your strength and your final destination.

The Marian Seal of February 2 and 3 will explode with flashes of energy light and we will enter Real Time, we will leave time behind as we know it was modified.

The Christ Energy will be increasingly powerful and forceful

On February 2 energetically the earth will shake and the mirror will be activated and when we see ourselves reflected we will see the truth, for this day the great stampede is prepared, the races will already be regrouped and so the truth will no longer hide, it can be seen more easily in the other

The earth will signal its destiny and break something, something will be broken forever, I see the Earth as it peels leaving behind the dense layer that no longer serves it, I see the earth opening and letting see its interior, it is like the one that sheds the skin We will also do this process and so by moving the skin and removing the skin that no longer serves us we can see each other clearly, the mirror will be clear to see through it, nobody can hide, there will be no shadows

The real Earth will open and we will enter the space time of freedom, the freedom of the one who lives to be, the earth when shedding her skin is pure light, shines with her own light is pure consciousness, pure greatness and we in her image and likeness, we shine in tune with our mother earth, it is something worth seeing, WE ARE HEADLIGHTS

The 7th day after 22.2.2013 will spread the seeds from which the new humanity will feed.

Rotation accelerates, rhythm and pulse change

We have the faith and hope necessary to tie the true threads of truth that lead to the abyss protecting the filaments that run through the human soul and connect it with its true being and true family, the spiral of lives in this dimension has been exhausted

Now we will be the spirit made action, we will be the embodiment of the light inhabiting the 5th Dimension

In this 7th seal there will be a great call and flare for the link with our soul, to fuse our body with our spirit, it is the call that will resonate within us, the call with our families of light, the call to follow the path that we drive to our destination to find the door and the path, this path is lit with torches of light so as not to get lost on the way back home

7th Seal : On Sunday, February 3, the 7th Sacred Seal-Code will be opened where all the channels will be filled with healing Christian Energy, this is a Seal of high mission and healing, it is an isolation seal, it is a seal of serenity before the circumstances

This Seal will activate all the channels of the Earth and all the channels of the human body and the body of Light, there will be a great clearing of memories, this seal will illuminate and ascend to many, the underwater water currents will heal and align, there will be no more no obstacle for energy to circulate freely healing and releasing everything in its path.

In Fatima, the Codes and memories will be altered in such a way that the healing archives and lost memories of perfect Health will be opened

The inspiring sources will reach many remembering what their life really should be like, the banks and memories of light will dispense the pending Karmas by giving up all the past

The Crystals of the Earth will recover the codes and files by readjusting the memories and the Natural equilibrium of the Earth system, giving way to the Great Light definitely opening the door of the Golden Age of the New Earth

Forgiveness comes to all as a Dispensing Grace in this becoming of the new times.

Everything will be settled and dispensed with a New Alliance for this new evolutionary stage of the beings that inhabit this beautiful planet earth tuned to this great energy.

From Fatima Frequency Waves in the form of Star will change this Light Station with new vibrational frequencies where everything starts again with a new vibration.

Fatima shines with its own Light illuminating the world and by the time this 7th Sacred Seal-Code is opened between February 2 and 3, it will be of utmost importance in this transformation, for many will change and transform you forever.

In a place called Fatima there is a lot of work to do, it is a school for voluntary healers of the threads of Sirius committed to transforming the World, its children and the children of its children.

Fatima is a Center where the pieces of Lost Souls are recovered both by energy thefts and by traumas of this and other lives.

In Fatima the Light of the Soul is restored and it is connected with its Divine Origin and with its multiple Yoes

In Fatima the Divine Breath is recovered and where the Soul is insufflated from a New Breath of Life. Where pain is restored, Karma is released by attaching the Subtle Bodies of Light.

Last City of Light, connected with Sirius and the Fraternities of Light

This new year 2013 has begun, a year of Great Transformation where nothing at its term will remain the same as until now, the year 2013 is the shaking of our lives where everything what no longer serves you will jump through the air.

Open your hands and mind and release everything absolutely everything and you will not cling to anything because only then you can make the Great Change, The Great Transformation.

So with this 7th Sacred Seal your life will be shaken because that is how you have chosen it and to be able to access the new, the new life that awaits you, those who chose it already had is the safe-conduct, do not be afraid because fear is your worst ally.

There is nothing to have to drop everything and trust.

It has already been said that everything, absolutely everything belongs to a perfect plan with no room for error and that everything will be given to you by adding just at the right time and revealed.

The 7 Seal Burns in Fire and Divine Justice, this means that what will always belong to you will be returned

The 7 Seal is the Light of Justice and balance.

The 7th Seal will open the Hearts to forgiveness and redemption, bring the grace of Peru and sustenance, transform your DNA of illusions and unite the masculine with the feminine


It is the Seal of God giving life to men, it is the Seal of the Sacred Flower Consecrated to mankind.

To You children of the Earth with all my respect and great love.

Channeled by Bel n de la Paz


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