Channeling of the Arc Miguel Angel: Call to the Warriors of the LIGHT

  • 2013

March 31, 2013.

My father, I know it's you. I feel your presence with a great power that makes my skin shiver. My Father, I open my channel so you can communicate what you want to my brothers of light.

I am who I am the Archangel Michael, prince of the heavenly militias. Dear children, dear beings of light, this time I come to ask you to keep and hold the Light of your hearts on. In you is the answer to so many questions and the solution to so many problems. You dear children are already bearers of a Light of incalculable beauty, which lies and ignites in your hearts. As you know, we are going through times of change as the old energy begins to crumble and the high frequency and vibration energy begins to penetrate and flood every corner of this planet with love. Dear children, this is the special time for your hearts to remain lit. In doing so they will be sustaining the vibrational frequency of the Planet, because the outcome of events in a great measure and form depends on your final effort. There are many things that can be avoided and much will depend on you.

All this previous process served to prepare you in energy, raising the veils so that you would understand and know of the true Being that lived within you and that way you will recover your memory and assume your fundamental and divine Role in this process of ascension. n of the Planet and of the entire humanity. Today that the veil has been lifted and that many of you have been empowered in your sacred divinity, I want you to know that you are trained and authorized to bless every thing you see, every thing you touch, every person you have contact with. . You are the angels on earth and it is your duty to bless and bless this planet and the whole humanity in all its field of action.

The law as above is applied at this time, for as you remain lit the threefold flame of your hearts will be joining in a loving and magnetic way, to the heart of all Beings of Light throughout the entire planet. Your collective love and energy will be and are the reflection of the new planetary Christic network. You and each of you are the new Light of the planet. You are the co-creators and your love works miracles. They may not yet know the great power that is in your feelings and in your deepest desires. In this present, you have the ability to manifest anything if you really want it with your heart using the force of love.

This is a call to you more Warrior children of the Light, so that you will be enlisted in the call of the Light and exert your sacred and blessed forces on the earth.

Let your intuition flow, which is the language of your hearts and you will know how to act.

I, the Arc Miguel Angel, bless your homework and direct you in love and compassion. Success is assured.

Feel eternally protected. The heavenly hosts, the Masters, the Angels and Angels we are eternally and deeply grateful.

With Love forever and ever.

The Arc Miguel Angel.

Thank you Father.


March 31, 2013.

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