Log of the Earth: The Equinox ... Magnetism and Balance of the Earth and Entering that New Reality ~ Celia Fenn

  • 2010

September 21: The Equinox ... Magnetism and Earth Balance and Enter that New Reality…. Now! Time certainly seems to be moving even faster these days! I'm finally home and enjoying an early spring weather with a little sun in the rain! The Equinox marks the sound of the seasons, and the moment when day and night are of equal length, before the days shorten in the North towards winter and lengthen in the South towards summer. Here are some beautiful pictures I took last week of the Spring Flowers in the Kirstenbosch Gardens, near where I live now:

Nature continues to surprise and delight us, despite the changes and transitions that we are experiencing at the moment. In fact, we are very involved in the "Earth Changes", and I have experienced some of them firsthand recently! Yes, they create chaos and misery, but they also remind us that we are part of the Network of Life on the Planet and that we have to return to that sense of Oneness and Connection in order to rise to the New Reality that is there for Us now if We choose to perceive and create it.

There is no doubt that something BIG is happening with Earth at this time. We are entering the Photon belt again, and also the Earth Grid Magnetism is changing in response to the impulses and Light Codes from the Galactic Center. Most people who talk about these changes do so in the language of Science, but I have been using a more poetic and metaphysical language to describe the same changes that are occurring deep within the Earth itself.

When I was in Israel in April, the Spirit asked me to activate a great Earth Guardian crystal under the city of Jerusalem. This Crystal was going to help activate and bring the deep crystalline gratings into line and be a conduit for the emerging Shekina energy. Shekina energy is the Divine Feminine in its aspect of the "Cosmic Mother, " and this energy is received and stored within the Earth in these great Earth Guard Crystals. The Earth itself then releases this energy in the Crystalline Grids and is received through the Earth Star chakra and in the energy system of living beings. It allows us to feel loved and nurtured by the energy of the Cosmic Mother within the Earth and allows us to connect more fully and feel loved and supported by the Earth in its aspect of the Great Mother. Other Great Guardians of the Earth have been activated in other parts of the Earth to be conduits for Shekina energy as the Earth is transformed.

This is an important activation and change. It allows us to move from survival anxiety and fear to a feeling of being loved and nurtured by the Earth. It allows us to connect and feel loved and safe. On this day of the Equinox, this is a perfect time to create balance within ourselves and open the Earth Star Chakra under our feet and really allow us to connect and feel the love of the Mother through the Star Channel. the earth.

This change marks a huge turning point in our Collective History on the Planet, and especially in Western Culture. We have lived for thousands of years with the Judeo-Christian Culture that is based on Fear and Earth Disconnection. The story of "Original Sin" tells us that we are sinners and evil and that we have been expelled from Paradise into a life of slavery and misery and then death. This produces feelings of guilt, low self-esteem, being trapped and punished, and suffering from lack and exclusion. The emotions that arise as a result are despair, depression, survival anxiety, anger, greed, violence, judgment and justification and guilt. Phew!…..

As we wake up and realize that none of this is really "true, " then we can begin to perceive and live within another reality. We can open ourselves to the transmissions of Love and Support of the Divine Mother both at the Cosmic level and from within the Earth itself. We can reconnect not only with our Soul Light through the Soul Star Chakras, but also with the Earth Light through the Earth Star Chakra. When I worked in Russia with Archangel Michael, we made several meditations and activations to align the chakras of the Earth Star and the Soul Star with the new Shekina Light Magnetic Energy.

The New Reality is one of Freedom. The old anxiety is replaced by joy, a sense of merit, creativity, the ability to manifest and learn through Joy and Fun. Above all, there is a liberation from the need to strive to reach a level of being sufficiently good to be admitted to the cielo . Heaven is here and now, and we are all present and able to experience the joy and joy of heaven on earth. This gives rise to emotions of deep satisfaction, acceptance and trust. Life is seen offering many opportunities and challenges, which can be faced through choice and discernment. Life is lived with integrity, responsibility and taking care of both our own needs and those of others.

Undoubtedly, we have felt the turmoil in recent months since the powerful energy alignments and the floods of the new light of the Shekina have loosened the dominance of the old perception of life in our being The magnetic force of the old is weakened and the magnetism of the new arrives. Perhaps a kind of deep shift of the poles outside an obsolete paradigm of captivity and fear, towards the new era of light.

In recent months we experienced the powerful wave of light that came along April and May, as well as the alignment of the Great Cross and the New Year / portal of the Gate of the Read it at the end of July and beginning of August. Now in the Equinox we have time to take a breath and find balance from all these changes and instabilities, as we cross from one to another way of being and living. The so-called s symptoms of ascension are our bodies that respond to changes in the magnetic field as the Collective Consciousness releases the old ways of clinging to Earth and accept the new way of Peace and Love and Livelihood. The body releases and clears, not only for the individual, but also for the Collective consciousness as well, allowing the years of trauma and anxiety to be released and to make room for a new perception. n of the Reality that is available NOW! It simply requires letting go of the old way of seeing life and entering into the new, and continuing to remind themselves that they are living in this new space of abundance, integrity and support. When you give that yourself you will also give it to the Earth, the Spirit and those around you. You deserve it, you have nothing to prove or anything to strive for or fight for. You were born worthy and were given the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. It is time to assume that gift and open the bolt of love and abundance.

After this equilibrium point of the Equinox, we will move back to the 10/10/10 Portal. This is the moment when the Collective Consciousness will embrace the potentials and possibilities for profound change and this will be recorded and activated at the level of DNA and the Akasha of the Soul. It will be engraved in the Human DNA and the Akashic records that Humanity has freed itself from the slavery of the old and is ready to move forward with the Cosmic Pulse towards the New Human Form and the new Human society.

The Cetaceans, especially the Whales as Custodians of the Akashic Registries of the Planet and as the Original Ancestors and Guardians of the Earth, will be in charge of helping Humanity in the change. They will transmit the Codes of Light that will activate the new patterns in Human DNA and connect them with the Akasha of the Soul and with the Akasha of the Planet. This will create a powerful new template for the New Human. The time of possibility and potential with which we have lived during the last ten years has ended. Now we are taking the irrevocable steps that will change our DNA and change our lives and the way we experience life.

It is a great adventure ... and we are ready to advance to the Light of a New Day!

This last weekend I was fortunate to have an encounter with two wonderful Southern Whales, which allowed me and a friend to get so close to them that we could receive their transmission of the frequencies of the new Light Code that are being sent now and go to reach a climax in the 10/10/10 portal. I was also lucky to have my little camcorder with me and I was able to film the experience and turn it into a video, which I have the Bliss to share with you on this day. The video itself will carry the frequencies and codes that are transmitted by the Whales.

You can download the pipes and logs of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in

Translation: Margarita López

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