Log of the Earth January 14, 2010 by Celia Fenn

  • 2010

January 14, 2010: Energy Changes ... Solar Eclipse, Solar Eruptions ... Earthquakes… This is just a brief note for Starchild readers to inform them about some of the powerful energy changes they are making to the year 2010!

After the very powerful alignments of late 2009 and early 2010, the Earth has been in a process of moving to a higher level of Harmonic Consciousness. This is the result of all the New Grids that have been established in the last decade, they are finally entering full alignment and functionality with the activation of the Rose Grids that carry the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness. The Reconnection with the Cosmic Heart has created an acceleration in Consciousness in our Solar System that is feeling like rapid displacements and energy changes.

The essence of energy is now Flow and Change. What is not built on solid foundations will collapse under pressure. What is in Harmonic Alignment with the new energy flow will flourish and grow.

With the activation of the Planetary Grids, the ability to manifest and create Miracles in alignment with the Flow of Compassionate Love will also be intensified. Thus, the disaster and loss of life in Haiti was the result of the pressures created by the changes, where the poorest people on the planet felt the effects of this powerful movement. Now, those of us who are in the position in which we are stronger can Align ourselves with the Flow of the New Energy to direct this energy towards the Creation of Miracles of Compassion and Love. Be willing to Create Miracles Together. Be open to all the nations of this planet that meet to bring Love and Support to those whose lives have been affected by these changes. We can do this together! The Spirit asks that we focus our intention on Love and Support for all, and that we also maintain the intention of creating in this region an structure that will be ecologically sound, so that future earthquakes do not cause this widespread devastation for the people of this island.

The future New Earth is about Building a Sustainable Future for all of us, and the Spirit has chosen one of the poorest places on Earth to show us what needs to be done. Together, we can focus and create a new future for this island and these people, who are We and part of the One Family on Planet Earth.

In this time of powerful changes and transformations, it is only Love that will allow us to go through it to be a Whole and be Complete. By offering Love and Support to those affected, we will not be afraid, because we will know that if we need it, our Family of Light will also offer Love and Support to us.

As a Family awakened by Light, it is our Work and our Mission to be Love and offer Love wherever it is needed!

In the next few days we will continue to feel the powerful effects of these changes in the Cosmos and in our Solar system. Do not be afraid. Release Fear and move on to Love and Compassion. This is the time for which we have been prepared by the Spirit during the last decade. Be prepared to create Miracles as a Family of Light. Be prepared to direct energy and love so that Miracles can manifest.

Also, do not be critical, but accept with Grace all that is. We do not know what major plan is being served, and our job is to accept what it is and act as we can in Harmony with Divine Will and Higher Consciousness.

So, in this time of Change, know that you are Beloved and that You are Love. Know that, as Mary Magdalene says, you are Love in Motion. Use that Love to create a more compassionate and loving world, and a world that supports Life through Compassion and Love for All.

So, now we are feeling the effects of one of the most powerful Solar Eruptions of this Cycle, and tomorrow there will be a Solar Eclipse. The energies are being felt at all levels. Know that we are awake and strong enough to get through this challenge! Know that we are a Family of Light!

As for me, I keep trying to put my physique back into alignment after some powerful changes in Israel. I am feeling much better and I will probably soon be strong enough to channel, and to be able to share with you information about Archangel Michael and Mary Magdalene, as well as some of the information about work in Israel.

Thanks to all the Dear Family who wrote me asking about my health. I am much better now and I am looking forward to returning to the Work of Light for the year 2010!

You can download the pipes of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in and in.

© 200910 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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Translation: Margarita López

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