Archangel Metatron ~ 2015: The Amazing Year that Begins

  • 2014

Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

Greetings, Masters, I am Metatron, Archangel of Light, and I greet you in a vector of unconditional love. The channeler has asked us to discuss in this meeting the year before you, 2015, according to its linear chronology. It is the "Year Three" of the New Earth. It will be a really amazing year, a year of transformation, a time of great changes ... and certainly an intense year. Everything has a purpose, and the difficulties that humanity has encountered can be resolved and will be. But effort and commitment are requirements. It is time to co-create a world of peace.

Dear Humans, before we start with the requested topic, we want to add a point. The ongoing turmoil on the planet clearly indicates to humanity that deeply rooted conflictive issues, whether religious, territorial, or related to social equity and inequality ... all must be resolved. They have arisen before many times, without being resolved. However, in the energy of the New Earth, those problems will not disappear just like that. In the energy of your "present, " linear time, those conflicts will filter to the surface and remain there. Many of them have a dramatic emotionality due to the repression of the past, but the central issues must arise and must be faced. When such challenges arise, another round of what they might call "resolution therapy" in rhythmic temporal patterns begins ... only in this case, the rhythm is continuous.
Teachers, conflicts and problems of human equality cannot be treated with magical remedies or with a safety valve treatment to release “steam.” Equality and justice must become ideal that are realized.

And in 2015, these problems will continue to appear on a global scale.

Low tide
Now, in the final weeks of 2014 many will feel a "low tide" of energy, something like "The dark night of the soul." They may feel frustration, apathy, anger and depression. This is partly due to the natural anti-climatic resonance that occurred after the series of high intensity energies that began in September and persisted through the mega-eclipses of October.
Even the most enlightened among you can self-question and feel an episode of deep despair. Astrological forces have a lot to do with these feelings, and it is vitally important to maintain their auric integrity to go through such temporary emotional descents. For many, the holiday season from Thanksgiving to Christmas is a time sustained by sadness and loneliness, the memories of past years. It is also the natural time to consider the effects of another year that ends.

The end of the year
In the final months of 2014, the world has seemed intensely chaotic, both large and small. Wars, violence, injustice and the threats of an increasing disturbance have arisen everywhere, both in the individual and massive scene. This will continue in 2015. Many are confused by what is happening. It may seem to them that the world has taken a step back. They can question the veracity of 2012 and wonder if any form of Ascension took place. We assure you that the Earth amounted to 12 dimensions in 2012, and the New Crystalline Matrix of the New Planet Earth will eventually allow the Ascension of Humanity. But, as we said before, the Ascension of Humanity will not occur for many generations. We recognize that the planet now seems to be in chaos. Many are seeing the disturbance around them and wondering why the world seems to go crazy.

We have told you that the Energy of Christ returns to Earth in 2038. In terms of polarity, this is the energy of Light. What is happening in the present is, in part, the final agony of the dark, innate energy of duality, in a futile attempt to block that return. We tell you that the Return of the Light will occur, and cannot be prevented. Then there must necessarily be a purification, and it is certainly taking place; The rare energies leading to 2015 have opened so to speak the basement door and everything they call negative is coming out. It is similar to draining a foil, or taking a step backwards before taking two leaps forward.

Clarity of Dreams
An issue that we wish to highlight over the final three months of 2014 and all of 2015, is that the dream states will be especially embellished. Because of the myriad of energies involved, everyone will have an opportunity for an extraordinary dream activity; This will be especially accentuated, enabled, during the two quadratic phases of the mega-eclipse periods. Those who are trained in lucid dreams will have windows to what is coming for you. But this window of clarity will be available to everyone, and will occur in their dream states, whether or not they may retain them in memory upon waking to the waking state. We encourage you to make concerted efforts to remember them, as they will offer understanding of the changes that occur around you. And over the next few years, tremendous transitions, both individual and massive, will take place.
However, also in this period (and in 2015), areas of injustice and perceptions of inequality will continue to appear in the new year, and this has a purpose site
It is a time of `` Cosmic Pointer '', where each one sometimes seems to be on the target to which chaos points. It is a time when differences stand out, a time when deviations and disparities emerge clearly in an intensely divisive aspect of polarity, to prepare the way towards a necessary harmony and unification.

Divine Purpose
Now, before proceeding to a more detailed explanation of the astral gravities that penetrate the earth plane in 2015, it will take a moment to tell you again that nothing is happening around you in the present that no Have a purpose. Although opposites exist in duality (and therefore, dark energies), good and evil in your terms are illusions with purpose. From a higher position above polarity, opposites do not exist, and everything participates and leads to the highest good. Earth is a testing ground, and although the experiences you have in duality are very real to you, those essential lessons were designed for the development of your co-creation. They are learning, growing, they are taught and they teach themselves how to optimally manage the energy to become co-creators conscious with the Everything that Is, God the Creator in your terms. One of the `` stages of development '' or learning processes at the University of Duality includes working with opposites as realities, with good and evil. As these opposites exist in duality, it is a requirement that they choose "good" on the path of love.

The struggle between light and darkness, good and evil, is within all of you. Some radiate light; others in the family of humanity still do not. Part of your curriculum is to discover unity. This represents a unification, an integral whole that they cannot yet truly grasp in the field of duality, because in the duality of 3dD they only perceive mostly portions of reality, not the whole. Opposites are real in polarity and, therefore, must learn to handle them.

Do not misunderstand; darkness must be confronted and light must always prevail ... and although, above duality, good and evil do not really exist, certainly in 3D they are realities, as conditions of existence in your reality system. In somewhat simplistic terms, the concepts of good and evil, in due course, will serve to teach them the sacredness of existence and the responsibilities of consciousness, and will provide guidance along their path.

Powerful Dates and Activation Phases in 2015
The energies of 2015 will be quite intense during the first half of the year. However, that does not mean that periods of high intensity do not have a specific purpose, because the frequency “barrier” still rises and specific energy codes will be aligned to lower during the astrological openings of 2015. But the intense phases of 2015 can be handle being aware of the influences that manifest, because they occur with purpose. Within 2015 there are many deep opportunities not only for the necessary purification, but also to move forward.

The two quadratics of equinoxes, solstices and solar and lunar eclipses are extremely powerful and combine frequently, presenting a unique coded octahedral portal opening on the New Earth. During the equinoxes, solstices, and especially the 6 eclipses from 2014 to 2015, a wave of “new” encoded energies will flood the planet.

Central Key Dates in 2015:
March 20 - Total Solar Eclipse (New Moon)
March 20, 2015 - Equinox
April 4 - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
June 21, 2015 - Solstice
September 13, 2015 - Partial Solar Eclipse (New Moon)
September 23, 2015 - Equinox
September 28, 2015 - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
December 21, 2015 - Solstice

Each of the dates listed are power points with individual attributes. And although the eclipse phases overlap and interact in combination, these energies can be considered two main parts of the whole in terms of description. The first goes from March 20 to June 21. The second from September 13 to December 21. Each begins with an eclipse, contains an equinox and ends with the solstice.

The first phase contains an important upward update and activation of what might be called Ley Lines or terrestrial currents. This will happen mainly through the main longitudinal mountain ranges of the planet (north-south and south-north). In North America the main points will occur in Colorado and in Alberta, Canada. In South America the range will extend along the main length of the Andes. Both will connect in the full expansive mountain range. (This was explained in more detail in the recent channeling on the activation of Colorado - Earth Energy). The Urals, the Great Divider Range (in Australia) and the Transantarctic massif are part of this. The areas within the Great River Rift in Colorado will make an upgrade up, and those regions will carry new energy and offer many benefits along the mountains and crevasse areas. The massifs in east-west direction will be updated in 2016, and we'll talk about that soon.

The initial period will carry an energy very similar to the final phase of 2015. It is a time of compensation.

The second phase is introspection. It is a sanctified time to seek harmony, to collectively project harmony. There are additional codes that allow a spiritual revival on a global scale and a re-design, a re-definition of relationships. It offers an opportunity to plant the seeds of World Peace. At the individual level, it is time to put more clarity into problematic relationships. Reconcile what had been cut. It is an influx of compassion. Because what happens in the first phase is the emergence and discharge of the conflict; In the second phase is reconciliation. In a very true sense, it is an additional descent from what could be called “Unconditional Love” to prepare for the return of the “Energy of Christ.” In truth, each eclipse carries renewed codes of this process.

It is an absolutely natural synergy that these astronomical dates provide descents of codified influence. Because these events (solstices, equinoxes and eclipses) truly open doors, openings that have always been unique events for such transfers. That is why they have been revered as days of introspection, prayer and meditation in ancient cultures and in many current spiritual sects.

Now the 2015 eclipses adopt an even more special quality, as they offer catalytic energy triggers of change both individually and for the planet. And at this specific frequency with purpose, the eclipses, solstices and equinoxes of 2015 are magnified exponentially. It would be fair to say that 2015 is characterized by those four unique eclipses. There is an undoubted frequency overlap between the eclipses of October 2014 and those of 2015.

In 2014 the two lunar eclipses are "total", the eclipses occur at the peak of the full moon in both April and October. It is a perfect time to change the course of your life by meditating towards self-direction and calibration. In 2014 many discovered a renewed purpose, experienced a rebirth, are on new creative paths that will continue and gain momentum in 2015. Others have chosen to stay on the same path but with renewed vigor, new perspective or association to a new group. Many of you will still discover a new purpose in 2015 and bring to the surface a prolific talent that was previously dormant and unrealized.
2015 provides the energy to complete the rebirth, and alignments to voluntarily recharge you towards the incomplete points of your “soul contract” that had not yet been fulfilled or handled.

Dates in 2015 with Retrograde Mercury:
Mercury retrograde from January 21 to February 11
Retrograde Mercury from May 18 to June 11
Mercury retrograde from September 17 to October 9.

The periods of retrograde Mercury offer unique windows, especially in the energies of 2015, for a clear review of the self. The Mercury phase from May 18 to June 11, 2015 is time to meet, time to co-create collectively.

The Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse of September 28, 2015 is in a very unusual Mercury retrograde, providing extraordinarily increased internal psychic vision. But it is important to note that the level of clarity, in contrast to the level of misunderstanding of this visionary opportunity, will depend on one's own auric integrity, the state of equilibrium and the ability to remain "anchored."

Cosmic Gravity in 2015 - Truths and Trails
Teachers, correctly applied astrology is about gravitational and electromagnetic waves that influence the human physical body and the etheric bodies of the mental and emotional matrix. It's real, it's not folklore. We are not talking about horoscopes, but very real waves of energy, which abound in frequencies, light and color that affects you by induction and unified patterns. These patterns are vibrations that will absolutely influence, whether or not you accept that they do. However, there is no influence greater than the power of the will. By being aware of the patterns of vibrational influence they can work more effectively in favor and not against these patterns. Therefore, opportunities can be understood and seized, and pitfalls can be cautiously avoided. Do you understand?

On the New Earth, the Crystalline Grid has come to predominate over the magnetic, and this in turn influences both the planets and stars' seriousness and the interpretation of the Light. And a force of influence that intervenes in this energetic collage is that of Divine Thought.

There are patterns of influence of the collective Divine Aspect of Humanity and what they call the Universal Mind that are injecting specific patterns in the terrestrial plane through the Crystalline Grid, in the openings formed by the phases of eclipses, solstices and equinoxes.

The Apparent Chaos Pattern of 2015
Therefore, in 2015 they are at a unique time when planetary influences have been combined with cosmic forces, which are not normally associated with astrological seriousness, to create a purification Intense, unique and precise in the New Earth paradigm. What they call the shadow, the dark side, is temporarily in free flow for a peculiar period of frequency time, to bring to the surface repression and frustrations, justified or not, to be confronted, seen and resolved in the crucible of human experience and manifest reality. What was hidden or repressed appears on the surface. Past transgressions and unresolved conflicts, which may have been hidden, will surface at this time to be confronted and cleaned responsibly.

It is a time of misunderstandings, exaggerated reactions and illusion. It is an energy highlighted by the extremes in the expression of repression, a backlash of the frustrations that can be revealed in an unpleasant emission, even an inappropriate relief releasing what was in it. the shadow.

In the first quarter of 2015, those who are prone to illusory, occasional great conceptual errors or mirages of enlarged fantasy, will discover that this murky veil will open fully to worlds of false dreams Those, and temporarily lost dreamers can bite the hand that tries to wake them up. The samples of reality offered to them, even with the best intention, can result in a confusing and unexpected kickback or rejection. It is a time when even the pure-hearted can reject advice apparently given with good will, and much more an intervention. It is a phase in which any authority figure, rightly without it, can be seen as interference.

There will be a rebellious attitude, even in those who are not normally discolored, and this can influence this rather murky frequency phase to take steps that would otherwise have seemed illogical. Remember then that this unusual energy can influence everyone. The inner coyote is released. The teacher is absent from the classroom and the students are alone, they make mischief because the rules are not so enforceable in this misty frequency. Many of you will act in unexpected and surprising ways, far outside your normal guidelines, as restrictions on this chaotic and influential gravity are lifted. Factions and individuals linked to negative aspects of revenge, or with negative dyes, may be prone to act with extreme measures during this phase.

Mars and Pluto come to participate in this situation. Concepts of not being recognized, of ideas excluded, rejected, or sauteed or repudiated in any way. This applies, in macro terms, to ideologies, religions, countries or groups that feel that their power is not acting or has diminished. The suppressed anger will find expression.

Religions that allow violence or dogmatically tolerate aggression fall into this category. Groups and individuals who feel repressed will seek an opportunity for relief. Anger can be extreme among fans. We would tell you that trips to regions of the world involved in conflicts will be more risky in 2015, so discernment and prudence are required. Pandora's Box will remain open until the last portion of the year.

However; We repeat to you that human will is stronger than an astrological force, and that fear is not the answer. However, prudence is wise, and in every venture a conscious choice of date should be weighed.

Teachers, there are extraordinary windows of opportunity and coding for co-creation within the crucible energies of 2015.

The tetrad sequence of the four Total Lunar Eclipses of the full moon began in April 2014, and will be completed in September 2015. This tetrad of lunar eclipses was accompanied by solar eclipses within 15 days. This is the shortest possible time for a sequence of solar and lunar eclipses, and power to both.
You are in a rare frequency of energies, and this frequency abounds in high frequency codes. The codes are enabling the Return of the Light. Although the purification that accompanies it seems uncontrolled intensity, it represents a necessary release of negativity and an influx of seeds of the Christic light.

An Ecliptic Year
Eclipses are openings that combine light, planetary frequencies, geo-gravity and collective thinking. The eclipses offer a unique platform for both the Divine Thought and the higher vibrations of the Human Collective's thought to be printed. Now, a lunar eclipse can only occur on a full moon, and a solar eclipse only on a new moon. Both provide additional power to the eclipse. The eclipses have been considered unique events by humanity, but we would tell you something else ... when the lunar and solar eclipses are in a direct linear sequence, as in 2014 and 2015, a more amplified field with a greater concentration of energy is formed .

Linear eclipses (within 15 days) have, therefore, a greatly magnified intensity. A symbiotic network of the lunar and solar signatures is formed that has a synergistic effect ... both are amplified. In this collaboration, any form of solar eclipse is magnified by duo, whether partial, annular or total, with a mega-effect with all the effects of the total lunar eclipse, and vice versa. This means that, if the mole is total and in a linear sequence with a partial solar eclipse, the resulting combined duo is a mega energy that amplifies both of them in a "Dual Totality" effect.

Eclipses were known, in more advanced societies, as significant events that penetrated the dimensional plot of reality within the Earth plane. The Atlanteans referred to them as points of infinity, because during the eclipse period, linear time stops at a brief interlude of infinity. (The word "eclipse" comes from the Atlantean language and was adopted in the language of ancient Greece to mean "hide" or "cease to exist"). Eclipses alter the wavelengths of light in unique ways and affect gravity. Gravitational anomalies, as well as torsion effects, occur during eclipses. Your current science speculates on this by calling it the Allias effect and the Saxi effect.

Eclipses emit a “percussive” wave of coded coherence that penetrates the earth and affects humanity. Consistency opens the pine tree and raises a specific response, both in the cells of the human physical body and in the energy assembly of the etheric body. So to speak, time, as you know it, is altered during the eclipse phase, especially when a lunar and a solar one occur within a relative proximity to the maximum points of the solstices and equinoxes. This will take place during 2015. As it creates intensities, it also opens extraordinary “dimensional doors” of consciousness. Sleep states are more lucid in these rare phases, and altered states in waking consciousness are also different. The pulse of thought, of the life force, varies in subtle but very significant ways. Reality windows open, the horizons of being extend. Spacetime changes briefly. The higher simultaneous time states of the "Eternal Now" increase, allowing a truly embellished phase of multidimensional clarity.

You know that "sacred sites" are planetary power nodes within vectors on earth, embellished with a greater concentration of life force units. (Also called Adamantine or Akashic Essence). Over a period of time the eclipses emit a concentrated wave current of particulate creative life force.

This bombardment of energy can be sown with insertions of thought of “divine” pattern as well as with the highest intention of humanity, both consciously and unconsciously. This energy will affect everyone at some level, to varying degrees, whether they realize it or not. But how they will use it, consciously or unconsciously, will depend on their concentration, their knowledge and their light quotient.

Part of what is happening and will happen in the combined energy of the October mega eclipse duo will be the involuntary spontaneous release of overloaded emotional states in progress.

In the resonant vibratory field of an eclipse there are feeling tones of unique characteristics, incorporated by humanity. Emotional tensions, such as extremes caused by the current "energy cocktail" on the planet, can be more easily returned to a more normal level. Eclipses carry an energy that can stabilize hormonal imbalances, similar to that of the electromagnetism of certain latitudes and elevations in height that provide balance to the body and human emotions.

Question by J. Tyberonn: Are you saying that eclipses affect human biology and emotional states?
Archangel Metatron: Human biology and certainly the mental and emotional fields are absolutely influenced by the environment. Your environment includes much more than you consciously perceive, such as gravity waves, light frequencies, ionic rates and mineralogical vibrations of the planet. Your physical body has a cellular consciousness operating biologically, so that hormonal and biochemical balances are directly affected by the format of light and the matrix of the planet. Eclipses have an impact, because they project differentiated light, alter gravity, and are coded with conscious life force that allows greater serenity. Therefore, a recalibration as well as a release can take place.

To put it simply, the cells in your body respond to beautified light and life force similar to that of shadow plants that heliotropically seek to grow into sunlight. The effect, however, goes much deeper than the skin; It is not simply biological; it aligns the integral being and offers a prolific window towards the Higher Self, a unique and specific window for the period of human evolution and light quotient.

The eclipses of 2015 are also frequently connected with the eclipses of 2014. The present intensity will remain high, but what happens in March 2015 will allow the necessary relief, a temporary release of pressure inside the cauldron of chaos that will be underway. As we have said before, the solstice and equinox nodes are also programmable. The eclipses that will occur in 2015 are highly encoded. Much more than any of you have experienced in the recent past. Such programming will continue in order to format the Return of Light in 2038. There are Laws of Physics and certainly scientific attributes of eclipses that have not yet been fully recognized or discovered by current academics. Your science discards the sacred, and the sacred still omits the scientific.

Everyone should spend time on the dates of these eclipses to go deep. They will discover an extraordinary opportunity to experience higher realities. They will find much more lucid dream states and will be given an opportunity to resolve personal matters. But it is imperative to devote time dedicated to it.

Some will be more willing to accept these truths than others, because what we told you was understood in Atlantis among the “Scientific Priests” of the Law of One, and many of you who were members of those Mystery Schools will intuitively recognize the truthfulness of What we tell them.

The multiple effects lead especially to receive, as well as enable, codes. That is why eclipses have always been openings in which energy frequencies can be intertwined within their structure. The joint (direct) alignment of the earth, the moon and the sun that enables eclipses can occur four to seven times each year. The more eclipses, the greater the energy coding in a given year. The next appearance of 7 eclipses will be in 2038, and that is certainly significant. But what is happening in your present is also extremely important for the preparation of these changes.

The 2015 Eclipses are Openings
We told you that the eclipses are encoded and are sowing the sacred return of the Light. We will talk more about this in future messages, but remember that everything is leading to 2038. In 2014 and 2015, each of the Total Lunar Eclipses of the Full Moon occurs at Easter and the Feast of the Tabernacle. And since the Temple Mount area is an important planetary navel, seeds of peace will be sown, and disseminated on those dates.

Throughout history, they have referred to lunar eclipses and full moons in terms of colors; blue moons, golden moons, blood moons, etc ... and we tell you that these colors are shades of codes and if they are used with intention, ecliptic energy can open the pineal and the chákricos senses towards an extraordinary optimal psychic consciousness, providing magnified clarity to search engines with auric and mental balance, for a even greater lucidity.

Es muy importante que se den cuenta de la importancia del equilibrio, si no, las energías actuales en el planeta (que persistirán hasta marzo del 2015) pueden ser difíciles de manejar, mucho menos utilizar óptimamente. Se requiere atenci ny comprensi n. De otro modo, puede ser un tiempo de regresi n hacia la depresi ny la apat a. Estas energ as, usadas sabiamente, pueden ser grandes trampolines hacia la claridad, el crecimiento espiritual y la co-creaci n.

Recuerden que algunos de los mecanismos menos reconocidos del desequilibrio urico son el fanatismo, el agrandamiento del ego, la depresi n cr nica y el desequilibrio emocional (extremos). Para la claridad, es esencial mantener los pies sobre la tierra, y hay muchos bienintencionados en la metaf sica que se van demasiado alto y vibran demasiado r pido. Tal desequilibrio resulta en una forma de corto circuito urico. No hay anclaje, la claridad se pierde en un s ndrome alucinatorio de lentes color de rosa, en lo que ustedes llaman ilusi n de cuento de hadas . Aprender a mantener el equilibrio y funcionar efectivamente en la 3 D es, por tanto, un requisito del mantenimiento del aura para habilitar la claridad en dimensiones m s altas. Un aura fisurada no sirve; un aura ntegra es siempre un buen trampol n para ascender a un reino m s alto. (Esto se ense a en las claves metatr nicas.)
Por lo tanto, los que est n en la ilusi n enga osa experimentar n ilusi n enga osa; los que est n en la claridad experimentar n claridad extraordinaria. Por eso los antiguos siempre consideraron los equinoccios, solsticios y eclipses como eventos sagrados. Incluso en tiempos actuales muchas religiones consideran todav a esos eventos como d as sagrados. Tambi n mencionamos que la luz recibida de la luna es reflectiva, en tanto la luz del sol es directa. Durante los eclipses, estas diferencias son factores clave. La luz lunar y los patrones del mbito lunar operan m s en reinos alterados y visiones de paisaje on rico. La luz solar y los patrones de frecuencias solares influyen m s en el mbito de la fuerza de vida y la co creaci n, de usar las energ as coherentes embellecidas para manifestar. En el collage combinado de los eclipses ad o, ambos debieran comprenderse para planear la actividad de acuerdo con ellos. La Rejilla Cristalina sirve como lente focal para permitir que se instalen c digos m s elevados en las 12 dimensiones de la Matriz de la Nueva Tierra, y que as sean recibidos por inducci na trav s de la mente universal humana con la cual todos est n tan ntimamente conectados.

Maestros, al cerrar les repetimos que la Ascensi n del Planeta ciertamente ocurri . Es esencial que lo comprendan y no pierdan la fe. Siempre habr detractores, y seguir n siendo los que cuestionen, incluso aquellos que est n en el camino, que realmente hayan ocurrido cambios despu s del 21 diciembre de 2012. La Ascensi n Planetaria tuvo lugar, y aquellos de ustedes en luz lo hicieron as . Pero queremos aclarar que es la graduaci n del Planeta Tierra, una expansi na 12 dimensiones, la que ha tenido lugar. Y la ascensi n del planeta ha hecho posible la venidera ascensi n de la humanidad.

De modo que les diremos que la Ascensi n es un nuevo comienzo. Y en 2015, la Tierra sigue adelante hacia el nuevo formato que permitir una capacidad de la humanidad para elevarse l cidamente y ascender conscientemente a dimensiones m s altas. La Nueva Tierra ahora lleva una matriz en la Rejilla Cristalina que capacita absolutamente a la humanidad para estar m s consciente de su verdadera naturaleza dentro de la multidimensionalidad.
Les aseguramos que ha amanecido un nuevo sol, y es ciertamente el sol del cambio. Bring the light of the magnificent New Earth. Y, queridos, queremos decir: magn fica. En esta era nueva, corresponde a los buscadores proyectar alegr a, proyectar luz, porque en la expansi n hacia la armon a cristalina, cada fot n de luz mental que proyecten se amplifica exponencialmente. Esto ocurre m sr pidamente en la Nueva Energ a de 2015. As sus roles toman una importancia nueva, una benevolencia mayor, a medida que aumentan sus poderes de creación en lo que llaman el cambio de Acuario.

El caos aparente y las intensidades tienen su propósito, pero aquellos de ustedes en la Luz también serán capaces de utilizar las energías en el planeta para co crear el mundo de amor, de la Ascensión de la Humanidad. Y recuerden que la Ascensión ocurre de a un corazón por vez… lo que hagan individualmente y cómo cada uno reacciona, se agrega a lo colectivo.

I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are loved.
Y es así… Y así es.

Todos los derechos de autoría quedan reservados para Earth-Keeper.

Translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Arcángel Metatrón ~ 2015: El Asombroso Año que Empieza

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