Alex Warden: The role of women and the healing of the Earth.

  • 2014

Today women have a fundamental role for the evolution of the planet. This new relational consciousness, of unity that is based on the natural, feminine instinctive wisdom of interconnection of all things.

Lorena Santandreu.

Sufi mystic of Argentine nationality, dedicated to sharing the call of his heart. In South America, he conveys the profound and restorative message of the sacred feminine and the teachings of his teacher and Dr. in Jungian Psychology Llewellyn Vauhghan-Lee.

Alex, how and when is this awakening of the essential unity born in you?

The reality of the essential unity of all things, woke up when I was fourteen, from a dream-experience in which I joined with my soul, something similar to the bright light at the end of the tunnel with which some people join Near death experiences. This first conscious union was very deep and changed my life forever. One of the results of this experience, was that it changed my perception of reality, aroused what is called non-dual consciousness, which continued to deepen over time. A first expression of that non-dual consciousness was the perception of the essential unity that underlies all things, which is a form of relational or unity consciousness, which allows us to consciously experience, at all times, how everything relates and works. in connection with everything else within this physical world and also with other levels of reality. Another result of this experience was that it awakened in me the kundalini energy, which is an evolutionary energy that, among other things, also supported and deepened this unitive perceptual change.

The interesting thing is that today many people are developing this form of relational perception, many children already arrive with it ... in reality, it is a new level of consciousness capable of uniting opposites, smoothing differences, focusing on similarities, which What you have in common. Today it is possible for all of us to develop this relational consciousness, it is the new evolutionary step we can take. Another very important aspect of this new perception of unity is that it is based on the intrinsic feminine wisdom, on the natural and spontaneous knowledge, that the feminine possesses of the interconnection of all things, instinctive intelligence that in this new evolutionary cycle, can See these relationships consciously.

What is the importance in your life as a woman of the Sufi Path?

This Sufi path, and in particular the relationship with my teacher, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, helped me regain my value as a woman, to know myself as a woman, to know my essential purity and, to know and accept the strength, power and power of what female. The circumstances of life, my work, my profession took me to the world of patriarchal power at an age and at a time when a woman with power in the world was seen more as a man than as a woman. Although, today I recognize that my way of working was always fundamentally feminine, non-hierarchical, non-linear, relational and organic, at that time, I came to believe that as a woman I was missing something, and that it was therefore easy for me to work and move in That masculine world. Now I see how that experience hurt me without my knowing it, I struggled to act in a way that was not mine. Because the feminine is more than anything, a state of being. The feminine is the cup waiting to be filled. It is the mother, mater, the pure substance that the spirit receives and transforms it by giving it a body. In other words, women, the feminine, have a way of being, a particular way of acting. When the woman, as happened to me, begins to live in a way that she is not essentially, we disconnect from our nature. And my teacher, his love, appreciation and deep understanding of the feminine, helped me heal.

What is the role of Women for these times of transition? And in particular, what is the intimate relationship of women with Mother Earth?

Today women have a fundamental role for the evolution of the planet. This new relational consciousness, of unity, of which I spoke, which is based on the natural, feminine instinctive wisdom of interconnection of all things, has to do with the fact that the woman has the capacity to house and create a body for a soul that It comes to life. In that sense, the woman knows her union with her son in the womb by direct experience. That is the way to know the feminine union. He does not use thought, but is a knowledge from within. And as everything is related to everything in the different planes of reality, these qualities of the feminine are fundamental in the moments of evolutionary transition too, because the woman can house and give birth to this new consciousness, this new humanity. It takes the feminine to create this new world, we have to give birth. The masculine cannot do it, just as the male does not carry the baby in his womb. In this the woman is like Mother Earth, she creates bodies for the spirit of life, all the time, everywhere ... It is from this natural knowledge, that the woman naturally knows that the Earth is a living being, and knows that it is like her. We are one with the Mother, we are her eyes and ears, we are her consciousness. From the beginning of time, it was always known that woman was the human expression of this mother planet, and in reality we are also the human expression of the feminine aspect of God, creation. That is why many women and the feminine in the male feel the pain of the Mother and her beauty and miracle. This new consciousness that is being born will help us understand our relationship and belonging to the Earth in a new way - in truth the Mother is the one who is waking up, who is emerging from oblivion. Our memory of her is His memory of herself.

How can women reconnect or awaken their Female Divinity?

In a way we need to unlearn what we have learned and return to the heart, to our body, to our feelings, to the senses. Irina Tweedie, my teacher's teacher, Llewellyn Vaughan-lee, told her that her teacher Bhai Sahib, more than half a century ago told her: “The woman is always pure, just as the Earth is always pure, the woman can never be impure. " Recognize, discover, that natural purity of the feminine, of the woman, connects us with our essence, with the knowledge of our divinity. We carry thousands of years of a belief that has become flesh, in which the woman is seen as impure. We see it in the story of Adam and Eve. In certain works of art of the past, not only Eva is the temptress, the culprit of the expulsion from paradise, but also even the snake has a woman's body and face. That belief of our impurity is in the air, it is breathed, it exists in the collective unconscious of the West and we carry it inside. He has poisoned us, poisoned us. We have to clean it up, we have to unbelieve it and uncreate it takes time, because this belief is permeated in our society. And of course, this belief about women and women, and the consequent treatment of women and women, has a direct relationship with the mistreatment and forgetfulness of the Earth, the great feminine, the great woman, the mother.

When do you mention the Goddess (or the God / Goddess) what do you mean? And how can women reconnect? Why is it so important?

In ancient times, in some stories the Goddess is the wife of God, or her sister, in others she was the mother of God. In other words, the Goddess is the created, physical aspect of divinity, of God. It is the cosmos, the Earth and everything in it. The Goddess, the mother, is the aspect of the Divine capable of harboring the uncreated spirit and creating it, giving it body. When the woman, the feminine, is recognized as a means of harboring a spirit, giving her body and bringing it to life, she has children or not, she begins to understand the value of her body, the value of her nature, the value and meaning of her being a woman for Life, because that capacity to embody, to give body to the spirit, which the feminine possesses, is also the ability to embody other things, a project, a work, a function, a consciousness, a quality, in an organic and natural way.

What is the role of male energy?

The masculine one in both the male and the female, has the ability to perceive the specific qualities that each thing has individually. It has the ability to notice the peculiarities, to see the differences, to see from outside. This view from the outside is what allows us to see ourselves as beings separated from others and to develop reason, and to have a different perspective, every time we discover more details of reality. It allows us, among others, linear thinking and the development of sciences, the scientific, writing, and masculine, as an expression of consciousness, gave us something fundamental in evolution. human, the ability to individualize, the ability to see what makes us unique, special and separate from the collective. Together with the feminine wisdom, it is really possible to develop this new relational consciousness, which naturally perceives the relationships between all things but also sees the special qualities that each individual thing can offer to the whole.

Another characteristic of the masculine is the quality of protecting the feminine, of providing certain security and protection so that the feminine can create, house and give body to the spirit. This is seen a lot among certain birds, for example, that the female poses on the eggs and the male builds the nest and looks for food to feed it. It is one of the reasons that traditionally in many cultures, the role of man is to protect the home, to build the home, to provide a safe space for women to raise children. And from the point of view of this moment of transition, this is extremely important, because so that the feminine can house and give birth to this new world, this new consciousness, we need the masculine to be in charge of curbing everything that prevents this pregnancy, Take care to discriminate what supports this process or not.

What do you mean make the everyday sacred?

To make the everyday sacred is to recognize that all life is an expression of the Divine, it is to restore the natural and intrinsic spirituality to each moment and situation of existence. It is seeing in the everyday things the divine, the manifested spirit. It is to give meaning back to our daily life, it is to bring life back to matter, it is to stop making life an object, it is a rebirth, it is to remember the spirit that lives in each thing, and the connection that each thing, that each moment, it has with the divine essence, its source. And it is a way of developing this new consciousness of unity, of evolving and of connecting with the soul, in a very simple way, every day. In Sufism it is said: "Wherever you look, there is the Face of the Beloved, " because for the Sufi, God is our Beloved.

What is the new paradigm for the healing, renewal and rebirth of a new Earth?

First, I think it is important to begin to value what the Earth is, our home, our source of livelihood, our nest, is the place where we can make our existence come true. Our bodies are made of His substance. And like us, the Earth has life, has a name and also has a soul. His name varies according to the language and place. It was known as Gaia and Pacha Mama, among others. And his soul is called the Anima Mundi. Earth is a name that lost a lot of value, the earth is something that is under our feet, under our power. We need to remember his true name, return the value to the name and meaning to the Earth. We need to treat it as a living being that gives us everything, we need to stop treating it as an object, as a source of resources, as a wastebasket. There is a moment, when we wake up to this reality of the Earth, when we feel a deep pain, an anguish, sometimes a very great anger. It seems that every tree that is cut, every garbage on the ground, hurts our hearts, makes us dirty. And this is normal and this is true, because what we do to another, we do to ourselves. We feel the suffering of the Earth, the abuse of the feminine, the abuse of her children, the offense to the creative power of the Earth and its creation. But if we are going to support and participate in the rebirth of the Earth, we need to be able to forgive and also forgive ourselves, we need to see the paradise that she is and always was and will be. We need to appreciate its revitalizing power. She has existed for millions of years and has gone through terrible catastrophes and yet she has always returned renewed, her smile and infinite beauty have always returned. When we can forgive, when we can look beyond pain and anger, we can wake up to Earth, get her out of her dream, from this nightmare, and we can open our eyes to what is being born, to the paradise she truly is, a new possibility.

What importance do you give to sustainability and spirituality, at this time when the environment is so threatened by climate change and global warming?

For me, sustainability is fundamentally an act of respect. It is to leave the abuse, it is to return to the base, to the most natural. It is true that now it is more than necessary and many seek sustainability because they feel that the sources are running out, fertile and humid areas are transformed into deserts, the poles melt, the water is toxic and you have to put disinfectants to drink it, the air pollution is making it breathable, the land is full of landfills ... But from the point of view of consciousness, sustainability is a way to start looking through the eyes of the Earth, and it is a spiritual act, of daily spirituality, of making the everyday sacred.

What is the function of dreams for the awakening of personal consciousness?

In our order of Sufism, dreams are tools to know ourselves, messages that reach us from the depths of our being. They are a form of internal guidance, and at the core of our dreams is the message of our soul, of our higher Self, of our inner teacher, for us. In my book, The Call of My Heart, I told the story of my life, based on my dreams and mystical experiences, and how they were guiding my life, they were explaining my own internal processes to me, they helped me to become more conscious, they left me connecting with my soul — my inner teacher — that is, they taught me. But in addition, the language of dreams is the language of the feminine. The feminine speaks in a symbolic language, where everything has life. In the dream, all its elements are alive, they represent an aspect of our inner reality. Dreams are like the myths of antiquity, they are our own history, they are the revelation of our own journey of hero or heroine. The dream also has certain qualities — things appear and disappear, it is not always a linear story, but several things can happen without a predetermined order, the elements of the dream are transformed… Everything is the world, the mode of expression, the language of the feminine, of the feminine consciousness. The source that feeds the world of dreams can also feed, inspire the world of poetry and art. That is why in ancient times, the priestesses were the oracle. That's why the muses are feminine. From the point of view of the evolution of consciousness, the dream is a tool to develop the relational or unity consciousness, because all the elements of the dream are related to each other, are part of the same story, form, are a totality . And besides, of course, they connect us with the reality of worlds beyond the physical world, with the inner worlds.


Alex Warden: The role of women and the healing of the Earth.

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