Alas-1º January 2010… The year of Creativity, manifestations and self-expression ~ by Karen Bishop

  • 2010

His Excerpt from Today's Book of The Ascension Fellow:


We are born with a total loss of memory. Of course, this is not new information, and most of the time we wish it weren't. It seems that we can spend most of our lives searching and trying to remember what we feel inside that is so important; If only we could remember what it was!

Feeling like an Alzheimer's patient most of the time, doesn't exactly put us in a space of power when it comes to what we came here to do on Earth. It is as if we are stretching into the fog, trying to grab something that is just out of reach. And when a message from a channeler arrives in our space, we may be inclined to think, “Oh! Top information that is from the place I can't remember! ”But the channeling depends only on how high the channeler is vibrating, who it is, and what its filters are. That is why the memory comes from within each and every one of us.

One of the best consequences of vibrating higher and higher is that we begin to remember. It is as if a door had opened and now we have access to a new reality and level of knowledge and awareness. But most importantly, we begin to really remember who we are. We are much more than what we thought we were. Most of us have walked around here for eons of time and we are literally old. And if we are experiencing the ascension process, that basically means that we are done. We have been here for so long, that we are now complete and ready to move on to a different experience.

Remembering who we are can bring us so much peace and comfort. We are, in essence, reconnecting and reuniting with our true selves. And one thing to remember also does, is to bring us back to our power. This is a very new power. This power comes from a much stronger connection to the Source and to our souls (or higher self). We now know who we really are, and it is not our wounded inner child or any of the other aspects in which we had evolved due to the challenging experiences of impotence.

Remembering who we are and what almost everything is about, puts us back in the driver's seat. Now we can create from our connected and higher selves, instead of our ego or disconnected ego. When we remember and know what is really happening, then we can use our will in a more appropriate way. If you have found that you are no longer interested in reading New Age or spiritual material, it is because you no longer need it. Now you are more connected on your own.

Remembering also serves to support our ascension process, as it allows us to realize that we were the ones who planned and created this experience in the first place. So we don't have to feel so much like victims. You can remind us how strong and powerful we really are.

As more and more of the lower vibrational aspects of ourselves fall, more and more of who we really are at the highest levels begins to emerge and reveal itself. Whatever was blocking our connection, it is going at an accelerated rate and allowing us to connect more fully and remember. Remember can bring tears to our eyes. Reconnecting with our Source and our principle can feel almost overwhelming, and also bring emotions of gratitude. It can make us feel much more complete. Meeting what feels like the lost or forgotten parts of ourselves makes us complete again, in every way.

If you have chosen this page, you are well on your way to remember. As the doors to the upper realms begin to open, you will begin to remember your place and purpose throughout the cosmos and feel connected as never before.


~ 2010 The Year of Creativity, Manifestations and Self-Expression ~

January 1, 2010

by Karen Bishop

Translation: Margarita López

Happy New Year!

And what a new year so different and exciting that it can be for many of us (smile). 2010 the year of creativity, manifestations, and self-expression. Or in other words, the beginning of the creation of the New World, since the first phase of the ascension process is finally complete and very complete.

Where are we then, in this particular moment in time? How do we really get here and where are we going?

Although it may feel as if almost nothing has been happening lately, or perhaps there has been a great calm, there has indeed been a great deal of restructuring and preparation taking place for our next phase.

The separation of the worlds occurred in September, therefore, it really hasn't been long since we separated from the old reality and ventured into a very new one. This separation created a huge movement for the New Planet Earth, as it was placed in a very new groove in the universe, now occupying a space within a new position of greater vibration.

During this time, anything that resided on and within the earth was also expelled from its old groove. A huge amount of energy was required to create this movement, and many of us feel it with great intensity. During this time, everything was pushed, so any remaining or latent darkness within us moved up and out as well (just when we thought that most of our purge internal was over for a while!). This was a massive venture and a monumental event.

Immediately before this process that pushed us to a very new position, many of us find ourselves in new homes, either through new changes with our current homes, or literally, by moving to very new places on the planet. Many were placed in new residences in order to be placed in spaces of peace, serenity and comfort for the times to come. Thus, there were many who came to a very new place, only to feel that nothing happened after their arrival, leaving many perplexed and perhaps even disappointed, but still, things were indeed moving on the right track at the highest and deepest levels. There was a deep movement, and it does take time to develop with all the necessary steps.

So then, after the new locations were complete, or even for some, to remain in their current locations, mass movement occurred. After the earth and all its inhabitants reached a very new space, there was a deep-seated feeling. A beautiful descent and a time for a short rest. And many of us really needed it! We had really arrived at a very new place.

This feeling of rest and rooting was brief, since after the earth reached its very new space in the cosmos, then a tilt process began in order to complete its alignment. This tilt process could feel like above, and then below. Or high, and then low. And all the time, the higher energies were present to create and assist with this process, and these higher energies moved even more energy inside and out.

Then the darkness could be felt. Depression, self-contempt, great negativity and worthlessness, and panic and anxiety, were only some of the symptoms of the arrival of the superior energy when we found any energy of less vibration remaining within us. This superior energy was the result of our new position in the cosmos. Also, because we have to be prepared internally for this very new phase, most of us still had personal energies that had to be balanced and also aligned. At the same time, because we were really taking root in the New Earth now with our energy of greater vibration and the energy of greater vibration of the earth, very old and ancient energies of darkness that had been dormant beneath the surface of the earth, also They left their old furrows. I remember days of just driving on the road and seeing these energies floating and leaving the surface of the earth, and thinking how strange this time is!

But it was also taking place even more, as the massive push and re-alignment literally pushed together the energies that, in effect, would be connecting divinely in the times to come. Add to this the energies of greater vibration that come through our crown chakras and create enormous pressure on the head and sinuses, along with allergies and strange colds, and it is not surprising that we needed a rest somewhere ! There was so much going on at the time, that any regular or normal pattern was almost impossible to report. I can remember the feeling that a daily publication of WINGS was what was really needed!

Literally, we have been taking root now, in small and progressive steps since the separation of the worlds that took place in September 2009. This process should arrive on the solstice of June 2009, but as I have written so many times (get ready for a old and boring energy here ...), at levels of our soul we decided to separate ourselves from the old reality. Enough time had been given to all the souls that reside there, to open and expand, and this then created a delay of six more months (in addition to the additional delay of more than two years ... and yes, at soul levels we agreed lovingly to give more time to the process).

So, we let go of all our old lives that had to do with the first phase of the ascension process, we left behind all luggage, and many left behind family and loved ones who were not yet willing to open, expand and also leave behind them. any pattern and behavior of less vibration.

The repositioning of the New Earth and those who reside within it, then began seriously immediately after the separation occurred. Once again, after repositioning was quite complete, the rooting process began to intensify and take place in small but increasingly rapid steps, and now we are on track. So, although it may have felt that things were stagnant, in fact a lot has been happening in order to support our very new foundations. We are starting a very New Earth, and this New Earth, of course, needs a new foundation.

The solstice of December 21, 2009, then, was a fundamental factor, since it greatly supported our roots in the New Earth. The New Earth, of course, is now being created by us, and in this way, we are being placed as the legitimate administrators and creators that we came to be. The new earth itself is now vibrating higher, so in this way, the higher energies are now coming from within it, and of course, from within each and every one of us as well. Earth is the key, just like us.

So where are we now? Where are we now in this process and what can we expect in the times to come?

You may feel very empty now, with some kind of disconnection now present, but this is only because we are right in the middle of the process of connecting with ourselves. The higher realms are now deep within us, and this is the process we are currently going through. This is where we have to connect, in order to create our very new foundations. We are in the process of remembering who we are and why we are here on this earth. We are in the process of remembering what we came to do and be. And this process will develop on its own, as we take root more fully in the New Earth. From bottom to top, each cell of our body will gradually fill with those soul memories, without any real effort. This will happen more quickly now, as the earth has come to settle in its true and legitimate new position in the cosmos. Therefore, now is the time.

In a very strange way, we could feel as if we were going backwards, or rather going back in time (and I don't mean here the current retrograde Mercury, although Mercury is in effect supporting our process). What is happening is that we are reconnecting with our true and authentic selves. We are withdrawing from (and almost finished with this phase) anything and everything within us, which has to do with the first phase of the ascension process. Although this process of retreating, or backtracking towards the souls we came to be before the first phase began, has been taking place most of 2009, this particular stage is a bit different.

For most of 2009, we let go of our old roles for the most part. Currently, we are reconnecting with our new roles. The reason we are moving back towards them, or perhaps feeling that we have gone back in time, is because now we can be the souls that we came to be in the first place. This means that we are reconnecting with and remembering, as well as simply becoming who we came to be like the souls that came to create the New Planet Earth. These memories and soul projects were very intact within us when we arrived, but the first phase of the ascension process created different roles, since our intention at that time was to raise the vibration and consciousness of the planet in order to lay the foundations and the sand that facilitates us and allows us to create this very new Earth. We had to create it in energy of greater vibration. So, although our roles were primarily to raise the vibration of the planet during the first phase, we actually tried to fulfill our roles also in regards to creating the New Earth. NOW we can focus only on these original roles, since it is FINALLY time for our visions to manifest.

Currently feeling that we are going back in time can manifest as suddenly finding ourselves in contact with old friends from the past, and even maintaining those new connections, or sometimes, just touching noses again and then moving on. We are connecting with those who knew us then. We are connecting with those who can rekindle the soul plans with which we arrived before the first phase of the ascension began. We are re-aligning with those old energies within us in every way before moving on to our next phase of creation and experience. This experience of connecting again with old friends, actually began many months ago, but then we abruptly changed the plans with the separation of the worlds, we moved to a new space in the cosmos, and now we are resuming this process of starting over again.

Another scenario is also present. Because some of us are completing the last ramifications of our old soul scripts before we can move to our Heaven on Earth. These old soul scripts could not be completed, since the first phase of the ascension interacted with such darkness, that our plans went awry so to speak, the first phase of the ascension became more intense than we had anticipated, and some of us We could not create or complete part of our soul scripts that we came to experience. During that time, the darkness seemed to take the baton and, therefore, the vibrations around us were not high enough to allow some of us to do what we came to do.

Now that there has been a separation of the worlds, we are very free and far from the old experience of the previous ten years or so, and some of us can now continue with little resistance, which We originally came to experience. Nothing really "went wrong" anyway ... there was nothing but a freedom of choice. This freedom of choice was on the one hand, and then we decided that, like the light, we would still go on, but we would simply go another way and then we could experience reality to the We were used in every way. This is the new reality in which most of us are currently residing. And in order to lay its foundations and define the new plan in every way, some of us can finally complete what we came to experience in order to prepare the New Earth for this phase. Once again, seemingly going back in time, but in reality only having this experience in a New World that will sustain it, while the old reality would not.

In this way, we are now living in a world that will eventually make sense to us again.

Another scenario currently present has to do with the restructuring and formation of the new in the background levels. In other words, we are laying a new foundation for ourselves, whether it is restructuring our businesses, our homes, ourselves, or many other things, so that we can create a very new foundation for ourselves. We are now creating from the bottom up, and that is why there is now so much push in rooting and residing deep within the New Earth. Restructuring is the first phase, and this is happening now. In this way, it will arrive a lot for us without any effort if it has to do with this issue. Things are really being orchestrated divinely.

After restructuring, then we will propagate from what we restructure or the new foundations we lay, creating more ramifications, and then our own new individual reality will grow. After our own reality and our emotional purposes or the desires of our heart are quite evident, then we will connect with the same with our brothers and sisters, and create a very new grid for the New Planet Earth.

Living from the heart will become the norm. We will get to know that our hearts are our best navigators and we will use them frequently. Our hearts have been opening for quite some time in these last ten years, simply because the first phase of the ascent has opened both on the upper part of our back and neck, allowing the outbreak of our angel wings. But in recent times, our hearts have also opened for other reasons.

Although some of us may have known about living from our hearts intellectually for quite some time (and some of us are better for this than others!), Due to all the pain and suffering that many of us have seen or experienced recently, our hearts have opened even more (before this, they could have been closed by the experience of withdrawing from the old reality and needing to separate from it and leave it behind!). Having an open heart and giving and receiving love is perhaps the only thing that felt good and adequate during these recent difficult times after leaving the old reality, and now we can Remember this well and access this space of being and feeling at a higher level more easily. In addition, also when anything happens that feels good for us, our hearts open again and we can feel like crying and we can feel very emotional. Gratitude and an open heart are often the result of times of great suffering and challenges.

In addition, many of us will experience the real knowledge that our “perfect” partners have arrived for us, since they have the keys to a special and divine opening of our hearts. And when this happens for us, the experience of it and the tears of joy we shed are nothing less than from another world and down from heaven. Now everything is about hearts ... all about hearts.

In this way, the mental, analytical and thought processes will gradually be replaced by processes of the heart and feelings. We could find connections that make absolutely no sense intellectually, but our hearts are saying otherwise. Music will guide the way, as it creates states of feeling and expression that evade our thoughts and our minds. In this way, we might find that suddenly we need to listen to a lot of music, or we have an intense desire to create things that have to do with sound. (For example, I have been receiving a lot of insinuations for several weeks to create audio books, since writing is my greatest form of expression and sound will take them to a new level.)

Creating will also be a main theme for the year 2010. We will find (and we are already finding now), that if we turn around, we can see that in fact we have already created a piece of what we could only have dreamed of in the past. We simply do not notice what is right in front of us, since we may be choosing to focus on things that "seemingly" are wrong, since this is much of what we have known in the past in recent times.

Restructuring and laying new foundations means that we are establishing ourselves so that things arrive. So, of course, this generally also involves our finances. This has been a very long road in terms of reaching a very new space. We can be very suspicious when it comes to starting over. What has worked for me so far, is to have a simple desire in a very detached way, and then watch it manifest. And they would not believe everything that has been manifested. Simple things that are not drastically important to us are excellent to begin with. This practice is a good way to get back on the saddle and put ourselves back in positions of power, and I think this is what many of us are needing right now.

Thinking positively and having hope is also vitally important. We can choose to know that things will really be different now, since we are, without exception, the true and legitimate creators of our own reality.

This rooting in process is also designed to create new power and trust within us. Even when very slowly, we come to know that we can be in charge again, although in recent years it seems the opposite. We could also have learned what we would like to create. This is because we have grown and come so far in regard to what the first phase of the ascension created within us ... taking us to higher levels than we would like to create.

Yes, we are really starting all over again. We are returning to the soul identities that we once embodied when we just arrived on this earth, since we have finished with the process of raising the vibration of the planet through ourselves. Now we can leave the past behind and start over with our original soul plans intact.

Some obstacles? As in the past, we all have free will and choice according to who we choose to be and what we choose to create. Fear and analytical thinking can easily crush and also determine what we create and experience. In addition, when our new roles and contributions, or original soul identities begin to fill us, with everything magnified in the higher realms, there may be a danger of being overfilled. This can create a position of “mine is the only thing, and it is the only thing that everything has to be about”, or also an attitude that is predominant now of “do not tell me what to do or what to believe”, since when really We begin to express ourselves freely, we tend to want the freedom to do just that. Many of us are also tired of feeling like victims! But as we come to fully incorporate our original soul plans and purposes, we will also have the experience of being invited to contribute to a whole, since our piece will be very visible to others.

So, it can really help if we remind ourselves that our “piece” is simply one piece, and that it has to fit with many other pieces in order to create a whole. It will be very useful to recognize and revere the pieces that our brothers and sisters possess. For many years, I have seen this scenario unfold, and it only serves to dissolve any hope of creating a new reality, and most importantly, of having any opportunity to associate with anyone. In the initial stages, this position is likely to occur, since our new freedom of creation will be immense. But in the end, we will have to come to realize that we do indeed need each other if we do not want to create absolutely everything for ourselves, and also, if we would like to have an experience that resides outside our own individual groove and consciousness. But who knows? It's up to us, so really, everything goes and everything can happen.

We are in the space of a New World now. Hopefully not creating the challenges and darkness that existed in the world we just left behind ...

In this New World we can, of course, create anything we choose. We can create an individual reality all of ours, which largely reflects who we are and what is meaningful to us. In this way, we can come to know that we do not need to be alarmed by anything that occurs in areas that are not in our so-called "jurisdiction." There are many things that will happen very soon in the old world, but if we remember that we no longer reside there, we can get some sense of security and comfort by knowing that what we are creating now, is very new and different, and far away of what is happening there. As we gradually begin to let go of our fears of the past, and gradually overcome our suspicion, our experiences and creation skills eventually become natural to us. This will probably occur first individually, before eventually connecting with others ... starting from "top to bottom" and then "spreading."

Are there going to be ups and downs? We are entering a new territory, and the ups and downs are generally part of the terrain. But again, who knows, because as always, it depends on us as to what happens. The main theme here now, is that WE are the ultimate creators. It is up to us as to what we create, and with whom. As I have written so many times in the past, the combination of our energies will contribute greatly to move the energies faster and more intensely. When we unite, miracles really happen much faster, and so it is when higher energies are maintained regularly. Because of the culmination of the first phase of the ascension, we are the ones who now contain the higher energies, and when we combine these energies with the energies of another, then we create a new reality for ourselves. Add to this the fact that in the higher realms everything is magnified, and now we have an interesting recipe for "everything goes."

As most of you know very well, what you are reading here in no way has to be your own reality and experience either. We have the new freedom now to create whatever we choose to create, and therefore, it is up to each and every one of us what wonderful realities we choose to create for ourselves.

As things begin to progress, even if very slowly from the bottom up, and as we get to see that we are back in command, our very New World will then begin. All that pain in the lower leg, foot and lower back that some of us experienced was simply in preparation to anchor ourselves in this new and exciting reality that will arise even when very slowly from the ground up. For an exciting and wonderful 2010!

With much love and gratitude,

Thanks Margarita López !!!

New site of Karen Bishop "Emerging The New Angels of the Earth"

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