AA Metatron ~ The Paradise Learned - The Wrong Idea of ​​the "Fall of Grace"

  • 2015
Table of Contents hide 1 The Paradise Learned - The Wrong Idea of ​​the "Fall of Grace" 2 Accept the Challenge of Duality 3 Acceptance 4 Impeccability - The State of Grace 5 Wisdom is in the inside 6 Close 7 AA Metatron ~ The Paradise Learned - The Wrong Idea of ​​the "Fall of Grace"

The Paradise Learned - The Wrong Idea of ​​the "Fall of Grace"

Greetings, Masters, I am Metatron, Archangel of Light ... and we greet you in a vector of Unconditional Love.

Dear human: one of the most confusing assumptions for ascending humanity is the concept of the "fall of grace" ... the interpretative representation that humanity receded in its evolution towards a state of "disgrace", of original sin . You must recognize that choosing the experience of the Earth as a University of Duality is a course with incredible credentials ... and it is not for the faint of heart. Life on the earth plane is difficult, that is a great truth. But you are not facing the difficulties of duality as a punishment. The tests of duality are not a sentence that was imposed on you because you “fell from grace. The realm of polarity is not Paradise lost… rather, it is Paradise learned.

Most of your organized religions teach that mankind once knew perfection and lived in a beautiful Garden of Eden paradise and lost everything through "sin" falling within the density of Earth's experience through wrong actions. While it is true that humanity uses filters in 3D reality, that 3D reality is a Master's course. The third dimension is like a springboard that teaches responsible co-creation. It teaches that thinking focused on belief manifests reality ... and co-creativity is learned from the bottom up.

But the belief that has evolved from most religions teaches a distorted idea of ​​unworthiness ... and that has become a programmed belief that, if you adopt it fully, can be a plague to your evolution. It can cause you to doubt the essential divinity of your being. It can lead you to question even what your soul tells you is true. In 3D you will learn in many ways, and one of the paths of learning is through the school of " hard knocks."

When you make a mistake, you will learn from it, but don't assign yourself a disabling penalty of guilt. There is no virtue in self-punishment. The belief system of original sin begins a background of de-stabilization that disrupts your thought process.

The wheel of reincarnations, birth and rebirth, ensures that you receive a new "clarity" before each period of incarnation. There is no conscious memory of previous periods, and that is specifically designed to enable you to move forward without being disturbed by your doubts about your past mistakes. However; you are going to do the script of your lessons to learn in each new period, absolutely; and these continue the lessons of the past, because this is written by you. The "Law of Cause and Effect" is a teaching instrument of the program. It is not a punishment.

Humanity has a subconscious memory of perfection, of living in a virtual paradise. This is certainly true, but the experience was not in duality. It was not a free will.

Accept the Challenge of Duality

While it is true that your thoughts create the challenge of reality that you experience in duality, you, in a higher aspect, carefully and thoughtfully compose and create the challenges you will face s. You have a noble and great purpose. You write your own tests, believe it or not. So, while thinking positive is a key frequency, positive thinking aims to help you focus your life lessons and not make a detour to skip the learning process itself. You cannot simply ignore or wish that the growth lessons you wrote yourself disappear in order to expand. That is because your chosen configurations, in most cases are outside, beyond the capacity of your aspect of duality of the egoic brain to remove or reject them. You will face them, because as a divine being you have loved them from a higher perspective.

We assure you that there is nothing more stimulating, more worthy of updating, than your manifest desire to evolve, to change for the better. That is certainly the missions of each of your lives. It is not enough to simply meditate or visualize the desired goal that is met; if you do not act according to the inner voice, the impulse from which your meditations and visualizations arise is not enough; action is required.

Intention, focus and meditation must absolutely be combined with action. Becoming impeccable, and eventually achieving your enlightenment does not mean, as some religions indirectly imply, that you will suddenly be in a state of bliss and oblivion, or in some distant state of nirvana. Teachers, we tell you that you are part of nirvana, now as much as you can ever be, you simply need to discover it within yourself.

Certainly there will be cycles within your emotional state, which is part of being a human. There will be times when you feel apathetic and depressed. Not only the problems they face can be a source of that despair, but certain astronomical seriousnesses per se. All this must be faced, and can be overcome. So, you are aware that nirvana, as you call it, is achieved with an attitude, and not through avoiding, ignoring or escaping, but through confrontation. Impeccable projection of reality that surrounds them. We tell you again: the experience of the Earth, the mastery of duality, is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths of duality, and is commonly misunderstood. The study and mastery of life requires work. You cannot simply put the textbook under the pillow and sleep on it; rather, the book should be read carefully and understood one page at a time. Moment for moment. Then your full understanding and acceptance that your life is a construction of configurations, which you planned in order to enable your spiritual growth, is a true addition. It's big. See: when you accept this noble truth, you have the opportunity to transcend it. What they call destine is really the situations that they pre-planned for their life lessons. And, dear ones, that destiny that you wrote in your terms, will help you both to face your challenges and to express your desires, but not because you protest what you do not like. In order to experience the light of your desire, you must light the passion that will free you from the fortress where it has been stored. The biggest path is to accept the challenge of self purification by being a living example of your own light, rather than protesting the darkness that still exists within the 3D world and choosing to isolate yourself from it.


Teachers, by accepting that you are here to face the challenges, you can more robustly create the energy needed to face them. Because, once accepted, the fact that life can be difficult no longer scares them; rather it motivates the spiritual warrior to make resolutions.

The biggest issue they have to ultimately accept ownership and responsibility for their actions, lies in that central desire to avoid the pain of the consequences of that behavior. But we tell you that it is the courage to confront and impeccably solve problems that gives them and certainly nurtures significant growth in their lives. Facing their problems is the lucky instrument that distinguishes between success and failure, or rather, between growth and stagnation. The problems summon the best effort to solve them and refine the courage and wisdom within the impeccable seeker.

This is due, categorically, because through difficult situations and obstructions, you grow mentally and spiritually. It is through the pain of confronting and solving the enigmas of life and the "configurations, " that you learn the greatest meaning of the science of love. Dear hearts, the simple fact is that some of your most moving achievements and by the way your greatest growths appear when you are placed in the difficult crossroads of an enigma. His greatest trials and revelations take place at a time when they are outside their "comfort zone", feeling bewildered, dissatisfied, even in a state of agonizing despair. Because it is in such moments that, driven by their own discomfort, they are forced to explode and leave the cages that confine them, and seek a better and spiritually more satisfying way of life.

Impeccability - The State of Grace

What is impeccability then? We are not understanding the basic premise well when we define impeccability simply as "always try to do the best you can." To remain impeccable, more effort is required as the landscape of your gained wisdom and awareness expands. The bigger your consciousness, the more "you know." The more you know, the greater your responsibility to live according to that. You are in the process of expanding your vibrational consciousness, of becoming a conscious participant with the soul. You are becoming what your soul is, discovering your greater identity.

Dear ones, when you grow spiritually it is because you have opened up to seek growth and take action working to achieve it. Impeccability involves the deliberate extension of your Being towards evolution. Impeccability puts you in a state of grace. Impeccability does not mean that you have achieved enlightenment or have learned everything you need to learn. Rather it means that you are on the only road, the right way to get there. So we will define impeccability in two layers, two phase formats:

1) Conditional Impeccability: This is when the entity is not highly advanced, but is working towards mastery, doing the best it can. Using knowledge to the maximum of the ability to do the right thing, even when there is ignorance and innocently wrong concepts. By that we mean that you truly believe that you are doing what is in the right course, even if it is not the full or expansive truth. You all go through this phase. In this phase, if they make a mistake, it is an honest mistake, in which they genuinely believed that they were doing what they felt was right.

2) Impeccability of Mastery: This is the phase of the soul in human existence that is on the cusp of Mastery, a highly advanced one, doing what it preaches. He has no internal conflict between what he thinks is right and what he does.

Both phases activate what could be called an accelerated state of grace. Grace is the assistance of the Divine Being to help in the results of situations in which one tries to do his best. It can be thought that he is the “guardian angel”, because in many cases that is exactly what a guardian angel is, his Divine Being intervening synchronistically in situations to assist them on their way. If we were to redefine what your religious texts consider sin, it would not be in terms of the commandments, but rather it would be "unused knowledge." Perform actions that you know are wrong, actions in conflict with your highest beliefs.

Wisdom is inside

You all want a greater wisdom than what you have. Search and you will find and, Masters, you can find it "hidden" within you. Sadly, that is usually the last place they look for it. It requires work. See, the divine interface between God and man is inside, in what his academics call the subconscious. Even your religious texts say that God is inside, that you are a spark of the Divine. The subconscious mind, or "back brain, " in its terms, is the part of you that is God, the portion of your greatest Being, that contains the knowledge of "All That Is, " the part of you that contains Akashic records, the memory of the soul of everything. Since the subconscious is the Divine Mind within you, the goal of spiritual growth is achieved by entering that sacred "Garden of Wisdom." You enter by quieting the mind of the ego. Meditation has always been the portal; It is the key to quieting the personality ego narration and allowing the "Voice of the Divine Soul" to be heard. We say it again: effort is required. There are no short cuts.

Re-obtaining Divinity is the purpose of your individual existence on the plane of polarity. They were born to become, as conscious individuals, a physical expression of God. A divine expression of Being. The challenge is his search for the soul, his true purpose, and in his physical journeys, the clock is always ticking. Obtaining Divinity in physicality is achieved in a time of process, through the immaculate desire that acts in the realm of the physical merging with the wisdom of the non-physical. Time matters. In polarity, the current change of paradigms and energies can easily take them out of their center in these times of acceleration. Its true purpose is usually difficult to define subjectively and its understanding and its ballast is juxtaposed between illusion and perceived reality. They may feel that they live in a distortion and that nothing is exactly what it seems. In that process they can get confused and become complacent. They lose track of time.

Dear ones, every moment of your physical life is precious, much more than what some realize. Much more than what most use. Time is a precious resource, and it is finite within its duality. Each one of those who read these words at some point in the future will make the transition out of the physical. In their terms, they will experience death, they will die. This is a condition of physicality as you know it. However, many of you act as if you were to live forever. Certainly the soul is eternal, but they will never be the same person, the same personality or expression that they are now, in any life or in any other aspect of their being.


You are here to learn, Dear ones, you are here to learn the expressions of your own Divinity within duality and certainly duality is a gift. Life is a gift. They are here to learn how to co-create, because they are certainly co-creators of the Universe, of the Cosmos. You are here to achieve Mastery, and many of you are close, very close to that achievement. But Masters, until they truly love and value themselves, they will not achieve the inner Divinity. They will not recognize that they are part of God. You are indeed powerful spiritual beings, wearing biological clothing ... you are much more than you can realize. You are divine!
Upon closing, we offer our blessings and gratitude for your search. What is more precious than your life and your divine purpose? His role, now and tomorrow, is to always seek fullness, understanding and impeccable deployment. Your divine mission can create, and create, a beautiful fusion of reality experienced with purpose ... of dancing in joyful starlight and projecting the rays of that crystalline beauty to those around you.

Teachers, when nothing makes you happy, you will have made a quantum leap. And that simply means that creating your happiness is part of the lesson, a happiness that cannot be eroded.

There is no more supreme ecstasy than achieving the Divine mind. That is why you are here. You are from the realm of Creativity, of Mastery, and you are much closer to your physical manifestation than you think. Dear ones, YOU created the Ascension, which is now at dawn. We honor them. The announced time they have dreamed awaits you, dear ones.
I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are loved.

And so it is ... And it is So ...
Metatr n

Translation: M. Cristina C aro


Translation: M. Cristina C aro

AA Metatr n ~ The Paradise Learned The Wrong Idea of ​​the Fall of Grace

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