15 medicinal plants that would ruin pharmaceutical companies

  • 2015

The sale of medicines is a big business. Pharmaceutical companies invest billions of euros every year in advertising, financing scientific journals, conferences, gifts and conferences well paid to get doctors to prescribe their products. The result is that many more medications are consumed than necessary. Up to 95% is expendable, according to the director of the Cochrane Nordic Center, Peter C. Gøtzsche, on drugs that kill and organized crime. This excess is paid by the State and consumers, who believe they do their best for their health. In addition, medications have side effects that cause new problems, often serious (medications are the third leading cause of death, behind cardiovascular disease and cancer).

The most common health disorders can be treated with safe therapies, such as medicinal plants. The most used and effective are the following:

1) Mint

Pain relievers are the best selling medications. Aspirin and its relatives cause a long list of side effects, highlighting the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is used to combat migraines. It is recommended to use a part of essential oil diluted in nine of alcohol and perform a circular massage in the temples with a few drops. It can be applied on any painful area of ​​the body. And for digestive discomfort, three drops of pure essential oil are diluted in a cup and taken three times a day.

- Other remedies: the matricaria (Chrysanthemun parthenium) is taken preventively to prevent migraines or reduce their intensity, and also acupuncture has been proven effective in the treatment of headaches. Omega 3 fatty acids, in the form of pearls of fish oil or flax oil, have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, effective in rheumatoid arthritis, for which harpagophyte tincture (Harpagophytum procumbens) is also effective.

2) Licorice

Antacids, whose sales do not stop growing year after year, have side effects. The soft ones can cause diarrhea, constipation and nausea, and the powerful ones weaken the bones to the point of increasing the risk of hip fracture.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) has anti-inflammatory effects and promotes digestion. Therefore, it is usually prescribed in cases of gastritis and stomach irritations. The root is taken in decoction at the rate of four cups daily for acute ailments and one cup as a preventative. Do not take higher doses or for a long time because it can cause fluid retention and hypertension.

- Other remedies: eating smaller amounts, avoiding fatty foods and chewing well are measures that reduce acidity. Other plants that help control acids are angelica (Angelica archangelica), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and aloe pulp (Aloe vera). Among foods, cabbage has an antacid effect.

3) Golden Sun

Antihistamines are the most common medical solution against allergy. It is wise to be cautious with them because they affect the nervous system and delay effective treatment.

The golden sun (Helycrysum italicum) is the plant with the most antihistamine properties, it is very mild and almost no side effects. To treat asthma or rhinitis, tincture (50 drops up to three times daily), fluid extract (30 drops, one to three times) or infusion (three or four cups a day) is taken. Creams (two or three times a day) or infusions with compresses are applied to eczema.

Other remedies: Vitamin C and flavonoids picnogenol and quercetin inhibit the action of histamine-releasing cells. Other preventive remedies are matricaria and escutelaria (Scutellaria baicalensis).

4) Zaragatone seeds

Laxatives are one of the national hobbies. However, if pharmacy proposals are commonly consumed, there is a risk of chronifying the problem instead of solving it.

Zaragatone (Plantago afra) seeds are rich in mucilage, which explains their action as an effective and gentle laxative. Regular consumption normalizes the rhythm and can be combined with 40% flax seeds. A half tablespoon of crushed seeds is allowed to macerate in half a glass of water for half an hour and is taken on an empty stomach and before bedtime if necessary. It is important to accompany the intake with plenty of liquid.

- Other remedies: before constipation, we must see if the diet is poor in fiber. In most cases, it can be solved by increasing the rations of fruits, vegetables and water. If all else fails, the pulp of aloe can occasionally be used. The consumption of pumpkin seeds, with everything and its peel, which are also very tasty as snacks, provides non-soluble fiber that helps intestinal transit.

5) Hypericum

Antidepressants are very potent medications, which has not prevented their consumption from tripling in the last ten years.

For mild or moderate depression, 300 milligrams of standardized extract of St. John's wort or hypericum (Hypericum perforatum) are taken three times a day, although larger amounts can be used - up to 1, 800 mg per day - under medical supervision. The results begin to be noticed after two weeks. In some people it can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, dry mouth, nervousness and hives and, on the other hand, people with fair skin or eyes should avoid the sun while taking it. The hypericum should not be combined with antidepressant medications and is not indicated in case of bipolar (manic-depressive) or hypomanic disorder.

- Other remedies: mild depression can be addressed including foods that provide vitamin B1 (egg yolk, whole grains and soybeans), which improves and stabilizes mood, and selenium (whole wheat bread, Brazil nuts or dairy). Physical exercise, relaxation techniques and psychological therapy are other useful tools.

6) Hawthorn or Hawthorn

Antihypertensives can cause dizziness, sleep disturbances, headaches, depression and impotence.

People who take them may believe that these symptoms are due to their high blood pressure, when in reality they may be due to the medication.

Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) is rich in flavonoids and tannins and moderates high blood pressure. To obtain results, a constant treatment is necessary at the rate of two cups of infusion daily. The cardiac symptoms begin to improve remarkably from the month and a half of taking. It can also be consumed in dry extract capsules, up to a total dose of 900 mg daily, divided into two or three doses. It is necessary to suspend administration if cardiac arrhythmias, drowsiness, stomach discomfort or abnormal sweating appear.

- Other remedies: the diet should be low in fat, especially saturated, and in salt. Foods rich in calcium (cabbage, hazelnuts, almonds or sardines), magnesium (whole grains, nuts and vegetables) and potassium (fruits, vegetables and potatoes) are good. In addition, it is advisable to exercise regularly, practice relaxation techniques and maintain weight.

7) Valerian

Pharmacy sleeping pills can cause addiction and produce artificial sleep of poor quality. Insomnia is related to fatigue, irritability and poor performance, as well as a general decrease in defenses.
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is the most effective natural remedy against insomnia and does not cause addiction or wake up confused. It is necessary to take valerian between an hour and a half and two hours before bedtime. It can be taken as an infusion or as pills at the rate of two 300 mg tablets of the dry extract.

- Other remedies: it is very important to establish good sleeping habits, with a light and digestive dinner and a progressive reduction of activity. In addition, psychological consultation may sometimes be indicated.

8) Ginseng

Stress is one of the typical disorders of the society saturated with work, responsibilities and information, and the worst of all is that it becomes a problem. About 57, 000, 000 benzodiazepine containers are consumed each year, which are the cause of addiction and serious liver and nervous disorders.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng) is an adoptive plant that helps maintain the sensation of control in stress situations and favors the functioning of the immune system. The root is used, whose components increase brain activity, but not nerve excitement. On the other hand, it improves performance and physical resistance. It is recommended to take one to three 500 mg tablets in the morning, after breakfast and for four or six weeks, after which you must rest for two months.

Other remedies: learning psychological stress control techniques especially biofeedback and relaxation is indispensable. It is also to recognize the cause of stress with the help of self-analysis or psychotherapy.

9) Centrifuge

Since the number of women receiving hormone replacement therapy began to decrease in 2003, there has been a decrease in the detection of breast cancer cases in the United States.

Cimifuga (Cimicifuga racemosa) fights hot flashes, sweating, palpitations, depression and other disorders associated with menopause. It increases the effectiveness of estrogens produced by the body itself and also has no side effects. Three to six capsules per day, or two or three teaspoons are recommended if it is a fluid extract.

- Other remedies: soy has a regulatory effect on estrogens. Other plants traditionally used in the climacteric are chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus), evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis) and sage (Salvia officinalis). Relaxation techniques and psychotherapy are indicated in women who experience negative maturity.

10) Garlic

High blood cholesterol levels are related to the risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases, the leading cause of death in Spain. Doctors prescribe statins to lower cholesterol, but they also have side effects, such as muscle aches, tiredness, insomnia and memory disorders.

Garlic (Allium sativum) does not cause a decrease comparable to synthetic drugs, but effectively reduces cholesterol, promotes blood pressure control, is anticoagulant and has antioxidant properties. The recommended daily dose is 6-10 mg of alliin - its most relevant active substance - an amount that is equivalent to the content of a clove of raw garlic or a gram of dried garlic powder.

- Other remedies: the most useful medicinal plants are the ispágula (Plantago ovata) and the olive leaf (Olea europaea). Dietary measures are essential: reduce the intake of saturated and trans fats - present in dairy products, meats, pastries, prepared dishes and margarines -, increase the consumption of extra virgin olive oil - a tablespoon or two daily in salads -, especially raw, and increase the rations of whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Equally mandatory is to exercise. A long brisk walk is one of the most effective remedies to fight cholesterol.

11) Nettle

Nettle infusion (Urtica dioica) serves to stimulate circulation and improve arthritis, allergy and eczema. Ten milliliters of smoothie are taken from the whole fresh plant three times per day. For joints affected by arthritis, as well as for neuralgia, tendinitis and sciatica it is advisable to apply tincture pads.

Nettle contains a large number of amino acids, glycidic substances, amines, sterols, ketones such as methyl heptanone, acetophenone, volatile oil, fatty substances, sitosterols, formic and acetic acid, pantothenic acid, folic acid, chlorophyll 0.3-0.8, protoporphyrin and coproporfinin.

It also contains vitamin A, C, B2, E and K, beta-carotene, iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, phosphates, etc. Due to these compounds, the plant has antianemic, antidiabetic, hemostatic and diuretic properties.

It can be of great help for those who suffer from diabetes, since it reduces blood sugar and implicitly the level of glycemia. Tea is useful in eliminating viruses and bacterial infections.

12) Dandelion

Fresh dandelion leaves (Taraxacum officinale) can be added to salads during winter as a laxative. Blended, they are administered in doses of up to 20 milliliters, three times a day, as a diuretic. Root tincture is prescribed for liver-related disorders and to recover from a large intake of alcohol or animal fat.

Other medical uses: Dandelion has also been recommended for arthritis, rheumatism and other chronic joint disorders; Female problems such as balancing menstruation, stimulating breast milk production and relieving inflammation, tumors and breast abscesses. In some laboratory studies, Taraxacum officinale extract has shown antitumor activity against several types of cancer cells.

13) Lavender

Infusion of aerial parts of Lavandula spp. It is used in case of exhaustion, headache, colic and indigestion. The sore muscles should be massaged with one milliliter of lavender oil diluted in 25 milliliters of base oil. To relieve the nervous headache, ten drops in 25 milliliters of oil are spread on temples and neck base.

Scientific studies have shown that lavender has properties that help people fall asleep and stay asleep.

Breathing problems from a cold, flu or even asthma are treatable by applying lavender on the skin near the neck or chest. This is because lavender has properties in its components that relax the muscles around the area of ​​application, which allows one to breathe correctly, for this reason lavender is one of the main components in many inhalers and vaporizers.

14) Ginkgo biloba

In the form of a pill it is used as a reinforcement of the circulation in the cerebral capillaries, which maintains and improves memory. It is prepared in the form of infusion with 50 grams of dried leaves in 500 milliliters of water and about three cups per day are drunk against atherosclerosis and varicose veins. It can also be used as a bath for varicose ulcers and hemorrhoids. Keep in mind that its excess can cause skin problems and headaches.

15) Elderberry

The infusion of the flowers or the tincture of Sambucus nigra are used for colds of the upper respiratory tract, cooling and allergic rhinitis. It is anti-inflammatory and expectorant. Gargles or rinses are also made with the infusion to treat mouth ulcers, throat irritation and tonsillitis. It should not be given if the patient can get worse if he loses more fluids, or during pregnancy.

For your health.



15 medicinal plants that would ruin pharmaceutical companies

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