13 natural antibiotics

  • 2013

For these days when temperatures change abruptly, colds and other viruses are around us and cause us red noses, watery eyes, sore throat etc, we can opt for 100% natural remedies and let the body Do your job alone, so nothing better than resorting to natural foods to strengthen the immune system.

1. GARLIC : Garlic is the king of natural antibiotics, it is a concentrate of antiseptic substances that keeps viruses, bacteria and fungi at bay, few microbes resist it. Garlic is very effective in curing the flu, colds, constipation, sinusitis, candid infections and digestive flu. It is best to eat it raw, added to salads, soups and main courses. How is it prepared ?: To cure a cold you have to take 1 clove of raw garlic 5 times a day. Side effects: Garlic should not be taken if medications are being taken that prevent blood clotting. . 2. CINNAMON: Cinnamon is a potent antiseptic and stimulant that helps stop infections and increases energy to cope with colds and flu. Cinnamon also helps control blood glucose so it is very useful for diabetics and for people prone to pecking sweet foods that fail to lose weight. For athletes, cinnamon helps maintain blood glucose and improves resistance sessions. How is it prepared ?: Cinnamon bark is more effective than cinnamon powder, this morning recipe points out: make an infusion for breakfast with boiled water with a cinnamon canister, and m Mix it with a freshly squeezed orange juice, there will be no flu that resists its sweet taste and also avoid being hungry throughout the morning.
Side effects: No problem with cinnamon. . 3. One of the most popular remedies for nasal congestion and sinusitis are vapors with herbal infusion or a few drops of essential oils. The best for uncovering the nose and clearing the throat are the fumes with mint, pine and eucalyptus, as they attack several fronts at once. How to prepare it: Mix eucalyptus, mint and pine leaves and put them in 1 liter of water that you just boiled, or mix 3 drops of essential oil from each of these plants. Cover your head with a towel and bend over without touching the water, covering the container with the towel so that the steam does not escape. Inhale the aromatic vapors for 10 minutes, resting if the water is very hot. In addition to clearing your nose, the steam will clean the pores and leave the skin clean and soft. Side effects: Fumes should not be applied to children to avoid burns. People who are asthmatic or allergic to pollen should try before fumes with small inhalations. .

4. GINGER: Ginger gives an intense and spicy flavor to dishes and is a powerful immune system booster widely used in traditional Chinese medicine to prevent and treat colds due to its antiseptic, caloric, anti-inflammatory properties, reduces cough and helps to expectorate the mucus. It is also very good for athletes because it not only prevents typical upper respiratory infections after intense or long-lasting aerobic training, it also mitigates pain, reduces inflammation, helps burn fat and increases energy. As if that were not enough, it stimulates memory

How to prepare it: Try to always have fresh ginger root at home to be able to grate it and add it to salads, purees and vegetable dishes. Dried root can be used as a powder to make an infusion at breakfast that will not only strengthen your defenses, it will also fill you with energy for the whole day.

Side effects: Only in very high doses can cause problems, but it is rare, pregnant women can take ginger to avoid nausea and children can also take the infusion because it has a pleasant taste. .

5. REGALIZE: Licorice root has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect that relieves congestion and eliminates phlegm. It is also a good muscle relaxant, immunostimulant and antioxidant that gives sweet flavor to infusions of unpleasant taste. Licorice is one of the best antibiotics to eliminate E. coli infection that causes some types of gastric ulcers.

How to prepare it: Decoction of licorice root bark in boiled water is used for 10 minutes. Side effects: Prolonged or high dose use of licorice causes a serious deficiency of potassium, hypertension and associated problems so you should not drink more than 3 cups a day. . 6. ROMERO: Rosemary is considered Iberian ginseng for its stimulating properties. Rosemary inhalations and infusions have a strong taste and smell but are very effective in eliminating infections and helping the body recover from the disease. How to prepare: Add a teaspoon of rosemary to boiling water and let stand 5 minutes before drinking with honey on an empty stomach each morning to strengthen the defenses in times of infection. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to the bath to relax the muscles sore from the fever. Side effects: Rosemary cannot be used in case of pregnancy, hypertension, insomnia and epilepsy. . 7. ZINC: Low zinc levels weaken the immune system, cause weakness and loss of sense of smell. The current diet is low in zinc, so there are deficiencies in people with high levels of stress, athletes (zinc is lost with sweat), smokers and / or with a diet rich in carbohydrates. Now the problem is getting worse because there is less and less zinc content in fresh vegetables, due to the extensive agriculture that demineralizes the farmland.

How to prepare it: We can find it in important quantities in legumes (chickpeas, lentils, beans), cereals (quinoa, rye, wheat germ), seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower) and mushrooms (mushrooms).

Side effects: The dose of 30 mg per day should not be exceeded because high doses can reduce the immune system and interact with the absorption of copper and iron. . 8. VITAMIN C : rose hip and hibiscus with lemon. To combat the cold and shorten its duration it is recommended to take doses of 1, 000 mg of vitamin C a day, an infusion of rose hips, hibiscus and lemon exceeds this dose and provides other substances that help you cure the infection. People who are very active or who live under chronic stress need more doses of vitamin C, as the body can not store this vitamin you should try to take foods rich in vitamin C every day. Rosehip is the wild rose berry with a high content of vitamin C (1, 200 mg per 100 g), is astringent and helps eliminate phlegm. The flowers of the infused hibiscus are also rich in vitamin C, but they are also soothing and antispasmodic, they help lower the fever and soften the cough. In addition to providing more vitamin C, lemon has an antiseptic and revitalizing function. How to prepare it: Leave a spoonful of fresh rose hips in a glass of water overnight. In the morning, add three more glasses of water and heat until it boils while maintaining the boil for 10 minutes. Strain the infusion and pour it hot in a cup with a teaspoon of hibiscus flowers and let stand 3 minutes covered. Strain and add the juice of 1 fresh lemon and if you want it sweetens with honey. You will have enough infusion to drink several cups throughout the day.

Side effects: Not found.

9. GARGARAS WITH THYME, SALVIA AND LEMON : Gargling properly is a good way to avoid infection when there is a time of infections or stop the disease at the first symptoms. Thyme and sage are good antiseptics to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms from the throat and lungs.
How to prepare it: Add a teaspoon of dried sage and a teaspoon of thyme to a glass of boiling water and let it cover covered for 10 minutes. Then strain and add the fresh lemon juice. In order for the gargle to be effective, it is important that the gargle be performed keeping the infusion in the mouth for 1 minute and repeat this operation 5 times at a time, between 3 and 5 times gargles per day.

10. CHILE AND PAY CAYENA : Chili peppers and spicy cayenne tone the body and shape the immune system in healthy people, and are really effective when the infection appears due to its antibacterial action and its richness in vitamin C. The spicy is a powerful decongestant and expectorant that clears the airways and relieves fever. How do you prepare? : Chili peppers or cayenne are added to soups, creams or stews or the cayenne powder is diluted in lemon juice to drink hot three times a day.
Side effects: Spicy is contraindicated in case of hemorrhoids, stomach ulcer, pregnancy with nausea and breastfeeding.

11. MALVAVISCO: The flowers, leaves and marshmallow root are a source of mucilage that protects the mucous membranes and is used to soothe throat pain, dry cough, aphonia and irritated stomach.
How to prepare it: The decoction of marshmallow root is boiled for 20 minutes a handful of dried root in half a liter of water. Hot infusion can be taken to soothe pain and cough or gargle 3 times a day for aphonia.
Side effects: Not found.

12. PIÉ A FOR SINUSITIS : Pineapple is a fruit rich in a proteolytic enzyme known as bromelain, this enzyme helps dissolve mucus and decongests sinuses if taken in mild sinusitis.
How is it prepared ?: Natural pineapple can be taken every day, but for sinusitis it is more effective to perform nasal washes with natural pineapple smoothie.
Side effects: Not found.

13. EQUIN CEA : Thanks to the components of the echinacea, this has earned the nickname of plant antibiotic . We must point out that this appellation is not entirely correct, because the plant does not kill the bacteria itself as a pharmacological antibiotic, but stimulates our body to fight more and better against infections that These provoke.

How do you prepare? You can take it as an infusion to prevent flu and colds, one day is enough. In cases where you already have a virus, you can take it two or three times a day.

13 natural antibiotics

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