Your Words of Light The Essential Unity Master Jesus

  • 2010

Channeled by Mirtha Verde-Ramo

Loved ones

The times and the enlightened vision of Beings pass by who have committed their life-energies so that humanity fully develops its intrinsic and latent Divinity remains unchanged. The ages can change and everything external can change, but the commitment and design of the original Divine Plan are not subject to change!

In the time of My Ministry on Earth, only some awake souls understood the significance of the message given by the Radiant Light of Christ, who was incorporated and came to Me, as My Teacher who is, a n in the present (the link is indelible), announcing the definitive entry of the DIVINE KINGDOM into the History of mankind. From there, the divine-human being should begin to link both kingdoms and develop his own individual Critical Consciousness, beginning the path of return to his true spiritual home.

Many avatars have occurred since then, all of these events are written and recorded in the memory of the Akashic records and can be studied as a way to incorporate those great failures and successes, which are part of the evolution.

At present, THE ESSENTIAL UNIT is translated as the synthesis of all the fruits of the past and the human being living in this New Age corresponds to unite the duality in all its apparent forms.

Only the alert and clear conscience of the material, emotional and mental harassment will reveal to you how the unalterable Jewel of Christ lies within you waiting to be poured out from the Heart Flame itself out. Didn't he tell you in the past: " THE KINGDOM OF MY FATHER IS NOT DIFFERENT FROM YOURSELVES!"?

Today the dynamic energy is moving towards action, impelling the constant practice of LIVING GOD IN THE FORM! THAT'S THE GREAT MASTERY OF LIFE!

The submission of the slavery of the senses has come to an end ! THE PRESENCE OF GOD I AM in every stream of life embodied in the present is taking control, order and preponderance and that is revealed as a MASS PURIFICATION IN EVERY ORDER OF THINGS, not meaning in any way the "end of the world" nor the "Punishments from heaven, " as some falsely proclaim, wanting to spread the dark chaos of ignorant fear. WHO REALLY KNOWS THE NATURE OF GOD DOES NOT FEEL FEAR, KNOWING THAT HE IS ALL LOVE!

Purification is felt in this hour of reunion with the Divine and this is available to all those Gentiles of heart and humble obedience to their Creator.

Very soon we will celebrate another Christmas and it is My wish that My words come to you plagued with Hope, the same green star whose brightness pierces our hearts, seeing you march towards the encounter with your own Divinity.




Saint Germain activity.

Santiago, Chile, October 31, 2010.

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