Transpersonality: a work of triangles for the understanding of Being

  • 2015

God is my father,

nature is my mother

The mind is my house.


The three aspects of the deity, or the central energy or spirit, the coordinating force or soul, and that which both use and vitalize, actually constitute a principle of unity, which manifests itself in diversity. These are the Three in One, the One in Three, God in nature and nature itself in God. These three aspects are perceived in man, divine unity of life. First, he recognizes them in himself; then he sees them in all forms of his environment, and finally learns to relate these aspects of himself with similar aspects in other forms of divine manifestation.

DEITY can be personalized as God; It is prepersonal and superpersonal in ways not entirely understandable to the personality. GOD is a verbal symbol with which all Deity customizations are designated. Deity is characterized by the quality of unity at all supermaterial levels of reality, and creatures better understand this unifying quality with the appellation of divinity.

DIVINITY is the characteristic, unifying and coordinating quality of the Deity. Divinity is understandable to creatures as truth, beauty and goodness; it is correlated in personality as love, mercy and ministry; and it is revealed on the impersonal levels as justice, power and sovereignty.

REALITY as understood by finite beings, is partial, relative and imprecise. The ultimate reality of Deity that can be fully understood by finite evolutionary creatures is contained in the Supreme Being. From the point of view of time and space, reality can be divided as follows:

  1. Current and Potential. They are the realities that exist in their fullness of expression, in contrast to those that contain an undisclosed capacity for growth. The Eternal Son is an absolute spiritual actuality; mortal man is largely an unrealized spiritual potentiality.
  2. Existential and Experiential. They are the beings that remain in eternity (past, present, future) or that are updated in the present time. The Deity of Paradise is existential, but the Supreme and the Last that emerge are experiential.
  3. Personal and Impersonal. The expansion of the Deity, the expression of the personality and the evolution of the universe are forever conditioned by the voluntary act of the Father, which definitively separated the mental, spiritual and personal meanings and values, current and potential, centered on the Eternal Son, of those things that are centered in Paradise and are inherent in it.

The TRINITY of Paradise is the manifestation of God in three persons and being the union of the eternal Deity of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, is existential at present, but all its potentials are experiential.

PERSONALITY is the only invariable reality in the ever-changing experience of a creature, and unifies all other associated factors of individuality.

God, the Universal Father, acts on three personality levels of the Deity, which have a sub-infinite value and express the divinity in a relative way:

  1. Prepersonal as in the ministry of Father fragments, such as Thought Adjusters.
  2. Personal as in the evolutionary experience of created and procreated beings.
  3. Superpersonal as in the existent realities of certain absonite beings and other associated beings.

The I AM is a theoretical concept of the finite mind of man, tied to time and chained to space, to the impossibility of creatures understanding the existence of eternity. The theoretical I AM succeeded in making the personality a reality by becoming the Eternal Father of the Original Son, simultaneously becoming the Eternal Origin of the Island of Paradise.

The terms "I lower, I higher and I divine" can give rise to confusion until we have mastered the different synonyms. The following classification will be useful:

Father Son Mother

Spirit Soul Body

Life Consciousness Form

Energy Strength Matter

M nada Ego Personality

I divine I higher I lower

Universal Individual Individual

Quaternary Triad Point

Ursa Major Sun Sirius Pleiades

When we deal with these triplicities, used so often when talking about the deity, it is of value to remember that they refer to differentiations of Being One, and the greater the number of these triplicities we know, the more harmonious we will be with an increasingly broad group: social or cultural


Personality is a level of deified reality, and extends from the human and medium level of greater mental activation of worship and wisdom, and ascends through the moroncial and spiritual levels until reaching the final state of personality. This is the evolutionary ascension of the personality of mortals and other similar creatures, but there are many other kinds of personalities in the universe.

The Universal Father is the secret of the reality of personality, of the bestowal of personality and the destiny of personality. The Eternal Son is the absolute personality, the secret of spiritual energy, of moroncial spirits and of perfected spirits. The Joint Actor is the mental and spiritual personality, the origin of intelligence, of reason and of the universal mind. But Paradise Island is non-personal and extra-spiritual; it is the essence of the universal body, the origin and center of physical matter and the absolute master archetype of universal material reality.

These qualities of universal reality are manifested in human experience at the following levels:

From paradise we have the three Energy, Light and Matter.

From the experiential we have the three Spirit, Soul and Body.

  1. The body. The physical or material organism of man. The living electrochemical mechanism of nature and animal origin.
  2. The mind. The mechanism of the human organism that thinks, perceives and feels. The totality of the conscious and unconscious experience. The intelligence associated with emotional life, which rises to the level of the spirit through worship and wisdom.
  3. The spirit. The divine device that resides in the mind of man, the Thought. This immortal spirit is prepersonal - it is not a personality, although it is destined to become a part of the personality of the surviving mortal creature.

Cosmically speaking, sex is a short word that expresses the relationship (during manifestation) between spirit and matter, between life and form. In the last analysis, it is an expression of the Law of Attraction - a fundamental law that underlies every manifestation of life in form, the cause of every phenomenal appearance. Speaking from the human or physical point of view, sex is a word used to signify the relationship between men and women, and whose result is the reproduction of the species. Sex is a symbol of an internal reality. It is first of all the reality of the relationship, the relationship that exists between the fundamental pairs of Father-Mother opposites, spirit-matter, positive-negative, life-form and between the great dualities that - when they unite in cosmic sense - produce the Son of God manifested, the cosmic Christ, the conscious and sensitive universe. This is the great drama of sex, which is repeated in man. Thus he knows three times in his personal life the meaning of union, sex:

  1. On the physical level, the sex or relationship of the man with its opposite pole, the woman, results in the reproduction of the species.
  2. On the mental level, the union of higher and lower energies results in creative work.
  3. The union of the energies of the personality with those of the soul, results in the birth of the Christ.

The search for sexual identity is the search for unsatisfied needs that nourish, so the search for personal identity as a man / woman configuration is the search for identity and the satisfaction of needs. This is achieved by making use of sexual energy. That identity is our personal power as men or as women.

Two disorders are related to sexuality and personality:

Transsexuality is characteristic for presenting a disagreement between gender identity and biological sex. Gender dysphoria is therefore the disgust, mismatch or discomfort with the biological sex that has corresponded to the subject. But while transgender is only interested in dressing in a manner contrary to their biological sex, the transsexual decides to have the sex change operation, which will contribute to their gender identity.

Dissociative identity disorder is described as the existence of two or more identities or personalities in an individual, each with its own pattern of perceiving and acting with the environment. At least two of these personalities must take control of the individual's behavior routinely, and are also associated with a degree of memory loss beyond the lack of normal memory. This memory loss is often referred to as wasted or amnesic time.

Souls also change bodies, just as people change clothes, so the transpersonal current in psychology arose. A transpersonal orientation recognizes the importance of the spiritual or cosmic dimensions and the evolutionary potential of consciousness. Transpersonal experiences are those in which the sense of identity extends beyond (trans) the individual or the person and comes to encompass aspects of humanity, life, psychism and the cosmos that were previously experienced as outsiders.

Transpersonal psychology consists in the psychological study of transpersonal experiences and their correlates, among which the nature, varieties, causes and effects of transpersonal experiences and developments and also of psychologies, philosophies, disciplines, arts, cultures, styles of life, reactions and religions inspired by them or that seek to induce, express, apply or understand them.


The soul is the entire repository of the full potential of the human species. The soul is the confluence of meanings, contexts, relationships and mythical stories or archetypal themes that give rise to the thoughts, memories, and daily desires that create the stories in which we participate.

Archetypes as mythical stories of inner heroes and heroines are perennial themes that reside at the level of the collective and universal soul. The soul will not reach fullness until it fulfills its mythical search, what we could call the Plan of God according to which our destinies are organized.

The archetype is a master design from which copies are made. The reality of any archetype lies in its energies, in its mental, spiritual or material components. The archetype is projected as a material, mental or spiritual aspect or as any combination of these energies.

The archetype as an image of instinct is a spiritual goal sought by the whole nature of man, it is the prize that the hero draws from his fight with the dragon.

From the gods to men.

As children we are more influenced by the idols of television than by family or religious ideals.

The Gods descended to Earth and in making contact with humans they engendered supermen: the heroes. Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo and Artemis are always considered Olympic gods. Hestia, Demeter, Dionysus and Hades are the variable gods that completed the dozen. Persephone spent the third part of the year in the underworld and was allowed to return to Olympus for the remaining eight months so he could be with his mother, Demeter.














Lilith was the last of the virgin goddesses of the Atlantean era. Eva, Isis and Maria are three of the virgin goddesses who followed him. Eve represents the mental nature, Isis the emotional nature and Mary the physical nature. These three Virgins and Mothers of Christ, have the history of the formation and function of the three aspects of personality through which the Christ must express himself.

Their corresponding males would be Adam, Osiris and Hermes (since the Holy Spirit embodies divine intelligence). Hercules was the first superhero, who in completing his twelve works showed human beings the path the disciple follows.

Hercules in Scorpio became the triumphant disciple.

Buddha in Taurus achieved victory over desire and came to enlightenment.

Christ in Pisces defeated death and became the Savior of the world.

From men to God.

From the planet earth, human beings try to get closer to God and as they put it in the children's series The Knights of the Zodiac. " In order for an aspirant to achieve the rank of Saint, in addition to mastering the basic techniques of combat, he must learn to channel the energy of his protective guardian constellation."

The category of Saints is established according to the level of the cosmos (sacred heart) that they manage to use:

The Bronze Saints endure attacks that bring a speed equal to that of sound.

The Silver Saints protect themselves from supersonic attacks.

The Gold Saints protect from rays that come at the speed of light.

Somas are armor worn by the 12 Titans. Adamas are Armor used by Typhoon Giants. The Nahual are armor worn by the Saints of the Sun. Glories (or glorious bodies) are the armor worn by angels. The Kamei are the armor worn by the Olympic Gods. Scales are armor worn by Poseidon's generals.

The human armor would be made up of the seven chakras, while the shield is created by the heart. Athena ordered the construction of the knights' armor after they fought with the Poseidon generals and were badly injured.

The authentic human being shows many of the qualities of heroism: courage, strength, capacity, endurance, perseverance, courage. It uses its strengths and opportunities at the service of the community, to protect, serve and support it. And together, ladies and gentlemen, they have formed the New Group of World Servers (NGS) who are passing the tests of each of the twelve houses in which their socio-economic, political and cultural environment is divided.

  1. The NGS is made up of men and women who have integrated their personality and begin to be guided by their souls: the action of Ares and Aphrodite.
  2. The NGS reacts on the energies that materialize gold and money for its transformation, just as Hefestos and Aphrodite would.
  3. The NGS serves as an intermediary between the active internal Hierarchy and the thinkers of the world, just as Eros and Psyche would.
  4. The NGS supports members with each other to become aware with a new view of masculinity and femininity. The proper relationship between Ulysses and Calypso.
  5. The NGS balances the forces that lead to disintegration and destruction, incorporating in themselves the forces of integration and construction just as Apollo and Artemis did.
  6. The NGS encourages the improvement of the quality of life and the love of their peers by rescuing the therapist's role in promoting health and preventing disease: Hermes and María.
  7. The NGS has its representatives in each group of idealists and entrepreneurs, particularly in intelligent organizations on a human scale: Uranus and Demeter.
  8. The NGS is learning to face his mortality and see death as a wise counselor who whispers in his ear: Cronos and Cibeles.
  9. The NGS Is determined to inaugurate the new world order by establishing a community of people who believe in the essential divinity of man like Chiron and Gaia.
  10. The NGS is part of every political creed and recognizes the authority of religion, because through rapture they will bring Heaven to Earth as Persephone and Hades did.
  11. The NGS is made up of connoisseurs of the Plan and the pioneers of organizations willing to solve the problems of humanity, in the manner of Zeus-Hera.
  12. The NGS has committed to the creation of a new myth of masculinity and femininity, to give light to the shadow, just as Lilit and Lucifer did.

The true conception of the trinity is not simply the grouping of three separate gods.

Through the activities of the missionaries, Melchizedek's teachings on the Trinity gradually spread widely throughout Eurasia and North Africa. It is often difficult to distinguish between triads and trinities in the most recent ages of Adam and Eve.

Among the Hindus the trinitarian concept took root as Being, Intelligence and Happiness. (Sat, Chit, Ananda). A later Indian concept was that of Brahma, Siva and Vishnu.

The Buddhist faith developed two doctrines of a Trinitarian nature: the first was Teacher, Law and Brotherhood. That was the presentation made by Siddharta Gautama. The most recent idea, which was developed in the northern branch of the followers of Buddha, included the Supreme Lord, the Holy Spirit and the Incarnate Savior. These ideas of the Hindus and Buddhists were true Trinitarian postulates, that is, the idea of ​​the triple manifestation of a monotheistic God. The true conception of the trinity is not simply the grouping of three separate gods.

Just as the Monad is the total sum of the three aspects and the seven principles of man, the coronary center is a replica of it, and contains within its sphere of influence seven other centers, of which it is the synthesis. These seven centers are further divided into three major and four minor ones, and their union and integration is seen as a shining center that crowns and envelops them. There are also three physical centers called

  1. the upper high center,
  2. the pineal gland,
  3. the pituitary body,

with four minor centers. These four centers are merged into that center that we call high major. I would also like to indicate that there is an intimate relationship between

  1. the upper high center and the laryngeal,
  2. the heart center and the pituitary body,
  3. the coronary center and the pineal gland.

It would be convenient to observe the interesting succession of triangles that exist and how they have to be linked by the progression of electricity before it can fully vivify them and then move on to other transmutations. We can enumerate some of these triangles, always remembering that according to the Lightning the electricity will rise geometrically, and thus will be the correlative sequence of the points to be touched. Here lies one of the secrets of Learning.

  1. The practical triangle.
  • The center between the shoulders.
  • The center near the diaphragm.
  • The spleen
  1. The man ruled from the astral plane.
  • The base of the spine.
  • The solar plexus
  • The heart.
  1. The man ruled from the mental plane.
  • The base of the spine.
  • The heart.
  • Throat.
  1. The man partially ruled by the Ego, the advanced man.
  • The heart.
  • Throat.
  • The head, that is, the four minor centers and their synthesis, the high center.
  1. The spiritual man until the third grade.
  • The heart.
  • Throat.
  • The seven centers of the head.
  1. The spiritual man until the fifth degree of consciousness.
  • The heart.
  • The seven centers of the head.
  • The two lotuses of multiple petals.

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