Tobias - Where is your Chalet? - by Geoffrey Hoppe

Shaumbra Newsletter June 2009 by Geoffrey Hoppe

Tobias delivered his last monthly Shaud on June 6. The good news for me and many other Shaumbra around the world is that our program for the next month is full of activities and channeling with Tobias. He is presenting the El Muro de Fuego School from June 12 to 14. We are going to record several sessions of Ask Tobias in the next few weeks. And of course, his last message will be on July 19 in Breckenridge during the Mid-Summer New Energy Conference. (You can connect to the live broadcast of the Conference by buying your package before July 10 at the Shaumbra Store. A password will be sent to you by email to enter the event).

The June Shaud was one of the longest of Tobias in a lifetime, lasting about 90 minutes. For some reason I thought he would make it short, but I guess he had a lot to share with us during this last Shaud. Tobias talked about our ten-year trip together, and took us to his chalet for a last group visit.

While we were in the Shaumbra room, on the eve of his departure, Tobias gave us four main points to remember. He said the most important word is "Self." We need to remember to take care of ourselves, otherwise we will not be able to be true Standards for others.

He told us that the most important point to remember is to trust ourselves. Self-confidence allows the divine to mix with the human, while freeing us from any "prison" in which we have locked ourselves.

He said that what we can count on most right now is "change." The world is changing and adjusting to the new consciousness, and while we tend to be enemies of change, right now that will be part of our world.

And finally, Tobias said that the best gift we can give ourselves is to breathe. As Tobias pointed out: “Breathing provides flexibility so that your consciousness expands into new consciousness and new realms. The breath opens every sense so that they become a sensory human again, not just a dull boy. The breath opens them so they can feel again. It is the easiest recipe in the world - breathe. ”

Tobias also spoke of the “gallery” in his villa that contains live portraits of our trip together from Atlantis, including the times in ancient Egypt, during Yeshua's time, and in our modern era as Shaumbra embodied on Earth during the transition to the New Energy. Plus an individual portrait of each Shaumbra that was in the Tobias gallery.

He was a beautiful Shaud, full of many moving moments, clear insights and the deep warmth and compassion of Tobias. Shaud 11 of the Return Series was a perfect close to 10 years of work we have done together. Yes, there is much more to come for Shaumbra as Adamus Saint-Germain introduces us to the new mysteries, and to the exploration of New Energy in our lives. I know we are all ready to move into new energy territory with Adamus but I know that I am really going to miss Tobias' love.

In Shaud Tobias he mentioned a very important point that I hope every Shaumbra will take a moment to consider. Near the end of the message, when we were all standing outside his chalet enjoying the beauty of the moment, he said:

“I have a question before we leave. Where are you going? Where is your space? I have this chalet that I created. I love him and take possession of him. When you are in your desperate moments, when you are in fear and anxiety, when you need to escape, where are you going?

I know where you're going, and it's not always pretty. Some of you enter a dark cave. Some of you enter nowhere - is this your chalet? Is this your home Yo Soy? Where do you go when it is difficult? Where are you going to rejuvenate yourself? Why do you take a hut, a dungeon? Why don't you have a place at all, dear Shaumbra? Are you not worthy enough of a chalet like this, with all the beauty and love of my spirit?

Where do they go at night? Unfortunately, too many of you are still spiritually homeless. They have no place to go. They have every tool and every resource, they are not occupying space, they do not need a mortgage, they do not consume energy, they are not stealing it from any other place; So, dear Shaumbra, I invite you to create your own perfect space / home from now on. This is the space / home for you, for your spirit, for your soul, for your being. Believe it in complete joy and love, and stop worrying if it's perfect. Stop destroying what you have built. Do not copy my chalet, because then it will not be really yours. Do it from your heart. Create this space. It is your home from now on. ”

For me, this point was placed above everything else in this final Shaud. For years we have been visiting the Tobias villa. But where is MY retreat? Where is the one of YOU? Where does your conscience go when it needs D&R? (rest and relaxation). Too many of us do not have a place like the Tobias villa. I think we roam the astral kingdoms, finding a quiet corner or making a temporary hiding place when our body / mind / soul runs out. But we have not consciously created our own safe and miraculous space. Or maybe we let the "circumstances" build it for us and we don't even realize that we can imagine or create anything we choose.

I really had a reaction during the channeling when Tobias said that too many of us are "spiritually homeless." What I asked myself was: "Why?" Any of us can create our own “chalet” or “retreat”. It is the perfect expression of our creative Self. It's free, we don't have to get building permits or hire contractors, there's no mortgage or taxes to pay. So why hasn't every Shaumbra created his personal heavenly mansion?

Since the June Shaud, every night before falling asleep I have taken the time to consciously create my own House of I Am. During the first few nights she felt very vague and the experience was somehow challenging. I kept restricting myself according to my human limitations. I was trying to design it from an engineering or architecture perspective. Finally I said: "To hell with it" and I simply allowed my imagination to fly.

During the last week or so I fell asleep while designing my retirement. I've had some of the best sleep in years! By consciously creating my space when I fall asleep, I know that I am spending my time there during the night. I haven't been waking up at 2:22 and 3:33 this week. In return, I wake up at dawn feeling unusually renewed and revitalized.

Sure, I know that I have not been working this last week on the New Earth since I have been busy with my chalet. This project has also taken me away from another heavenly work. But I know it is important to take care of myself right now. recharge my Body / Mind / Spirit and rejuvenate every part of me. There will be plenty of time for all this other work, but for the next few months I will create my angelic abode. My soul house. My house itself. I hope you also take the time to do this. We will resume with Adamus in September and I am sure we will all want to be in top shape!

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