Time, energy, love and money

  • 2014

Money is like a kind of shadow to which we end up taking responsibility for all our misfortunes: "I only work for money", "if I had money I would ...". It is a large suitcase loaded with hidden contents. We have to deal with it every day with it, whether in small, large or huge quantities. Do we ever cultivate mindfulness from this perspective? By Koncha Pinos-Pey for MIMIND Space.

It is indeed a great challenge, because money is linked to the concepts of success, social esteem, help; also of confusion, insecurity between what we are and what we have, rivalries with equals, superiors or inferiors. We believe that we are what we gain, getting to experience such conditioning that it enters and reinforces until it becomes a shadow. The truth is that, beyond how much we care about money internally or externally, working with the energy of money requires enormous attention and commitment.

Investigating constructively is a good way to start. Ask ourselves, for example: How have we got to where we are? What do we have to do to make it change? We must give ourselves some time to really define what we want, and money can be something that we are really going to need, whatever the plan may be.

I propose three ways of research that can help you build a more conscious relationship with money.

1) Look inside. Start seeing the stories that happen with the money around you. Are they authentic? Are they credible to you? Have you inherited some attitudes or patterns in reference to money? It may be that you have been internalizing other beliefs along the way. For example, if you have been raised in an environment of shortage and improvising always, perhaps you will have the feeling that you will never have enough in life. Are there secrets in your family regarding money, legacies or finances? What drives your relationship with money? Do you allow your relationship with money to really go to what interests you, stay on the road or go where others decide?

2) Search abroad. Most of the consultants, financial advisors, economists or entrepreneurs who come to learn midnfulness wanted to be rich, and have achieved their financial goals. But they have not worked inside. It may be that they had forgotten to count on their balance sheet how much they have paid to get what they have. What are you willing to pay to get what you have? Are you really winning when you think you win? Are you winning when you think you lose? What could be the most important costs you are overlooking in your life? For example, if to get that amount of money, prestige or power, you are neglecting your partner, or do not see your children? What value do you give to that? Because if you don't write it down on the life balance, one day you'll have to pay the debt.

3) Internal and external relationship. Time, energy, love and money are all forms of energy that the mind contemplates. But we fall into the error of thinking that money is only matter, and not accounting for the other assets in our life. What we do in the end with all our resources fully is what our life is. How rich are you and how poor are you? In which areas are you? What are the values ​​in your life that you want money to express? What is the cost of having or not having time, energy, love or money in your life? You could try for example for a month, explore the relationship you have with money. Do you really know what you are spending? And what are you losing in that internal-external relationship? What opportunities are you missing just because you are afraid of growing up?

Knowing what money really is in your life, knowing what it represents and acting consciously, is a powerful tool to get out of internal and external conditioning. If you give yourself a little time to know your beliefs and values ​​about what matters to you, perhaps you can be a little happier and work on what really interests you.

Time, energy, love and money

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