Illumination Time: Now is the Moment - Message from the Council of 12 channeled by Selacia (April 23, 2011)

  • 2011

Note from Selacia: “This second message from the Council of 12 before the Wesak will help you take advantage of Wesak's auspicious blessings of the Ascended Masters who established the template for enlightenment on Earth. While reading your words, the Council of 12 will provide you with ideas and powerful energy that can help you take advantage of this special Wesak season. In case you haven't heard of the Wesak, it is a celebration of the enlightened ones who came before us - like the Buddha, the Christ and Kuan Yin. It is also a celebration of our own lighting potential - each of us has that same potential. We are here to understand that on an individual level and to help our planet to become one of light and love. ”

Most likely, they are feeling the intensity and chaos of this period. They know deep in their bones that something very different is unfolding on the planet and within each person they meet. The uniqueness of these times makes this year's Wesak season a crucial juncture.

Now is the time for action and to create the positive changes they want. Things they had in the background must be reconsidered, energized, and contemplated to determine the correct divine action. Some of them may not be ripe for full manifestation but can energize them, anyway. Later you will find tips to do that in the highest possible way.

First, to understand why it is so vital to take the necessary actions, then they have some background on the meaning of Wesak and its relationship with this unique moment in history. Through the centuries, numerous people have attained enlightenment, demonstrating that humans can realize their true Buddha nature in human form. You are familiar with some of these enlightened teachers because the world's religions were formed based on their teachings; Examples are the Buddha and Jesus.

The purpose for these beings to incarnate was not to establish religions. Buddha did not seek to initiate Buddhism other than what Jesus sought to establish Christianity. Beings like these came to establish the template for enlightenment, showing you and others the way to achieve full realization.

The Maturation of Now

During previous cycles of human history, these enlightened beings could not have the beneficial effect that is possible today - people were not ready and time was not ripe. Today is radically different with the juxtaposition of an accelerated planetary awakening and the multitude of global crises. If there was ever a time for the seeds that these great ones planted to ripen within people, it is now. What are those seeds? Throughout history, enlightened beings gave numerous teachings, each with the basic message of love. They left signs and doors that could lead them to their own lighting.

Common themes included reminders of these four universal principles:

(1) Life is a continuum of cyclic energy. The cycle they are in now is their current life, but their existence is eternal.

(2) There is only one constant and it is change. Everything is in constant motion and is always changing.

(3) The energies they express in a life determine their future. This means that you are at the helm of your life's ship towards the unknown.

(4) Love is the greatest power, purpose and healing tool. This is the energy that transforms everything from low vibration.

With humanity and the Earth at a turning point, there is no time for complacency. The wisdom of Ascended Masters as the Buddha must be understood and then acted upon in ways that make a tangible difference.

During the Wesak season, in particular - with a thinning of the veils and greater access to the blessings of the greats who came before - they can accelerate their progress by leaps and bounds. Every time you have a spiritual vision and act constructively based on it, you help yourself, your family of origin, and your human family. Do not underestimate the power of this.

Three tips for constructive action

Below are three suggestions for constructive action during the Wesak season.

(1) You don't have to be the best at something to start doing it. Do not let doubt, perfectionism or inertia prevent you from expressing yourself powerfully. Leave the comparisons. They may not be as expert as another person, but how do they gain experience, if they don't act? The skill develops one step at a time.

(2) When you say to yourself: "I am not ready, " stop there and ask yourself: "What part of me is saying this?" Most likely it is your ego and the voice of doubt in yourself. If you are absolutely sure something else is blocking your preparation, explore to find out what it is. Sometimes all they really need is help with some part that they still can't handle on their own; Do not hesitate, then, to ask for help. Accept help, learn from it, and then take the necessary actions. Remind yourself daily that the universe is a welcoming place, full of people who want to help you.

(3) They feel exhausted or stressed - does fatigue make them feel blocked? Be kind to yourselves. They are living in tumultuous times and every day they process unimaginable amounts of energy. The speed and magnitude of the change is sometimes enough to make anyone dizzy. Part of being kind to yourself is making sure you replenish your energy continuously and do a constant inner work of transformation to maintain balance. Remember, too, that burnout is often an emotional or mental response to feelings of lack. Don't let those feelings block you now - you are generators of divine changes, after all. Remember every day how much you are loved by the spirit. Invite your inner wisdom to connect you with this love and support. Allow yourself to receive what is really there for you, knowing that you deserve it. Then, use what you receive to move forward in a way full of light.

As they continue the journey of rediscovery of their Divine nature, we surround them with our love and blessings. We are the Council of 12.

Translation: Margarita López

Copyright 2011 by Selacia, Channel for the Council of 12 * All rights reserved *

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He thanks the people who share and distribute these messages as they are published, with all the corresponding credits, because they reflect their own transparency when they spread the light. Unfortunately, other people did not act that way and modify or eliminate the credits, thus preventing their own readers from accessing the sites where they could find more information. It is worth remembering that all the individual sites that he hosts have been authorized by the respective channels / authors and contain all the material with their authorized translations.

We are in a new energy, creating a new world. Let us be aware of our choices. Do we want to continue creating competencies and desaz n? Or do we prefer collaboration and integrity? Please, honor the work of each person who does his part to get these messages to us, respecting all the credits. Thank you.

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