Have the Value of Being Self

  • 2012

Those of us who are on a Personal Growth Path must start from a premise that is essential: the commitment to Self of:






If any of these aspects fails you, review the agreement you have with you, and make the firm of purpose to take it to the letter from now on.

Almost the best that can be said of a person is "that is authentic", because that implies that he is, above anything else, himself.

That does not mean, and you have to be very careful and not confused, what authentic means to be stubborn or be a fan.

It means that our personality is one way and that we agree with that mode, and so we manifest ourselves, and that we are true to ourselves, respectful of our soul, and devoted to the truth; that we are consistent with what we think and feel, and we show ourselves and we are consistent with it.

When one knows and feels that one is respected, self-esteem feels benefited and reaches a correct level.

It creates a feeling of fullness and happiness that is not provided by anything else.

There is a well-being that reaffirms personal security and confidence in doing the right thing.

The mood is encouraged by what has been achieved.

The conscience gives its approval.

It is the feeling of respect for Self, the feeling of good relationship with Self, and with one's dignity; It is a different happiness, like that of duty fulfilled: the feeling of doing well and listening to your own applause and congratulations. It is a small Nirvana.

For this, it is necessary, of course, not to live pending to satisfy the expectations of others - if they do not coincide with ours -, and yes with those that emanate from our deepest interior.

To progress on the Path of authenticity it is necessary to persevere.

Inconsistency weakens and devalues ​​us before ourselves.

The purpose must be to take a step, at least, every day.

To be authentic, it is essential to get rid of what we are not and what does not belong to us.

Little by little - since they started with us that process that should be of education - and then later - throughout life - we have been adding things that are not ours, and, in some moments, and how In need of survival, we have taken the habit of not being ourselves in some aspects, and we have made concessions even knowing that we should not make them.

It is not bad that we have done it, the bad thing is to continue doing it.

No one can be blamed for having left the autopilot in the moments that we did not know how to govern our life, but from now on, since we started the Way, we are fully responsible for being Self, out of respect, precisely, to that Self that We are fortunate to be.

Now, yes, we must review the scale of values, dreams and desires, goals and illusions, and get to the pleasant task of doing all this, discarding, with great acuity, what is not authentically ours, but that we They have imposed or suggested it.

The first, logically, reaffirm the unrepeatable authenticity that we are. Be real. Be authentic.

What are my essential truths?

What is the reality of my things?

Who am I really?

And once you have answers, to defend them with the word and with the acts.

Fidelity to the essential principles, which are really authentic, is above looking good or satisfying other people's hopes.

Who am I ... and be.

Although it will hurt on more than one occasion.

Although they are going to present more than one doubt, although some foundations are going to falter.

That is the clue: if they stagger, if they are not firm, they are not yours.

The authentic ones have an immovable solidity, because they are born of your own conviction, and that security is remarkable.

Authenticity is confirmed and consolidated when doing or saying something we feel more sincere, safe, honest, congruent, positive, and self-affirmed.

We have to feel that we are doing the right thing according to what we have discovered that we are.

If by showing yourself authentic you feel a psychological harmony, an inner peace, a feeling of emotional well-being and a certain fullness, an absolute conformity with what you are doing, and a little healthy pride for what you are getting to be, is that you are behaving the right way

(Francisco de Sales, is the creator of the web www.buscandome.es, for people interested in psychology, spirituality, improvable life, Self-knowledge and Personal Growth)

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