Workshop: Healing the female soul, Barcelona Saturday, June 18, 2016

  • 2016

Workshop: Heal the female soul

Awareness of woman: Uniting belly and heart

Power of Woman, Female Male Union, Uterus, Mother and Female Lineage

Barcelona – Saturday, June 18 2016

Schedule from 10 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.

You can watch TESTIMONIES in the blog of women who have done the workshop:


In order for the woman to access the energy of her heart and connect with her own spirit or light, she must first heal her belly, heal the ancestral wound of the feminine . The spirit is the light that guides us It is the vital force that exists in everything, which makes us feel excited every morning when we wake up.

Each woman in her womb contains ancestral memories of painful patterns, introjects and blockages that act unconsciously.

The purpose of this workshop is to illuminate those wounds and memories, their roots and their feminine lineage. Healing and liberation opens the doors to love, strength and power within us.


In the workshop we will work with the female lineage, we will honor our ancestors, thanking the life that has come to us.

Honoring and thanking from the heart makes it easy to find our way in life and to align ourselves with our purpose.

We will make a trip through our womb, sacred center of connection and wisdom, providing emotional healing.

Women have to recover the connection with our body and with the Earth to feel connected to our own lives.

We will cultivate our inner mother and thus be able to transform our relationships, whether you are a mother or if you are a daughter or both at the same time.

We will also harmonize with the masculine that is in us. We will only be complete beings inwardly and we can materialize what we want by unifying our masculine and our feminine.

It is a workshop to start or continue the way of loving yourself, a way of life.

Only for women who want to commit and take responsibility for their own lives.

Tools we will work with

We will work from the body, mind, emotions and spirit through active meditations, breathing, expressive movement, mantras, rituals, systemic dynamics, art therapy and different proposals.

Facilitate the workshop

Montse García Ariath. Therapist and Trainer, Angelic Reiki Teacher, Healing with crystals, archetypes and codes. Moon Mother, Female Energy Healing. Awakening of the Female Consciousness. Ovarian Breathing Psychological Astrology Family constellations Rio Open System and Enneagram. Diploma in Occupational Therapy specialized in Neuropsychology.


Telephone : 675092555

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