Lightworkers Series III: Lightworkers incarnating on earth

When you incarnated on earth, you were just beginning the transition from ego-based consciousness to heart-based consciousness. We have schematized this transition as consisting of four steps. You took the first step when you became aware of your longing for 'something else'. Something different from the struggle for power that filled their lives before.
This struggle provided their lives with purpose and meaning for a substantial period of time. His fascination for power led you to use man as a puppet in his galactic battles. All galactic empires were part of this. But when the 'warrior energies' were transported to earth, with man as your playing field, you became more observant and stopped leading the battles. You observed what took place on earth. You saw the human being developing into something, a state of being, that you had achieved a long time ago. You had become sophisticated warriors, with refined methods of psychic manipulation and military operations. Man began to be the same, with his genetic implants in place. These genetic implants caused a high level of mental development within the human being. The functions of natural instinct and feeling were more or less suppressed in favor of the functions of thinking and reasoning.
We have mentioned that galactic influences caused a high level of fear within the developing human. In reality, this element of fear was closely connected with the exaggerated emphasis on thinking. In a balanced situation, fear is overcome or put into perspective by its natural intuitive abilities and by its ability to feel what is right or appropriate to do. However, when the faculty of thinking takes the lead, fear tends to be reinforced, since thinking is based on a logical mechanical process which does not allow intuition or feeling to enter the process. When the mental faculty is fueled by emotions of fear, it tends to run wild and produces mind-blowing ideas. Ideas about controlling everything and everyone. Dictatorial regimes are an example of this mental faculty running wildly.
The answer to fear is never to think more. It is thinking less and trusting the flow of life. It is going back to the state of grace that is your birthright. It is liberating instead of clinging.

When the domain of the ego stage ended within the souls of the lightworkers, they opened themselves to new ways of being. You intuitively reached the energy of the heart. In fact you were looking for a kind of creativity that transcended the simple game of power. You felt that the struggle for power was destructive and that you could not create anything new, since it killed and assimilated everything that was 'other'.
In trying to control and dominate life, whether inside or outside of you, in reality, you are trying to make reality static and predictable. Finally, power is incredibly boring.
When you become aware of this, you realize that your true desire was not to have power, but to be truly creative. To be truly creative is to be in touch with your own divinity.
Since you are divine beings, whatever you do or not, you are always creating some kind of reality. Creativity is its true nature. In the ego phase, you explored the possibility of denying your true nature. By the way, this is a creative act on some level, in a twisted way. However, to be truly creative is to create according to life, not according to death.
When this understanding appeared in you, the memory of 'home' awakened. The vague memory of a state of pure and blissful unity entered your consciousness again, and you knew that this was somehow the key to your happiness. But you felt helpless and ignorant, since you had no idea how to continue. You knew that the ego did not contain the answer, but you had not really entered the realm of heart-based consciousness.
At the same time, a growing feeling of remorse and guilt arose within you for what you had done to the human beings of the earth.

Especially on earth, there were splendid opportunities for consciousness to express itself freely in many different ways. The earth was destined to be a unifier of different energies, a melting pot in which different and even opposite energies could reach a way of coexisting in harmony. The energetic playing field of the earth was created to house a truly heterogeneous series of energies.
The difference between living on earth and living in other places in the universe whether on physical or astral levels - is the enormous variety of energies present on earth. Moreover, this variety is not only present as a vast set of life forms or species. It is really present within a simple being, the human being. The human being is able to contain a spectrum of energies that has a wider range than any other being can be. You have within yourself the energy of the murderer and that of the saint, the energy of the child, the mature and the elderly, the masculine and feminine energy, the energy to active and passive, rational and emotional, the energy of water, air, fire and earth, etc. This may seem trivial or simply natural to you, as a human being, but to any other being in the universe, it is totally a feat. It is totally a feat to be any human, without having to do anything special.
But the most specific quality of man is the ability to fuse energies that previously seemed incompatible. Man was not only designed to hold all these different energies, but to be a mediator, a bridge builder between them.
The reason why the Spirit or God or All That Is appeared with the concept of the human being, was that the universe had stagnated in a stasis situation. Consciousness, as you explore life outside of unity, tends to experience different life forms, on different planets and places in the universe.
When a soul has experienced everything there was for a particular way of life, this part in the sense of not embodying more in this and goes to other forms of life, which responds to your particular needs. There is no need to transform energy while living in a particular way of life. When you want a change, the bodies change. This is not because souls were lazy or frivolous. Most bodies extending in density from the physical to the astral offer limited ranges of experience, and therefore limited opportunities to grow or transform while they are in the body. The body could not hold so many different energies. For example, if you lived on a planet of water, where you incarnated as an aquatic being, this would allow you to experience the nature of water in every possible way. The 'feeling' of being liquid, not rigid, fluid, with movement, is truly wonderful. But when you want the experience of being fixed and immobile, you need to leave that body and live inside a mountain for a while. Even when you lived as galactic beings in search of power, you could not really change your consciousness within that body.

The consequence of this limited or specialized range within a certain body was that the world created of forms got stuck. It could not grow or expand, and was locked in a stasis class.

The human being was designed to cover an immense range of energies. It was not intended for specialization. Actually, the division between the sexes brought with it some specialization, but the masculine and feminine energies were already so segregated and unbalanced at that time that it was simply very complicated to hold them in equal doses within a body. If you had been equally strong in a being in your unbalanced states, you would have destroyed yourself.
The only power of the human being is the power to sustain a broad set of energies and bring them to a state of creative equilibrium (not static). In reality, this power is equal to the ability to transform darkness into light, for example, the power of spiritual alchemy. That which leads to the energies formerly opposed to a state of dynamic harmony, is the Christic energy, the energy that maintains unity in the phase of duality. This is the same energy that transforms the darkness, accepting it and thus allowing fear to transform itself into joy. Christ energy is the 'third energy', which unites accepting. Its alchemical strength lies in its quality of being completely embracing, completely accepting and fearless.
You, as human beings, are the only beings who have this ability for spiritual alchemy. Neither the plants, nor the animals, nor the angels, nor the 'lords of darkness' have this power.
All souls can experience what it is to be light, what it is like to be darkness, what it is like to be all the different kinds of beings that live in the universe, but they cannot experience what it is to transform darkness into light while remaining in their present way of life . They cannot imagine what it is like to change on inner levels so that you create a different reality (physical or spiritual) for yourself as you continue to walk.
Souls that are embodied in other forms of life other than human also 'create their reality' and have free will, but are less likely to cover highly different and even opposite states of consciousness while remaining in the same body, in the same way (human) You, as humans, are bridge builders - or spiritual alchemists - and this is what makes the earth and the human being unique.

Now we return to our history of the souls of lightworkers who felt distressed and repentant because of their interference with human beings. They realized that a completely new game had been established on earth, a game full of promise, to which they had done their best to suppress it for their own benefit. They felt pain for this. On some level, they also knew that they had blocked their own spiritual path to light and true joy for their acts of selfishness.
Also, when they woke up from their ego dreams, they saw that the earth was a place of such beauty, a green planet boiling in life. Many of you lightworkers feel connected to the culture or territory of Lemuria or Mu, as we prefer to call it, Mu is really a 'sunken paradise'. This belonged to an era that cannot really be located in its current time frame. It belonged to a different dimension or established time. The earth had not lost its innocence then. In that dimension, you were part of the heavenly times on earth, as angelic beings that nurtured and nurtured life. As we have stated above, you are multidimensional beings, inhabiting different places of reality at the same time. The idea of ​​time is not as fixed and linear as you think. When you played your dark side as galactic warriors, you also - in another time frame - played a luminous and pure aspect of yourself, in Mu, where you prepared the planet for the arrival of earth souls. You contributed to the flowering of the green planet, and on some level, you knew this when you left your 'warrior' stage of consciousness. You knew that you had been destroying what you had helped to create.

When you realized the promise and beauty on Earth, you felt the inner urge to go there and repair what had been damaged. You incarnated in human bodies with the intention of bringing light and creating heart-based values ​​in an environment that was essentially dominated by selfish values. We want to expand a little on this issue of bringing light, since there is something about this that often causes confusion and misunderstanding.

When you light workers incarnated on earth, you actually began a process of inner transformation, in which you would complete your transition from ego-based to heart-based consciousness. You were on the path of completely liberating the ego-based consciousness, and life on earth gave you the opportunity to deal with what was left within you of the ego-based energy. The energies that you wanted to cleanse, you would find in the true beings that you had manipulated and in whom you would now inhabit: within the human being, within yourself.

Your deepest motivation for your arrival on earth was to come to an end with your own inner darkness, and you agreed to encounter this darkness within yourself as human beings.

Although you often think you are here to help others or help Mother Earth, the most fundamental reason you are here is to heal yourself. This is his true work with the light. Everything else is secondary.

Their souls on the deepest level wanted to take responsibility for the darkness that had been scattered. However, taking responsibility for your dark side is a lonely adventure in principle. That does not involve your need to help or cure others. It only implies yourselves. Your will helps others in the process, but this is a side effect. It is important to highlight the correct order of things here, since, you know, they tend to be very diligent in helping others. This enthusiasm in helping others becomes a trap, since your energies are trapped with the other person and, very often, you later feel exhausted and disappointed. Please remember, giving more than what is received is not noble or based on the heart, it is simply a mistake. The mistake is that you partly believe you are responsible for someone else's situation or mental state. This is not true. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness or misfortune. And this really is a blessing, since it gives each one the power to create and thus modify their own reality.
You are not here to 'correct' other people or mother earth. You are here to heal the deep wounds within your own being. Please keep an eye on this matter and everything else will fall into place without any effort on your part.

When you arrived on earth and incarnated in human bodies, you were inclined to fight the energies you wanted to overcome. At this stage, you were in a paradoxical situation. On the one hand, you knew that you wanted 'something more' than power, and you hated yourselves for what you had done wrong before. But, you were not free from what you hated in yourself. They were not yet free from the domain of the ego. When you arrived on earth, you had the tendency to get sick because of the darkness, to get angry about it, and your reactions were to fight it. The paradox is that you wanted to fight against selfish energies through struggle, the true energy that you wanted to let go.
You were not yet aware of the true implications of heart-based awareness. When they observe from the heart, there is no battle between Good and Evil. The reality of the heart transcends them both. The heart does not oppose darkness. Heart-based awareness is founded on the acceptance of everything, of everything that exists. It is a type of consciousness that releases the idea that the fight solves something.

Although you longed for a peaceful, non-combative way of dealing with reality, you had no experience with actually moving to this ideal. You were in a reality between zones, a piece of non-human territory before you entered a new realm of consciousness.
Therefore, you began to commit all kinds of errors, in the sense of falling into ways of being that you wanted to let go. You were eager to change or convert each or every group that displayed ego-based behavior or embraced ego-based values. They, however, responded aggressively to you, many times without even understanding what you were trying to communicate to them. Lightworkers have been persecuted for centuries, as sorcerers, pagans or agitators (politicians). They seemed to be led by ideals for which the world was not prepared. They looked different and would not fit him.
They were typically with all kinds of resistance.

What happened here is that you switched to the role of victim, after having been playing the role of offenders for quite some time in the galactic kingdoms. His spiritual spirit evoked aggressive responses in his surroundings, and they became the victims, experiencing humiliation, deep pain and lack of authority. The trauma of being rejected and / or repeatedly thrown into several lives has left scars on their souls. You ended up feeling unauthorized and badly received. Many of you in this time of life felt tired and nostalgic of a more loving and meaningful world.

It is very important for you to understand that the victim's role is just that: the role you play. It is a possible interpretation of the facts, but it is a limited and distorted way. You are neither victims nor aggressors. You are the consciences of souls that have created roles for you to play for a while. You are not really the victims of a world prone to materialism and selfishness.

In fact, the encounters that you had with aggressive, non-cooperative energies in many of your life times simply reflected your own ties to the ego-based consciousness, your own dependence on it. If you seek results through the fight, you will receive the energy of the fight back. This is / was your own energy coming back to you! And this is the - nico- meaning of karma.

The tendency to combat maldad is based on the belief that evil is outside of you and that it must be banished from reality. The spiritual invitation to you lightworkers during all your incarnations has always been to recognize and accept your own dark side and understand your role and purpose.
The deepest invitation is to forget about you and discover your innocence. You are innocent and it has always been that way. Can you really understand this? If they do, they will not want to change the world or fight against injustice ever again. They will want to play, have joy and enjoy every moment of their lives and simply be who they are and share that with others.

When you light workers release the idea that you have to fight, for something or for someone, you will not be confronted by the 'external world', by society or by other people in general, for being different . You will not want to change anything and in this way you will not find resistance. You will know that you are welcome, that your contribution to this reality is valuable and that you are valued by others.
When you have completely liberated the ego-based consciousness, you will know that you are exempt from persecution or external threat. They will have left behind the roles of victims and accusers; Your trip will have reached a complete circle. They will have released their karmic burdens and will be totally free to create everything they want.

You are about to be born to a new consciousness. This is a kind of consciousness that has completely released the need to control or possess something. It is free from fear. It is the Christ consciousness. When Jesus lived on earth, he wanted to tell you that spirituality is not about a battle between light and darkness. It is about finding a level of consciousness that goes beyond good and evil, a place from which you can understand and accept all things. "The kingdom of God is within." Everything you need is inside. Peace, joy and tranquility are yours when you really realize who you are: a divine being in expression.

Only when you realize this are you here to transform and heal yourself, when things really begin to change, for you, and, as a side effect, for other people around you. The world is what it is and the highest thing you can do for it is simply to love it for what it is. Love and see the beauty of each simple being that is traveling through this plane of reality.

Many of you are motivated by the energy of Jesus. This is because he is your relative. Jesus was simply a light worker not loaded with karmic bonds, a light worker in possession of a high level of self-knowledge. You are touched by your energy because you know that it is the energy you are moving towards. The energy of Christ is the energy of your own future being.
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