Who is Master Serapis Bey?

  • 2015

Beloved Ascended Master Serapis Bey, known as the Great Disciplinary, arrived from Venus with the Ancient of Days Sanat Kumara to re-ignite the sacred fire in the heart of a rebel humanity, to recover and raise it as a flame of will, determination and iron discipline.

In the future it will happen to Sanat Kumara as the Planetary Logos of Planet Venus.

He was a priest in the Temple of Ascension in Atlantis. As guardian of the Ascension flame, he led her safely up the Nile River to Luxor, just before the sinking of Atlantis. Serapis catches a glimpse of this experience: “I remember well when the first comments about the sinking of Atlantis began to resonate. Well, as you know, the sinking of the continent happened in stages. By the grace of God, the warning given allowed many to escape. And we made our way to Luxor… ”

Serapis Bey continued reincarnated in the land of the Nile preceding his ascension until about 400 BC. C. In those lives he became the sponsor of some of the greatest feats ever brought to earth.

He was the architect of the Great Pyramid, the stone sculpture of the record of the path of initiation through which the soul, beginning in matter, the base of the pyramid, rises from the center to the apex. The elevation of that flame is the white light meditation that travels in the physical body from the base of the spine to the crown.

Serapis incarnated as the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III (reigned from 1417-1379 BC), the son of Thutmose IV and the grandson of Thutmose III, an incarnation of Kuthumi. His son and successor to the throne was Amenhotep IV, later known as Akhenaten. During the reign of Serapis, Egypt was in the fullness of its prosperity, peace and splendor, which was the direct manifestation of its communion with the flame of its heart and with the masters ascended back to the Ancient of Days. Amenhotep III was considered the greatest ruler on earth, who maintained a high level of peaceful diplomatic relations with all nations during most of his reign. Part of the great wealth of its treasures was destined to the construction of magnificent temples and palaces. He enlarged the existing Karnak Temple of the Nile, and built a huge funerary temple, whose remains are known today as the Colossus. He sought to represent in stone the understanding of the hierarchical order of initiates, of ascended masters, of philosopher kings who walked the earth during earlier golden ages.

Its greatest construction was that of the Temple of Luxor, which remains partially intact to this day. This temple embodied in its geometry and design the representation of the esoteric law that has been passed through the priesthood for generations. It is erected as a detailed book of science, art and philosophy. The Luxor Temple is the physical counterpart of the etheric retreat of the Ascension Temple.

He also incarnated as the Spartan leader Leonidas, who led the Greeks in their resistance against the immense Persian invasion at the passage of Thermopylae, entrance of Central Greece. His heroic resistance allowed the Greek troops to withdraw and subsequently defeat the Persians. The Leonidas Example has helped continue the spark of national identity of the Greek nation. The Akashic records reveal that the three hundred Spartans were the three hundred Chelas of Luxor who were in incarnation with Serapis. Some have ascended, others remain in incarnation.

As Phidias, he was considered the greatest of Greek sculptors. He was the architect of the Parthenon, supervising exquisitely his master construction. Within the Parthenon, he places his most famous work, the statue in gold and ivory of Pallas Athena, the representation of the figure of the Mother, the Goddess of Truth. His art is characterized by exalted beauty and spirituality, and he lived as the last personification of the golden age of Greek master artists, who had a lasting influence on all subsequent Western art.

During the Hellenistic era, Serapis became one of the most important gods of the Greek and Greco-Roman pantheons. He was revered as the patron of the Ptolemy kings of Egypt and as the founding deity of the great city of Alexandria. There are numerous historical records of Serapis' contact with men throughout Egypt and Asia Minor, and there are about 1, 080 statues, temples, and monuments dedicated to Serapis erected during that era. However, late, in the fourth century after Christ, Emperor Theodosius issued edicts against polytheism and the Christians took this as a license to attack pagans, including supporters of religion is of mystery. The Christian bishop of Alexandria provoked mobs to destroy the great symbol of paganism in Alexandria, the temple of mysteries of the god Serapis.

Fourth White Ray

Serapis Bey is the Chohan of the fourth ray, through whom the Purity is focused, it is the flame of the ascension, the white light of the Mother in the chakra of the base of the spine. It comes from this white light the architecture, the mathematical principles, the foundations of the construction in the Temple of Matter and the Pyramid of Being. In the presence of Serapis, one knows an entirely different conception of what we call the Christ, the Real person of all of us.

Today, ascended master Serapis Bey occupies a key position among the chohanes. The fourth ray is the midpoint between three on one side and three on the other. The central figure of the four is key because it is the fusion of the white light and the nexus of the energy flow of the figure of the eight.

He assists his disciples in the self-discipline necessary for ascension: the discipline of the four lower bodies so that Christ can appear and use them as vehicles for service and achievement in the world of form.

Serving from the White Ray, the beloved Master Serapis Bey, gives us with all his love the energy of tranquility and serenity. It emphasizes harmony and discipline. Support the one who works on projects with other people, irradiating them the importance of serving together in harmony, supporting each other, directs the artistic movements of this new era that we begin: painting, the letters, the dance, the architecture, the sculpture, the theater, the poetry, the cinema, the graphic design and the hairdresser; especially music, since the radiation of the Spiritual Hierarchy is transmitted through it.

Thus, it was known to take the step from materialist painting to the ethereal that marked the Impressionist movement, with painters like Manet, who introduces a series of changes in the use of color, modeling of the figures, the concept of perspective and the treatment of the subjects, and in the plane of the music, a new tonality with musicians like Debussy, founder of the denominated school impressionist of the music.

Serapis tells us T you ascend daily . Our thoughts, feelings and daily actions are heavy in the balance. We do not ascend in an instant, but as we gradually pass the tests and win our individual victories.

The future is what you do of it, just as the present is what you did of it. If you don't like it, God has provided a way through which you can change it, and that form is the acceptance of the ascension flame currents.

White energy is all over the planet for us to use, but if you need a little more help to feel that you are actually absorbing it, you can ask your beloved superior for help, or to the archbishop Gabriel, or to the beloved Serapis Bey, and they will help you so that your bodies are touched by this energy that brings peace, balance and harmony to your being, and you You will also feel connected to the universe.

The archangel Gabriel who is the "Force of God" governs the fourth white ray of harmony, beauty and art. Its virtue is purification, tenderness, truth, life and ascension, it promotes revelation in dreams, proclamation, births, fertility and communication. The Quartz Crystal is the master crystal that teaches us to listen to the inner voice, it announces to us the new beginnings, to transcend, the purification of the body and the mind. It leads us to the path of the soul to fulfill the purpose of life.

His Tonal Key is found in the Aryan "Celeste Aída" of the opera Aída by Giuseppe Verdi, in the "Liebestraum" by Franz Liszt and his retirement is found in the "Blessing of God in Solitude" by the same author.

Ascension Manual

In a channel, through Tony Stubbs, which was published as a book, Manual for Ascension, Serapis Bey explains that ascension is basically a change of frequency and a change of focus of consciousness, and invites us to review our relationship between the physical, the emotional, the mental and the Spirit, and to understand what we need to know to prepare for ascension and what is required to make it happen.

In the Introduction it is presented as follows:

“My name is Seraphis. This name is usually associated with the ancient mystery schools; but my energy is much older than that. I was venerated as the god Osiris in Atlantis, as Hermes Trismegisto and as Thoth ; I have been active on this planet for much longer than that. ”


"You may not see yourself as an initiate of a modern mystery school, but you are."

In the following link, you can see the full text: https://garael.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/manual-para-la-ascensic3b3n.pdf


Prophet, Elizabeth Clare. The Lords of the Seven Rays. Their lives, their works and their teachings. Madrid, Cofás Graphic Arts, 2002.





Author: Margarita Londoño

GHB Editor

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