What Happens on Planet Earth? ~ The Wear of Our Egos and Connecting with our Brothers and Sisters ~ July 1, 2008 Alert, by Karen Bishop

Chaos, swirls of energy, unpredictability, overload, feeling of lethargy and apathy, anxiety, sleeping like a baby as well as having insomnia for short periods, losing things, having wonderful new connections, and helping our fellow animals with indispositions, are not but only some of the many and varied manifestations of the incredible energies that the summer solstice has created.

The solstice energies served to dislodge a lot. In this sense, a lot of movement has been created. Like a huge eruption from below the earth, much of anything or everything was taken from its old position, from its old routine, old pattern, or basically any space that used to feel remotely comfortable and familiar.

If you are sensitive, you may feel that you have been hit by a tsunami, traumatized, severely stoned by who knows what, or perhaps you have even encountered a great need for rejuvenation, rest and some much needed comfort.

When energies accelerate, as they have been doing in recent times, especially since the solstice, we can begin to feel dejected. The energies of the ascension sometimes seem to wear us out, without respite, without relief or time to rest between the high pressure waves that serve to polish us and take us so close to the Source and our authentic self.

We are being worn out so that what is deep within us can be revealed. In this sense, our egos seem unable to keep up, interfere, or even navigate things. When we begin to feel helpless, helpless, weak, exhausted, or out of control, it is then that we open up and can begin to connect with our brothers and sisters and with our true and true selves.

When we surrendered, then we began the new and perfect connections that the solstice energies came to release.

Now we are being seriously squeezed from all directions. This can cause feelings of great apathy about our work, our future, and even the effectiveness of what we thought we had come to do and create. Since part of our ego begins to depart quickly, we can feel that there is not much of us in charge or in knowledge. But feeling apathetic and that we no longer care has always been a continuous phase of the ascension process and always happens.

With all this happening at the same time, we are literally being pushed to connect with each other. We know now more than ever that we cannot continue alone. We absolutely have to unite. I have been writing for several years now that we are going to form small communities of mutual support. As we evolve higher and higher towards ways of being and living with greater vibration, this blueprint will finally begin to take shape. We have been prepared for this moment during the last years, and especially the last months. Now is the time. In fact, we are ready, even if we think we are not. It has been decided by our souls at the higher levels that the waiting period is over and we will now move fully to our new beginnings.

We have been preparing for so long for this. And now, the external realities that the higher energies are creating, in particular the fall, are supporting the formation of this new reality if only from the grave need. So then, everything is in divine and perfect order indeed.

And this is when the new beginnings will finally "begin." We may suddenly feel that we do not know who we are or what we came to create here. We may feel insecure, untrusted, ineffective, or perhaps very confused. We may feel unstable, uprooted, fearful, unfocused, and as if we had lost our way. It is the energies of great movement of the solstice that are creating these feelings.

We can feel that we know nothing at all. We may feel that we do not know what will happen next. We can feel that we cannot count on anything, because when a thing adjusts and changes, there is a dominating effect and everything on the line is also affected.

But in these times of great changes and new beginnings, we are also being given the opportunity to connect with new, more vibrant relationships, ventures and anchors. As much begins to change and re-align, then we begin to reconnect. The things we never thought were going to happen will start happening now. Miracles, relationships and opportunities of the divine will be found at our doors.

We can begin to manifest so much wonder so quickly that we can begin to feel overloaded. We can also feel overloaded with any kind of manifestation that has come to our consciousness as a brief thought, whether it is high vibration or not.

The key now is to get out of the way. The key now is surrender and let the divine enter. The key now is not to navigate through fear and a knowledge that derives from what it used to be, but to allow a new and better scenario to be entered than one would ever expect.

The key now is to unite as brothers and sisters and support each other. The key now is to know that our egos are no longer in charge.

I can guarantee you that you are highly protected by the divine at every turn. We are not supposed to suffer through this process, and if we allow it to be that way, we will thrive in wonder in the coming times.

A few days ago I decided that it was time to break all the cardboard boxes that I had discarded directly outside my back door in the area of ​​my porch when I unpacked. When I was starting this process, I suddenly felt a strong pain in my foot. A wasp had bitten me, and now I had to go to the house, lift my foot, and attend to it.

Phil came and measured me, and together we started again with the removal of the boxes. In a very short time, we found a rattlesnake directly below. He rolled up and hissed, and Phil could get her out of the way. (Since then I have already had a conversation with the snake community and now everything is fine ...)

The wasp had actually protected me from the rattlesnake. And this is so and always has been. Even when we believe that we are being dejected, in reality, we are only being protected and cared for. And although sometimes it doesn't seem like it, everything is always right where it needs to be.

Although he may now feel a little unstable for some of us, at the higher level things are getting in place. New connections are being made. Higher level doors are opening. The things we have always wanted are starting to arrive. We no longer have to remain alone.

And while we may feel relegated to being almost locked up at home for a variety of reasons, it is only because we are preparing for these very new connections. Miracles are beginning now and disconnecting from old systems, structures and old ways of doing things is a great guarantee to reach this reality of higher vibration.

As we begin to connect with our brothers and sisters, we begin to introduce these new ways to the masses who are in need of our help, and then we will be sure to prosper as, indeed, it was the intention.

Now it is we who hold the light. As we evolve higher and higher, it is a natural part of the process to depend less and less on our guides and non-physical partners. They become inaccessible to us. This is because we eventually begin to vibrate where they are and, literally, we become them ... these higher aspects of ourselves, for we are and have always been one and the same. And as we receive this light from each other, we will begin to form the beautiful grid of the very new world.

Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times ...

Until next time!

Karen Evolution glyph swirl

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All the Karen Bishop material can be downloaded in Word file from its site in Spanish

For Today You Delight Reading

An excerpt from the book The Ascension Companion:


“I don't know what's happening to me lately. It seems that I don't care much about anything anymore. ”“ I seem to have lost all interest in participating in the things I used to do. ”“ I don't care what happens. ”If you've had any of these thoughts or feelings lately, He knows that they are a part of the ascension process and have a clear and perfect purpose.

Sometimes, we can feel as if we are passing through, "acting" throughout our daily lives. We are simply not present, because our lives do not have the meaning they used to have. We don't seem to be in alignment with what we have created in the past. And besides, feeling exhausted from going through all the trials and tribulations that ascension can bring, you can return it to a very apathetic one. We are too tired to get involved or care about anything. "Let the pieces fall where they want, " it becomes our general course of action (or in-action). "I have no desire to be aware of everything."

But apathy has a gold nugget inside it. Being apathetic actually puts us in a space of greater vibration. Support our ongoing process of letting go of attachments. When we don't care much about anything, then we 'deinterlace' a lot. We are then in a space of "no space", and this is the space of the higher realms. We are then much more at the moment. When we don't care much, we're not filling our thoughts and emotions with things that aren't really "real." And we are much more out of our own way.

In the higher realms, there are no agendas or plans. Without attachments, with a good connection to the Source, with great confidence, and a certainty that everything is always in proper divine order, nothing really matters anyway. Being much more connected to the Source continuously keeps us even more balanced. There are not so many ups and downs. And when we realize that things really are not a big deal because we can create something fresh and New at any given time, apathy then fits perfectly.

To be able to create successfully, we have to have no attachments. It is always precisely when we no longer care to have something that arrives. And we really don't want to create from our ego or I disconnected, anyway. Then, as we move through the ascension process, and we get used to things not going as we want, or in the way we had imagined, we are placed right in the middle of a space of greater vibration. These experiences force us to let go. Isn't it strange that the areas of our lives we don't have strong opinions about seem to always go well?

I had a web designer who decided that she would retire from computer work and web design. The problems and tribulations that her work brought her were no longer worth it to her. The minute she gave herself up and gave up everything, she immediately began receiving large amounts of business, and the new clients were the type she had always wanted. It was when she no longer cared about the design of Web pages, because she felt really burned, that her company really took off. (She retired anyway!)

When things do not go as we want, it is often because we do not come from our "connected" self. We can come from a desperate or analytical self that is trying to solve a problem in a way that seems possible to us ... even if we are not even particularly crazy about our own idea. If we looked back, we would generally discover that we are glad that this or that thing has never happened.

Being in a state of apathy, caused because it seems that we never get what we want, among other things, puts us in that space of neutrality where we can create almost anything. When we realize that nothing really matters much, for what we thought was important came from our disconnected self, it is then that we are successfully reaching the higher realms. Being happy where we truly are, always brings the next step of creation to our door.

When we have to have things in a certain way, we are basically strangling the energy. It is when we can be content with simply being, that all our needs are met. Passion is an apparent contradiction for this scenario, because passion is a very strong connection, because we know that what we are passionate about is in perfect alignment in every way with our higher self. Therefore, there is a clear difference in terms of passion. We usually experience apathy when we are releasing desires that arise from our disconnected self. We didn't need them anyway.

If you have chosen this page, you are being encouraged to honor your state of apathy, and to realize that apathy is a condition of the higher realms. It is an indication that you are vibrating higher and becoming a higher level being. Feeling apathetic is simply a great training for a higher level way of being. Congratulations, because you are learning the detached state of neutrality.

What it offers What Happens On Planet Earth? serve to illuminate your path, validate your experience, and remind you that we are all one. Thank you for your continued interest and happy reading!

To obtain excerpts from books, more information or order these books and e-books:
Staying In Alignment, The Ascension Primer, Remembering Your Soul Purpose, or The Ascension Companion, please visit the website: http://www.whatsuponplanetearth.com/

What Happens on Planet Earth?
~ The Wear of Our Egos and Connecting with our Brothers and Sisters ~
July 1, 2008
by Karen Bishop

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Translation: Margarita López


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