Solar Awareness Project: 10th. Monthly meditation: GAIA's Crystal Consciousness and Liquid Crystal to heal and cleanse the Earth

  • 2012

We continue with the Solar Consciousness Project in its tenth monthly meditation. Infinite gratitude to each of the people who have followed this work since its inception in the month of January and that month by month have added their intention for the restoration of Love and Light on Earth.

In this month, we receive the teaching of Master Maria Magdalena in relation to the Crystal Consciousness of the Planet, the liquid Crystal that is emanated from the heart of GAIA. And to receive the Guide of Master Mary Magdalene and Master Jesus, to establish the connection with the Solar Gate and in turn, emanate the Solar energies towards the Crystal Consciousness of GAIA.

Infinite gratitude to our Beloved Teachers for their Guide and Love.

The Crystal Consciousness of GAIA and the Liquid Crystal.

Well Beloved Family of Solar Light, this time we want to talk to you about the Crystalline Consciousness of the Earth, that which is emanated from the heart of GAIA in deep Love and that corresponds to the primal essence of this beautiful Planet.

GAIA as an autonomous and conscious Galactic Being has a whole intricate energy system to which each living Being on the Planet remains in alignment and synchrony throughout its life. This GAIA Energy System has a perfect correspondence with the Energy System of each one of you. As it is above, it is below and as you become aware of this perfect synchrony, you will be able to feel it, perceive it and even listen to it. GAIA is within you and you are within GAIA.

GAIA has a nervous system that fulfills the same function as the nervous system of the Human Being and each living Being. This system is like a large network that remains interconnected forever. Each Tree, Plant, Mountain, each Living Being possesses this deep connection with the Network that forms the nervous System of the Earth. This Network that keeps all living Beings connected, rises to infinity by connecting them with all the consciences of the Galaxy. Trees, plants, rocks and crystals receive information from the planets and stars, since they are guardians of the Earth's natural libraries.

Each living Being forms a node or connection point of this Great Network of consciousness and information and we could well say that every Living Being represents a GAIA neuron!

In fact, the impulses of consciousness and wisdom that are transmitted by these Planetary and Galactic Networks reach us through our neural networks, manifested as waves of thoughts, information, color and frequency, allowing us to be part of this network through the which information is transmitted through the cosmos. You have remained in eternal connection with the Christic Network, since you are connection nodes just like all living Beings.

The Network is actually a Matrix that receives and relays high electronic impulses of information, light and sound through which, CREATES and gives LIFE. It acts in the same way as the Matrix of women, it is receptive to the SOLAR energy impulses that enter through the cosmos and act as the Seed or semen. Within its throbbing channels, the Earth Matrix gives Life and form to everything that comes from the SUN.

Animals, Plants, Trees and Stones are guardians of large cosmic bibliographic records. They guard the entrance to the records stored in that gigantic Network or Solar Matrix.

This Network that we are talking about is the Christ Network of the Planet, We call it the Solar Matrix, since its connection goes beyond the Consciousness of the Planet and merges with the Universal Solar Consciousness, being able to remain in tune with remote systems Galactic Suns of the Galaxy. GAIA is aware of everything that happens simultaneously in the Galaxy and is fully aware of the Solar Rays of the Photon Band and the inexhaustible flow of information and consciousness they carry.

This Christic Network or Solar Matrix is ​​formed from the Crystal Heart of GAIA and its physical composition is pure liquid silicon, that is, CRYSTAL.

As you may know, physically in the third dimension the center of the Earth is composed of magma, incandescent liquid fire. However, in the fifth dimension, the Earth Center is composed of liquid silicon. In this moment of dimensional transition and as you are able to sustain and radiate your thoughts and feelings in Love and Light, your body is becoming more and more receptive and sensitive to subtle crystalline anergies. Your body is transforming from a carbon base aligned with the Earth's third dimensional skull to a silicon base aligned with the fifth dimensional Crystalline heart. In this way their consciousness begins to expand, allowing them to receive electronic and energetic impulses that come from the high dimensions of the entire Galaxy.

Well, the Crystalline Heart corresponds and sustains the primal consciousness of the Earth. The ethereal Crystal is the fifth element and constitutes, creates and sustains the Creative Grid of the Planet. It is pure liquid crystal, loaded with information and high cosmic frequency.

Each one of the Crystals that you have around you, have connection with the Crystalline Heart of the Earth and are solidifications of the Liquid Crystal and the GAIA Crystal Consciousness. We can well tell you that you can work and receive the frequencies of the Physical Crystals or simply connect with the GAIA Crystal Heart and ask you to irradiate them with the liquid Crystal frequency of any crystal whose energy And wisdom need at that time.

That is the way in which, in ancient Lemuria, frequency and crystalline information were received, directly from the heart of GAIA! In Lemuria, it was not necessary to exploit the mines, nor to dig the Earth to extract the Crystals. GAIA radiated them to those Beings who asked for it in Love directly from their hearts, manifesting themselves even physically in front of you.

It was at the moment when Humanity withdrew its connection from the GAIA Crystal Heart that stopped feeling and listening to it. It was at that moment that you began to feel the need to take the physical resources of the Earth violently and without Love, driven by the fear that corresponds to separation. Many of you love crystals and work with them to heal or receive information. We ask that every time a crystal arrives in your Life, deeply thank your presence in your lives and lovingly heal you before you start working with them, because many of its crystals come from mines from where they were extracted. Two violently.

The Crystals of the Earth are here to assist you, both ethically and physically. Their mission is to radiate to them the information that GAIA receives from the Universe and they perform that function lovingly and joyfully, guided by the Crystalline Elemental Guard that remains in connection with the Heart. GAIA n! As you well know, Crystals have the ability to heal and balance any physical, psychological or emotional ailment.

On this occasion, the monthly Meditation will lead us to the connection with the Liquid Crystal, the energies of the Solar Gate and the Life Network.Unifying the SOLAR Consciousness with the Crystal Consciousness through the Web of Life. We will connect with the high frequencies that are being sustained by the SOLAR Council and the Solar Gate, to unify them with the Crystal Consciousness through the Liquid Crystal in connection with the Life Network in order to heal the ecosystems, the living Beings. and to the Waters!

Remember! The Network of Life, this great network of information and energy that all the consciences of the Planet have created with the purpose of sustaining the coming changes, was created for Human Beings. It is the offering, the gift that GAIA's collective consciousness manifests towards us, with the purpose of receiving us and opening the doors to the reconnection with the active cosmic consciousness. The purpose of this NETWORK is that, we allow ourselves to open ourselves from humility to the connection with all living beings of the Planet and we can receive their wisdom in the heart.

Download this month's Meditation here

Here I share the link so you can download what we have called "Light Server Kit" which consists of:

The 4 First Meditations

Visual aid images

The Light Server Manual

The Meditation proposed in the "Light Server Manual" - 15 Minutes of Love for GAIA.

Download here:

Remember, both Meditations and the Activation of the Light Point can be done in groups or alone.

Where there is a person willing to serve the entire universe go to Help!

I send you a big hug and infinite Love!

Love, Service, Gratitude

For Mother Earth and all her Beings -

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Solar Awareness Project: 10th. Monthly meditation: GAIA's Crystal Consciousness and Liquid Crystal to heal and cleanse the Earth

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