Why the Earth is shaking, Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

  • 2011

“The March 2011 Equinox… It will be an extremely powerful download of Crystalline Cosmic Codes that are key components of Crystal Transformation and Ascension. It is a powerful and sacred time. To be used in meditation and transition. Each Equinox and Solstice that remains until December 21, 2012 is exponentially more powerful than the previous ones and more adorned with essential codes. These phases are extremely intense, and yet benevolent. These are really 'Days to Meet in Ceremony', because the Ascension announced Dear Beings, is upon you. The March Equinox of 2011 ... It is the Cosmic Trigger - Phase Three . ” Archangel Metatron

Greetings Beloveds! I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I welcome you at this moment NOW as I surround each and every one with Heavenly Light.

A recent earthquake raid has shaken your planet in recent days. With loss of life in New Zealand. We understand the deep trauma and grief of New Zealand, as well as the great pain and misery that accompany all catastrophic incidents as happened in the tremors in Haiti and Chile and certainly the Indonesian tsunami. Being human in this time of change on Earth is extremely difficult for many and we ask all of you to offer your prayers for those who are experiencing painful losses. We of the angelic kingdom are with you.

Although there was a tragic loss of life and devastation of the earth in structures near the city of Christchurch, these tremors have nothing to do with any karma, or with punishment or indeed with anything negative.

Teachers, we tell you that what is being carried out must occur as a necessary restructuring.

In New Zealand, there will be more aftershocks, some high on the Richter scale over the next few months, but the aftershocks or secondary tremors will not bring the destruction that was experienced with this earthquake. It is the earth that is changing in transit to a new energy. .

Dear Beings, we perceive your pain in the face of these losses and honor you very much for sustaining the energy of change through the adversities you are suffering. We truly understand the sadness of the realms of duality. We surround you in love through these times of transition.

But understand that all that is happening is by choice and that brave and sacred choice that humanity has made is Ascending.

We also tell you that despite the difficulty, these events unite people and truly bring out the best of humanity, by uniting together to help each other.

So please allow us to update you on what is happening from a linear perspective and a higher dimensional perspective. We talked to you about the cause that the earth is shaking.

These tremors are occurring mostly in areas that have tectonic shifts, but also in areas of footholds, which are main grid points for the new Earth and in this case both in New Zealand and certainly in the city. from Christchurch. There were many earthquakes across the planet, the same as in New Zealand, in Colombia, Angola, Egypt, Iceland and Chile ... all in the range of 4.0-5.3. None of these had loss of life, but the many places of earthquakes and earthquakes are certainly evidence of the planetary change that is now happening and actually accelerating. We tell you that places that have never had tremors in centuries, even thousands of years will soon shake, including the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe, the United Kingdom and Australia.

Most of you are aware that your planet is undergoing many changes today, and we wish to re-emphasize a key understanding, and we tell you once again that these metastases are not only appropriate, but are the necessary means to allow Earth and humanity release the old and move upward into the new energy. These earthquakes are designed to clear and rid of obstacles and raise the vibrations of the planet as well as the other dynamic events on earth that are so often incorrectly understood. So we ask you to recognize that the increase in the ongoing activity of earthquakes, tsunamis, global warming and super hurricanes should not be feared or stopped. It is not the case. These events are certainly necessary for evolution. The evolution that you call Planetary Ascension.

The cleanliness of the tremors and the like, affect the conscious fields of energy of the living earth, releasing, recoding and realigning everything that touches on it as well. In this way a new consciousness, a New Earth begins to advance.

However fear still persists and that is natural and certainly understandable. Even those of you who live in the so-called safe areas that are not directly affected, subconsciously remember the previous global cataclysms that flooded Atlantis, LeMuria and beyond. Four times Dear Beings, the existence of humanity on the entire planet was removed. So we understand why you fear that earthquakes, global warming, volcanic eruptions, storms and the potential of magnetic changes can create a new "restart, " a global cataclysm that eradicates life as you know it. The restart will certainly occur, but we tell you that for now it will be a more gradual change, depending in some way on the mass reaction of humanity.

Despite the dramatic histrionism of the media and cinematography, the year 2012 will not be of Global Destruction. Before the Harmonic Convergence 34 years ago, it certainly would have been, but you changed that. Kryon, the Magnetic Master has told you a decade ago about the change brought about by the Harmonic Convergence, of how mankind found the measure of Light and programmed that Ascension will take place.

Therefore I tell you that the fears of an inclination of the axis and of the change of the magnetic pole that had been dramatically projected in your media and in your films will not occur. Such fear can be released. The planetary axis will not lean to the dreaded and devastating degree, no destructive meteor will crash into the earth and the magnetic poles will not change in 2012.

In this way we tell you again that it is really the choice and the measure of humanity that has determined that there will NOT be a great global cataclysm, a massive destruction in the world. Rather, the cleaning will be in smaller locations and humanity will certainly now advance to the next level. .

Make no mistake Dear ones, the changes allow the will to clean and must continue and if the masses were well educated and opened to the posture and vision of the greater good, such changes could be made much more easily and much sooner. Many among humans still want to save the planet in its terms. Many of you still do not understand that changes are necessary and certainly the planet does not depend on the salvation of mankind.

So how is this handled? It will be more congruent if the alignment with the conscious earth were optimal and more synchronous. It is beneficial that you are beginning to establish a more realistic functional dialogue of understanding between earth and humanity. Those of you who have passed were as Earth Guardians, indigenous, Druids, Atla-Ra, are here now specifically to sustain the energy of these days. Logologists and this are happening more easily now. This is the reason why you are being attracted to nodes of power, points of creation of the vortex-portal and the recoding of the Solar Disk.

The difficulty with many others who are well intentioned is that they are not tuned, not in a ratio of light high enough to accept the true paradigm of the nature of reality. And so these masses, while they want to help, they really don't know how. They believe that to prevent change or to move to another side is appropriate, better there than here, come?

Not everyone who truly wants to help understands the greater good, the superior purpose of those events that you call super hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis.

So most simply react with fear to these events and want to free themselves from anxiety. But avoiding fear is not the same as understanding it and therefore the masses of humanity transmute it and actually recreate it. Dispelling the events of change is not necessarily beneficial for the earth or for humanity. The difficulty with those who wish to help is that they believe they know more and believe that they are more academic in their understanding. However, they omit the divine, omit the integrity of that called spirit, the metaphysical. They do not understand or do not see the perfection of what is carried out because there is great difficulty for those who do not understand that everything is in perfection, that everything is in order, then in essence, they do not add grease to the grinding wheel, but rather try to prevent the gears from turning and in turn they immobilize and get stuck and so the evolution becomes much more different Easy, come? Fear is always the big culprit. .

We have told you that the main cause of global warming is the increase in the spin of the melted inner core (iron-nickel) of the earth. The accelerated rotation increases the mass of the internal and external nucleus. The heat generated has a profound effect on the stratum and affects the rotation ratio of the shaft. It is the same mechanism of this change in torsional force that is increasing the flash of the linear time sequence on your planet. It is also the expanded mass of the inner core that subsequently amplifies the anionic discharge that you call the Schumann Resonance, axial inclination, and certainly the same polarity of the planet.

At present this adjustment is not complete. And as a result there is currently an imbalance in the center of the planet, in the same center. This imbalance is caused by the instability created by the increased turn mentioned above; since the center rotates with both hands and hands.

And so there must be a balance on the earth as well. Otherwise, without this balance the earth cannot truly move towards its upper octaves in the preparation necessary for the reception of higher dimensions. In this way, in truth and irony, the paradox and the major reality unknown to the masses is that without such an electromagnetic balance, there would be more terrestrial changes.

There would be an earthquake first, then the hurricane and the tornado to balance, see? Then another earthquake, then the hurricane and the tornado, creating a pattern of itself, which would not help. In this way, then there is an energy of anticipation of how the electromagnetic moves through the planet, circulating around the grid system and then penetrating the earth and then balancing inside as well. It is not necessary to avoid changes in the earth, but rather balance must be brought where the balance is appropriate. The imbalance left unadjusted; We assure you, it would lead to cataclysm on a macro scale. Better then that micro events occur to bring balance and in doing so avoid what macro you see.

There have been ejections of the coronal mass, solar storms creating what are called solar winds that have been more and more intense, some never recorded. So you wonder what is the role of solar winds, or coronal mass ejections in the ascension of the planet? We tell you that these are changing the vibration that affects the earth. They change the frequencies at which the mind of humanity operates. They hold the interface to access higher dimensions.

And so we tell you why the earthquakes on Earth, we have addressed the reason why the Earth has chosen to shake. Dear Beings, it is because of the Ascension that you have created. So understand Human, that earthquakes, hurricanes offer greater purification and soften and brighten your energy nodes and planetary meridians. The tremor is not at all retribution, but rather a beautiful recalibration, such as a softening of the duality pendulum and an expansion into the higher dimension.

So those of you with a higher light quotient should be aware of the “whys” of what is being carried out and certainly from its highest aspects, humanity is joyful of the graduation of the Earth. It is up to you in micro and macro to determine if you will react with fear or with a linear restructuring calibration.

Earth is an omnipotent presence. Earth cannot be destroyed. Whether you accept it or not, nothing is taken from Earth that the Earth does not allow. Man cannot destroy the earth, only his ability to live in it. Earth was as conscious as a fiery lava sphere, as she is now. The changes that are coming have been accepted by Gaia, by the Higher Consciousness of humanity and certainly largely orchestrated by the perception of the earth, the sun and what you call the Creator God. Know that everything is in perfect order.

And so Dear Beings, before we conclude this message, we tell you that there is even greater life that surrounds you around and above you, above the sacred Earth, above the Earth that is changing. These energies are now flowing into your field of consciousness. It is light of subtle nature. It is not the light of expectation,

Because it does not hold logic, it is rather the light of comfort, of well-being and certainly carries the energy of the "home" of the angelic kingdom.

We will tell you that on this special planet of duality, on this beloved and sacred Earth, all that open and allow this Celestial Light to enter its sphere of influence, its field of consciousness, will immediately be blessed in spirit, shining in divine serenity. This energy is calm, this energy reconciles and this energy connects each of you to your divinity, to your true heavenly home. It is available to all who open easily. This light, this energy encompasses and creates a place of healing and well-being. Humans on the path so far do not always seek to include well-being in their quest for understanding, but everyone should, since it expresses recognition of the truth and all parts of their trinity cry out for it, because times are changing and we are always We are with you, always here to assure you that everything is fine, even in difficult times.

I am Metatron, and I share with you these sacred Truths. And we tell you that each and every one is Beloved. You are not alone.

... And so it is.


This message is copyrighted at www.Earth-Keeper.com.

Spanish translation sharing the Light: Alicia Virelli, www.destellosdeluz.com.ar

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