Kundalini Full Awakening The Missing Puzzle Piece

  • 2013

Melaney Ryan shares her theory about Kundalini activation

It has been said that only by following very specific ways could a person reach the full awakening of the Kundalini . One had to go after some guru on a mountain and leave his way of life to reach that place of enlightenment. Could any of us be worthy someday?

Of course we are, we are all deserving.

I am sure that many expect this to be a long roll about how this can be possible. No, this will be a brief description, and if you wish to investigate the possibility, please do so.

All channeled messages were sent to make us better people and create a Divine link from us to the Source. Symptoms of Ascension all very well to match the symptoms of the elevation of the Kundalini. What the messages have triggered or nurtured is the activation of the Kundalini and the progression towards enlightenment.

This process can vary greatly both in time and in effect, depending on the individual. But what happens is that the Kundalini is activated and rises, or descends in some. The crown chakra begins to open and the energy is felt throughout the body. As the crown chakra opens, the influx of Divine energy cleanses the inner energy paths and the chakras. This is the sacred cleansing fire spoken of.

When the crown chakra finally opens fully, he no longer pulls the energy to the body but turns and the energy of the person radiates outward from all his chakras into the environment. The energy that emanates from the person's body is unlimited. This had been a situation that only happened to a few people every few hundred years. The inverted energy emitted by the crown chakra outside the body is the halo in the paintings of Christ and Saints. This is how the Critical Consciousness begins in Gaia.

This is what is happening now in rapid progress throughout the world. Each of these enlightened individuals naturally awakens others simply by being in their proximity. Soon the 144, 000 will be an unstoppable force of Love and Compassion.

Welcome to the New Earth

Full Awakening Of The Kundalini The Missing Piece Of The Puzzle

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