Thoughts of March 2012

  • 2012

  1. The quality of man depends on the quality of the predominant thoughts and feelings in him ... the outer side is determined by his thoughts, the inner part - by his feelings -, and the man himself - by his actions - that is, of his soul . The acts are inhabitants of the human soul.
  2. The more stubborn and willful man becomes, the more great tests they put on him.
  3. As it has come on Earth, the human being must work on his character to smooth all the roughnesses. If you do not achieve this, you cannot enter as a citizen in the Kingdom of God. And if you enter there, you will not take advantage of the goods that others enjoy. He will be a foreigner in the Kingdom of God. There they do not accept people with negative qualities in their character.
  4. The feet are a symbol of good, and the spine - of moral life -. Apply Divine Good and morals to enter the Divine order.
  5. You say to someone who is an egotist. This is in the order of things. The bad thing is if the egotist does not go out of himself, but if he manifests the same love towards his fellow men too, he is on the right path. One of the qualities of Love is prevention. He who loves can prevent, that is, predict things. This is due to an internal feeling in the human being.
  6. Discontent is an inevitable companion in human evolution. While living in time and space it is impossible for man to be satisfied. However, when he lives outside of time and space, he will always be happy. In these conditions he already understands the order of things and this introduces peace and contentment into his soul.
  7. These two measures - joy and sadness - must be equalized ... that the joys and sorrows are equated, this implies that people have reached the position of refusing their joys in such a way, as they deny their sorrows and sufferings.
  8. Sufferings and joys do not represent life. These are phases of life, just as the Moon has its phases through which it inevitably passes. The Moon is full and empty about us, but this in no way shows us that its nature has changed. During all the phases she stays the same.
  9. The human being must change the way he lives if he wants to create character in himself.
  10. One thing is necessary for the human being - to pray sincerely and from the heart without waiting for a quick response; that he understands people and that he studies them as an objective teaching without waiting for them to understand him; that I study all that God has created without wondering why the world has been created that way and not otherwise; That he loves people without expecting them to love him.
  11. Discontent represents a psychic dust in the consciousness of man. The human being is unhappy since he has not developed in himself the beautiful, the great, the Divine, towards which he seeks. Man must work eagerly on himself to reorganize his world. For this goal he must open in his consciousness a large window from where more light will enter. This light will introduce in your mind correct understandings, and in your heart - noble feelings -.
  12. Rejoice at every appointment you are given, that you can love someone. Rejoice when you can love someone. Rejoice everyone who loves you. This is the good in the world!
  13. That you love and love you - this is the greatest good in the world. That you teach and that they teach you - this is the greatest good in the world. That you do good and that you do good - this is the greatest good in the world.
  14. Many speak of poverty, of diseases and of sufferings as goods in life and conditions for human development, but do not want them for themselves, because they do not believe in them. What do sufferings, diseases and poverty represent? - They are unresolved duties delayed from the distant past. Everyone has rejected them, did not want to deal with them. Today they are again given to contemporary humanity to solve them correctly.
  15. Man must suffer! Without suffering he is not a man. The only thing that distinguishes human beings from other animals is that he suffers morally. Animals suffer only physically, and people - both physically and morally -. Sufferings are necessary for the human being as a condition for the awakening of his consciousness. This is the beautiful part of the sufferings.
  16. There are two ways of healing: old and new. Today's people ordinarily heal in the old way - with medications, with bathrooms, etc. This way of healing is slow and gives microscopic results. And I heal this way ... however, I don't cure people in the new way. Why? Because they are not ready yet. The new way is a spiritual healing. If I heal a man in a spiritual way, as he is not yet ready to lead a pure life, he will sin even more, and with this he will create greater difficulties in life. For those who are ready, spiritual healing gives results momentarily. It is enough that the patient be given a microscopic part of the elixir of life to heal instantly.
  17. When it is said that someone has died before time, this means that he has not been able to endure the sufferings ... The important thing is that man solve the duties of his life and then leave for that world.
  18. To each one who wants to commit suicide I say: Did you keep your promise that you have given in the reasonable world before descending to Earth? Did you do the work that has been imposed on you? Did you fulfill the Divine Will? Behold, you have put your signature that you are going to do a certain job on Earth, and now you want to abandon it and leave the duty unfinished. I call such people fugitives. Do you want to be a fugitive too? If you have a good conscience, you will stay on Earth until the end of your life to finish your work completely.
  19. He who serves the external law passes from life to death. He who serves the eternal law passes from death to life.
  20. The contemporary world is full of new ideas but still people are not happy - something is always missing. What do they lack? - Love for God Love God and you will be happy and happy! - How and where are we going to find him? - Go around the world to find the best, most prudent and the most loving man. When you find him, he will teach you where God is. He is closer to God.
  21. When talking about evidence, some perceive it as contradictions, as fatalities in life. Truly there is fatality in life, but she hides in the same human being Happiness and misery in life are due to keeping or not keeping the internal laws of life.
  22. Not always visiting the churches makes man reverent. He must pray, apply the Divine Word and then become a believer, a reverent man. Many say they already have a hard time being reverent. The one who is truly reverent weighs neither himself nor those around him. It is preferable that one is reverent, that it is not.
  23. Every teaching that can purify you to shine is straight. If you can't do this, stay away from it. A teaching that shows how your behavior towards the creatures of the physical, spiritual and mental world should be is a straight teaching. She reconciles people with God and guides them to the unlimited Love of the Cosmos.
  24. Everyone complains about a crisis in the world. It is true that there is a crisis. But the crisis is by no means a misfortune.
  25. If you are not born again you cannot enter the Kingdom of God . The human is born and the animal is reborn. So you don't think about rebirth, but about the new birth about which the Christ speaks. What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is Spirit. He who was born of the Spirit does not commit sin and does not die. What is born of the flesh, that is, the animal, sins and dies, and that is why it must be reborn. He who was born of God is incarnated neither born nor reborn. Work on yourselves so that you are born again of Spirit and water, that you live eternally.
  26. God has placed the Divine beginning in man as part of Himself. For the Divine in the human being, Christ came and not for the human. He wanted to raise the Divine in man, to take him to the right path. And you, like Christ, must distinguish the Divine from the human and cooperate for its manifestation.
  27. Christ says to Himself: The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve. I have come to give you life, in addition abundantly. Thus you must understand Christ and seek him within you and not outside you. When a luminous thought enters your mind and a superior feeling enters your heart, you will know that Christ has visited you. Therefore, seek Christ in thoughts, in feelings and in luminous acts, and not outside. Knowledge and true understanding come from within and not from outside. Knowledge is dependent on Love. You cannot know man as long as you do not love him. Outside of Love, the human being is unhappy.
  28. The time has come when all the people of all the peoples of the great and the smallest must approach with all their respect and humility to accept the Truth. And let each one apply it as much as he understands it. I do not want you to understand and apply as I do, but as much as everyone understands that apply it - this is the beautiful thing. Because you often think that some people do not understand the Truth. All people understand the Truth.
  29. And without Master you can! You cannot without Master! . He represents the spiritual force in man with the help of which he does everything. He who has strength can do everything. He who can do everything, he is strong. He who seeks his Master, he who seeks God will find him within himself. This means that one has a connection with God. If the connection is correct, the human being solves his difficulties easily.
  30. Christ came on Earth wrapped in the blanket of suffering. And that's why they knew him little. People could not explain how it is possible that Christ Son of God can be exposed to such sufferings and mockery. Truly there is no man in the world in the past and today, who has suffered like Christ. However His sufferings were rewarded. There is no man in the world whose ideas for a space of only 2000 years have as many followers as those of Christ.
  31. You will say that someone's past is not bright, that it cannot be helped. Leave the past aside. God does not deal with people's past, but with their present. The beauty of life concludes in people's current understandings. Christ came to Earth to erase people's past and open a path to the New, to Love. He will transform gold into good, hate - into Love.

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