Our Rainbow ... The Aura

  • 2016

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will have the Light.

Everything that exists on Earth absorbs energy and releases it. The process of life demands this exchange of energy with everything around us.

A part of this energy that comes out, is a unique field that exists around all living beings. These emanations of subtle energy that surround the body are not visible to most people.

This area is a transition between the physical body and the outside world and is called Aura. It conserves our vital energy, reflects our state of health and outputs the Universal Energy and absorbs it.

The aura is constantly moving and changing, and this is a reflection that we are alive.

Minerals, plants, animals and of course human beings have our own auras; which differ in their complexity and in their color range.

The minerals are surrounded by a white aura; The plants of a yellow aura. The aura that surrounds animals is indigo. Ours has several layers and colors.

This complexity reveals our consciousness, in addition to all aspects of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual functioning.

The layers of our aura vary in color and shape depending on mood states and changes in consciousness.

Each of these layers of our aura is translucent and its colors closely resemble those of the rainbow, but its intensity is much more subtle.

The vividness of these colors varies from one person to another. In some they stand out as if they were a sun and in others, they are so weak that they seem about to go out.

As for their constitution and extension, they also depend on each person, depending on the development of their soul and mind; Each one will manifest a different aura according to their feelings and character.

Thus, the rainbow of the aura will be affected by the game of emotions, passions and feelings we have.
If we meet a person we estimate we feel warm and expansive, and therefore our aura increases in size. But if the encounter is with someone who dislikes us, our aura withdraws.

In the expansive state, each enters the aura of the other, absorbing their energies and leaving, to some extent, the trail of us.

We all perceive the aura of others, whether we are aware of it or not. Some auras attract us and others repel us. If a person radiates goodness, his aura will call us, as long as our soul is related; On the contrary, if you are violent or destructive, we will lose your Light.

Going beyond our physical limitations to see the aura, we can try to develop that certain forgotten ability we had when we were children, that place full of fantasies that made us see another world and that unfortunately we have lost.

It is never too late to remember, let's open our mind and soul and fill ourselves with color; the auras of all those around us are there waiting for us to see them to find an rainbow in each of them.

What is the aura, if not a light that emerges from us, showing what we really are”

When trying to describe with physical terms what the Aura is, we immediately associate it with the word energy, which comes from the Greek energy, which means “to produce movement, the word aura, on the other hand, precedes another Greek word, aer, which means "breeze."

If we have the ability to mentally associate the meanings of both words, we will have a mental image of the aspect of the aura.

As energy flows, people can change at every moment: the aura is also subject to this change.
A set of electromagnetic forces of varying densities that leave physical, vital, ethereal, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies is called aura.

These energy particles remain in suspension around our body in the form of an oval shell. This auric cover protrudes from the body an average of 1 m around us, extending above the head, and beyond the feet, sinking into the ground.

On the lower auric roof can be found floating, up to 15 m above it, another auric cover, which is called the upper auric body. Some members of the scientific community have called the aura, energy field; others, men of religion, spiritual form; and scholars of esotericism, astral body.

Regarding the reasons why it has been called, to the aura, in such diverse ways; Each group has issued their opinion according to their studies.

Thus, the people who have investigated the aura in the laboratories, have given it the name of the energy field; such as the English doctor Walter Kilner, who accepted the concept of the aura And set out to make it visible to the human eye, and after numerous experiments he succeeded; even the Soviet engineer, Semyon D. Kirlian, who obtained the most spectacular results, with respect to the aura, by achieving a photograph that showed a luminescent shape around the fingers of his hand.

Regarding the reasons why the aura is called, spiritual form; we must rely more on available data, than on scientific demonstrations.

The existence of a second body, superior to the physical, without material form; It has long been accepted by all soul scholars. The stories and legends related to human spiritual forms go back to the origins of man: all religions speak to us of these forms, intangible and luminous, that surrounded some men; the illuminated.

On the other hand, there is a group of human beings who have the power to see beyond what we call normal vision. These privileged beings have received the gift of seeing the Light that surrounds us, the manifestation of the Universal Energy, and they have called it the astral body.

Let us live our own experience, regardless of whether the aura is an energy field, a spiritual form or an astral body.

The vision of the aura and its rainbow appearance, truly wonderful; it must be a language that we must learn and understand, to know the light its Light.

If you want a rainbow, could you dream about Him and reflect on His Light?

Source: Excerpt from Our Rainbow The Aura. LHRutiaga

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