Novilunio de Aries: The seed of Cosmic Electric Fire.

  • 2014
Table of Contents hide 1 Aries, Electric Cosmic Fire Transmitter 2 The zodiac sign Aries forms an arm of the Cardinal Cross and provides the electric cosmic Fire. 3 The keynote of Aries 3.1 Surge, and from the plane of the mind, government 4 5 Novilunio de Aries: The seed of Cosmic Electric Fire.

The cosmic forces and energies that distributed through the transcendental influence of Aries envelop the Earth during this exceptional period of "restoration", influence in a transcendental way both the psychological and emotional aspects of the Being, putting at our disposal an exceptional time of evolutionary character .

The energy that Aries distributes and that arrives from the Central Sun in the center of the galaxy directly, without mediation or intervention of the superior Hierarchies that until now, diffracted and “softened” the cosmic currents, leads us during this period to a strong loop of evolutionary energy, at an exceptional time, at a first, Major Festival of universal service.

Aries, part of the Cardinal cross where the first Ray, the Father, the Masculine Principle of Will Power extends and generalizes over all psycho-emotional states and levels shaking us with one of the main fires, The Electric Fire, whose transmitter by Excellence is Aries.

“Aries, Electric Cosmic Fire Transmitter

The zodiac sign Aries forms an arm of the Cardinal Cross and provides the electric cosmic Fire .

The transmitting approach channels of the cosmic Fire are 3: Aries, which releases the electric Fire. Leo, who expresses the Solar and Sagittarius Fire , the planetary Fire. Master DK teaches us:

These three Fires are the elements of Cosmic Fire practiced in the Yoga of Fire, Agni Yoga. This sacred yoga clears the way to the Resurrection. ”

The sign of Aries forms an arm of the Cardinal Cross. It is the approach channel of Rays 1 and 7. It is called the " Sign of the Beginnings ".

From "the Central Sun" (the Galactic Center), Ray 1 gives the impulse and Ray 7 intones the theme of the first movement of the cosmic Score conceived by the Will of the Father: " the Glorification of Matter ." It arises in our time as a majestic " andante cantabile ", starting the Aquarius Symphony. The magnitude of this theme, which comes to us from the Galactic Center is so amazing that, paradoxically, it produces the current world chaotic clamor.

Our planetary divine Presence (the planetary Logos), itself the channel of Ray 1, captures this divine electric Fire of Aries and, by the magic of Ray 7, transforms it into " Feminine Intelligent Activity, the Divine Light of the Mother ."

The spiritual Hierarchy has always tempered the impetus of this powerful Electric Fire and has adapted it to the needs of the human Race. However, in our time, by virtue of Ray 1 and 7, privileged servants of the New Age, the Hierarchy considers that the Aries Man is able to receive directly from Shambala the impact of Ray 1 to handle it without any filter. It is what produces, today on our planet, this huge explosion of violence at all levels. The world Disciple strives to channel this destructive power of Ray 1. In this task he is aided by the constructive impact of “ the Magic and Ceremonial Oden ” of Ray 7. This Ray will be the great builder of the Aquarian Age. ”William Van Marsenille

The conjunction between the Sun, the Moon and Uranus, which occurs during the novilune leads us to the internalization of the “seed” of a new space-time, of a new path, where man is able to summon the perfect scenarios for to govern the energy, wrapped in the primary impulse of Aries, the mind awakens, connected, concentrated in a powerful center, where the immemorial axiom "energy follows thought" is realized.

The sun, the global power of all aspects of Being, the Moon that governs the personality that an exceptional period of “sacralization” of matter is already sensitive to the planets veiled by her and Uranus, personification of the creative powers, a synthesizing planet of The strength of Sirius, and home par excellence of this Electric Fire, directly influence us with the powerful restorative force of the 1st Ray, Will-Power in a tracendent way and without mediation, leading us to the idea of ​​cosmic co-creation, where it is and the human being himself in charge of receiving such universal force to radiate it and lead it to the areas of service and planetary ascension.

“The keynote of Aries

The meditator, when it rises and concentrates completely on the mental plane, can consciously make contact with the Electric Fire channeled through Aries so that it is distributed to the lower realms. The keynote of Aries is:

"I arise, and from the plane of the mind, government"

The Aries-Man, if he concentrates on the mental plane, can develop self-control, control the energy of death and master the destructive power. By this concentration, his collaboration with the symphony of the Father will be divinely harmonious. ”William Van Marsenille.

Thus Aries becomes a triadic activity of the forces of the Soul (Father-Son-Mother) called to make us resurface after the closing of the annual cycle to one's own power and to the scenarios of service and Universal Magic where the human being is called to create the bridges and energy mediations that will precipitate and exteriorize a new time, a paradise in the land of fraternity and goodwill.

Direct to the first annual full moon, to the great Easter Festival, where the powerful Love, the Christ, the Son, the pure manifestation of this Love-Wisdom system, transcends death and rises in the resurrection of matter (sacralization, subtlety ) overcoming the ancestral inertia of its density to vibrate in its highest and most radioactive plane, the novice of Aries, invites us to concentrate and direct our attention to all the forces and vehicles that are immersed in this sacred ascent, in this planetary movement and universal, summoning them from the deep Love that contains life, to produce a tremendously evolutionary psychological change, to generate a planetary conscious change, to externalize, live and manifest a new golden age of man and planet earth.

Blessed is the dance of Visionaries and their Souls.


Anabel C. Huertas and William Van Marsenille.

Novilunio de Aries: The seed of Cosmic Electric Fire.

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