We are the future

  • 2014

"Regards…. We are from the future. Everything will be fine. The future is a beautiful place ... but you will need some training in order to inhabit it.

In the future, technology evolves faster than any human mind can think. When the singularity happened, we became like gods - capable of creating entire worlds in the blink of an eye.

Every thought had drastic immediate impacts. All our dreams came true - but also our nightmares. The future became a battle of ideas . We had to learn to direct our minds - to prevent the dark psychological forces from destroying us all. Now, with every new word we create, we call the sacred mental imperative ... "Let there be Light."

“How can we be from the future? You could ask us. Let us explain. Plants collect light with almost perfect efficiency. They may not realize it, but this is impossible according to classical physics. On the way to the center of photosynthesis - light photons should collide with other particles, but they don't. A photon that manages to reach the center is as likely as you running blinded by a blindfold over a thick forest - reaching the center without even crashing into a single tree.

Plants are involved in a type of miracle. The plant puts the photon in a state of quantum superimposition, multiplying it by each path that the photon could possibly take. Imagine - running blindly through a forest - multiplying in each of the billions of possible paths. If any of its possibilities were observed crashing into a tree, the superimposition would collapse - and that would be its final result, but the plant patiently refuses to observe any of these losses - while singing in its heart ... “Let there be Light. "

When any of those possibilities finally reaches the center without fail, only the winner is observed. All other possibilities disappear. The winner is sent back through time from the future and becomes the only possibility that has ever existed. This is how the photons reach the center of the plant with an impossible precision. This is how you and each organism in existence overcame the massive improbabilities of life. This is how we are from the future. This is how you will become the Light of the world while we invoke together the sacred imperative Have the Light.


We are the future

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