Not everyone wakes up in the same way - Kryon by Mario Liani (12-12-2011)

  • 2011

Greetings to !

A few days ago a person wrote to me asking why there are groups that call themselves spiritual and yet they claim to contact certain disembodied teachers do not know that there is an accelerated movement of awakening in the bosom of Humanity, which has already surpassed the old ways of facing spirituality - ways or ways that they do not seem to perceive even though (for us) they seem to be very evident.

"Obviously, " what is obvious to some, perhaps not to others ...

Because this is a perception that some of you have had when coming into contact with people who - in your opinion - seem to be contemplating a static spiritual horizon, I would like to share with you the answer that I transmitted to this person through the Kryon energy.


Dear Human

There are some of you who wake up with your eyes wide open and others who have a hard time opening them all day long, so they remain partially asleep while trying hard to wake up ...

Worry about waking up in your own way or at your own pace and take action no matter if there are others who are still asleep or not, while you have already started working.

In the end, the noise made by the one who woke up first might end up waking those who still have a heavy sleep ...

In a few words, we suggest that it is not necessary or convenient to forcefully lift someone from their bed, because the shake that they unconsciously give them, may end up scaring and unveiling the sleeper ... and therefore, you will also end up being responsible for the incipient insomnia (spiritual) of that person ...

It's not about waking someone up and forcing him to wake up, if in the end what he wants is to keep sleeping and get up at his own pace, don't you think?

You yourself, you would never want others to do it to you, right?

It may be difficult for all of you to get up from the comfortable mattress that has been built to close your eyes and stop facing what may be uncomfortable or dislike your sensitive and dual human vision.

Many of you have a hard time getting up from the "bed of life" every morning when you know that a blinding ray of light awaits you, which will force you to squint and sharpen your eyes to integrate into the new scene that is presented to you " to each new and intriguing awakening. ”

Some of you assumed that challenge to such an extent that you usually place your inter-dimensional alarm clock to help you wake up periodically (to "be prepared" for what life holds for you).

Others, even if they have done so and the alarm goes off, blow it off with a swipe and keep sleeping ... and many others do not even have one ... nor do they want to have it!

Ah, dear Human ... In the end, what is this all about? You may be wondering if waking up and helping others do so is so important ...

It is very important ... but it is not at all relevant! What a contradiction, right?

It is important that you feel in your being when it is time to wake up, because after you have done it once, your conscience will repeatedly sound - when necessary - that alarm clock that you agreed to listen when necessary.

It is not relevant that you help anyone to wake up, because if you wake someone out of time, without that person having been ready to leave their comfortable dual bed, it is very likely that she will get up from her bed “sleepy” and walk semi -sleep without being aware of what really happened or with the repeated desire to lie down again and keep sleeping.

As we said at the beginning, when you wake up, just try to put yourself into action and enjoy your awakening to turn it into an act of personal pleasure newspaper: the pleasure of feeling alert and present in every new experience of your life, the one that you can share with all those who Voluntarily feel the desire to approach you and ask if they can walk by your side during that new awakening.

When they do, you will know for sure that they heard you walk and felt like getting up from their bed and accompanying you ... fully awake!

Blessings to !


Through Mario Liani


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