Messages of the Archangel Michael Channeled by Nia Beyn

  • 2010

“Indigo Children”

Message from Archangel Michael channeled by Nia Beyn on 10-20-10

I greet you in an endless hug, my dear ones.

This message is to be multiplied among you, because it contains a light of hope.

I am going to refer to the Indigo Children who have been born in the last linear years of the Earth.

With the last Harmonic Convergence all the Souls that were going to incarnate have been aligned so that they were ready to recognize their Mastery, without letting themselves be defeated by the Egos.

Those souls are those who have come to Earth as Indigo Children. They carry a beautiful gift from this dimensional plane to you. And what they are asked especially is that they value them and take them into account.

It is not an easy task that those Souls have chosen in deciding to incarnate at this time. It will be their turn to be protagonists of a time of transition in which they have the mission of being Masters of themselves and Guides on Earth for other human beings. What a task!

That is why the message today is: recognize your Indigo Children as True Teachers.

Understand them and value them as such. But above all: learn from them, because that is why they have arrived on Earth: to show them the messages of the Spirit and let them see in each step the response they are looking for within you.

We ask you not to confront them ... much less ignore them. They need only that: to be understood and taken into account in order to fulfill their task there.

See those children (some already teenagers) as true teachers among you. You have so much to learn from them!

And embrace them in the Divine Unconditional Love that they also need as children they are.

Do not judge them: they are only children!

Do not leave them alone they need you, adults.

Do not take away value. They are TEACHERS!

So begin to see your Indigo Children with new eyes.

And thank Father Mother God for sending them to Earth as a Divine Gift.

I greet you with an infinite hug

I am Miguel


"The Inner Angel and the Process of Spiritual Awakening"

Message from Archangel Michael channeled by Nia Beyn on 10-26-10

I greet you and bless you all.

Today I bring you a message of Love and Light from the upper spheres and I ask my channel to commit to distribute it.

They are words that contain a very high vibration of the purest Love; but maybe some of you still don't get it and can only see concepts transmitted through those words. No matter. Respect your personal times of inner growth.

Today I want to tell you about the Inner Angel. That is an aspect of yourself that you need to know and explore because it gives you the answers you are looking for abroad.

I am not talking about the Higher Soul-I. Nor do I mean the Inner Christ. It is the angel that dwells in each one of you as a symbol of your own greatness.

Those who have begun to wake up have already made contact with their Inner Angel and are learning a lot through it. It is an infinite source of Love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness.

It is the Andorra in you, my dear ones. An aspect of Being that many years have not discovered or know that it is with you but have not remembered how to contact you.

Do not look for magic formulas, alchemy or secrets in this. Just a little work every day, looking for your own inner paths.

That requires silence, stop for a moment and turn to yourself.

My beloved human beings, brave Seeds of Light, from here it is seen that many go out to complete the free time that gives them every day, with superfluous activities that contribute nothing to your evolution and learning there. on Earth.

You are there for great things, but you often forget it!

Then they try to disperse themselves (even more!) By consuming low vibration contents in what they call means of communication and spend hours in front of an apparatus that charges them with negativity, or reading bad news, or locking themselves in other places with people they may not know to distrarse (once more!) and so consume their free time .

But you must know something, my beloved humans, and be aware of your potential: you do not need to look for anything outside!

There is precious time that you can use and it is the time of connection with your Inner Being. It is extremely enriching and allows you to `` distract yourself from the world, abstracting in yourself, which is where the greatest attraction is.

It is a wonderful excursion-raid to the center of your own essence, which gives you the answers you are looking for so many questions that are asked.

They don't need to know anything in particular to do it. It is not about learning to meditate or taking courses at all. I am talking about something that belongs to them and that they already know. Because you don't have to relate to anyone other than yourself. As simple and great as that.

That connection opens the doors that lead to the Higher Soul and the Inner Angel, raising your frequency to the Inner Christ-I God.

It is a time to silence and stop. Remember Do not look for technical methods, formulas for this, because I am talking about connecting with your essence. Nothing more.

The Interior Angel is the loving aspect of each of the human beings, who guides them, protects them, envelops them in a mantle of Light and Love.

Try to understand that the Interior Angel is not a foreign entity to you. YOU are in your purest divine version.

Get that connection back, dear humans! They are in need right now.

And don't forget that it's just a matter of making silence and stopping.

Turn to Nature, to Mother Earth. She is helping them in this from their feminine aspect of protective Mother.

Take a moment to sit on the grass and just close your eyes for a while. The rest is done alone, because it is simply creating that space.

Talk to the Angel and ask him what they need to know.

And stay tuned for the answers. If they sound incoherent or do not understand them, take the time to decipher them, because they always make sense and that is what you should know at that time.

Establish this communication in a fluid and frequent way, trying to make it a sacred moment for you.

If you wish, you can create a special atmosphere using aromas, flowers, candles and images. But believe me, that doesn't attract us to you. What makes us arrive at the moment they need us is your sincere and profound call, from the Soul.

So dear and brave humans, do not get distracted looking for attractions outside because the purest and most attractive beauty is in your inner garden.

I greet you and stay with you.

I love you and I bless you all. I am Archangel Michael.


“Detachment during the Ascension process. Learn to let go to make room for the new ”

Message from Archangel Michael channeled by Nia Beyn on 10-27-10

I greet you and bless you, my beloved ones.

I am Archangel Michael and I am transmitting my frequency of protective Light.

Today I must deliver this message of hope to you, who are going through a period of re-alignment with the new energies of that Blue Planet.

This is a time of remembrances for those who have been doing their job on that side of the veil.

And that means getting rid of some things. That means accepting that they should be releasing. I speak of "detachment."

Going towards higher octaves implies leaving the old structures behind. That inevitably translates into a change in your realities, which can be manifested in situations such as changing the scope of work, changing the external partner (because your internal partner also transmutes into androgyny), changing the place where they live - the physical house - (because the "Home" for you has already been discovered and you are returning to it through various paths), change friendships or the group of relationships (because it is known that the like is attracted, so if you have raised your vibration and the people who were surrounding you have not done so, it is certain that they simply move away from you).

But that should not worry you. It is one more learning of this stage of transition towards new universes of consciousness.

Do not see or feel this as a loss, because it is not. Far from that: it is a great gain for you, beloved humans on Earth! Because people or situations that move away leave them a free space to be occupied by new learning that will elevate them even more.

We know it is not an easy task. We are very aware of that and we are here helping you to walk this transition bridge to the upper octaves. We trust your courage and wisdom, so you do too. Trust!

Remember that every human being is a Master who contains his own Divine Essence. So there is nothing to fear or reason to lament.

Live these moments as a true energy exchange.

You are being rearranged into new universes of consciousness that brings you closer to the Source of Divine Love-God. And that is a wonderful walk that they are doing along the paths of the third dimension but they are moving quantum pieces in fourth and fifth dimensions.

Recognize these times and every event that occurs in your reality during these days as a true Gift of God ... And enjoy it!

Change the look ... and you can recognize the divinity of which I am speaking to you. Because if they look at it with your human eyes from the third dimension, they will only see losses (loss of work, couple, friends, housing) when in reality it is a beautiful opening that is creating space for the new to arrive.

And the new energies are those that adapt perfectly to your vibrations and those of the New Earth.

Know, my dear humans on Earth, that you have our support from here.

I am Archangel Michael and with my Blue sword I am protecting them so that in this movement nothing damages them, so that no force of darkness tries to seep into those new spaces that are left to be occupied by the frequencies of Light.

They are also being embraced by Mother Earth in her purest Love. She receives them as her grown Sons who have taken a step of evolution in the School of Life.

Many other Beings of Light are also accompanying and helping you right now, so be attentive to listen to their messages. And also begin to read the codes in your personal reality.

You will have noticed the perfect synchronies that have been manifesting around you.

Well, see that as clear signs that are sent to you from here so that each one deciphers them and reads in them their own learning. They are guides that are receiving to guide them on your path as they move back home.

And everyone - every human being - is prepared to understand it. It is only a matter of trusting the ability that was given to each of you to do so.

This is all they have to do at this stage of transition: TRUST.

Develop that capacity because it is the key at the moment.

Always remember that you are not alone. They are with your own Mastery.

I hug them in a blue Light robe of protection. Blessings.


"The Guides and the Beings of Light on Earth"

Message from Archangel Michael channeled by Nia Beyn on 10-27-10

I greet you and bless you, my dear ones. I am Archangel Michael.

Today I am going to talk about the beings of Light on Earth. They are there, among you, to guide you and bring you the Divine Knowledge.

Many people still cannot recognize them as such and they know and understand them ... and give them the time they need to do so.

In the meantime you continue doing your work there on Earth, in human costumes, mixed among you and walking along the same paths.

These are times of recognition for humanity. We have talked about recovering forgotten or lost knowledge and that is also related to what I bring you today. That re-knowing implies starting to see who each one of you really is.

The masks they have been using in the third dimension begin to fade because they no longer need them. Now many of you are vibrating at higher frequencies, therefore you have come off everything that has to do with the lower dimensions. They have already risen to the fourth or fifth dimension (because they know that the ascension is NOW), so those old masks and human suits they had chosen to wear when they crossed the veil no longer serve them. Now you have discovered (or are about to do so) who you really are.

This means recognizing oneself. And in that re-knowledge the true Beings of Light that have been there so far, among you, will manifest themselves, helping you to get where you are today.

Embrace them and thank them for everything they have done for the Star Seeds that are on Earth and that are already bearing fruit.

We are very proud of the work they have done. And we are giving you the Divine Gift that those who have already finished their work deserve there.

But I will also speak to those who still have a section of road to travel to reach the end of the route.

My beloved, you are being very specially taken care of right now. And we know that more and more people are waking up and transcending the veils of illusion.

Know, my dear human beings, that we from here are accompanying and guiding your steps.

We have been in charge of sending you Guides on Earth which is something we have never done before. They are people who have chosen to fulfill that Mission by incarnating and who have kept that work latent until everything has been synchronized from here to begin acting as such.

Before you, my beloved ones, manifest as Masters, as new friends, as people who are appearing in your lives right now (which also coincides with the needs that each one is manifesting, related to this stage of wake up ).

It doesn't really matter if they recognize them as Guides on Earth because they will act anyway. But it is so evident how they arise in your reality that many can be sure that they have been identified.

Each Guide on Earth has several assigned apprentices - souls to drive to the other side of the veil.

The Guides on Earth are beings who have already awakened and who belong to the first generation of Indigos sent to Earth.

They have chosen this Mission and have committed to fulfill it when the times were fulfilled and the order was given to each one.

Many Earth Guides will make a fleeting flight through the lives of those who are waking up. Only what is necessary until they grow their own wings and learn to fly.

The Earth Guides have the orientation of the Beings of Light on Earth.

Among them there is an intimate connection and a perfect synchronization of movements in the concretion of the Divine Plan.

This message contains a wonderful revelation for all of you, my dear evolving and ascended human beings.

Diffuse it as a beacon of light that can guide you in these times of transition in which many times your paths branch off and cannot recognize which is the one that takes you back to the Home of Father Mother God .

I hug you and bless you

Nia Beyn

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