Metatron Message of September 30, 2011 Portal 11:11:11

  • 2011


Peace be with you, Daughter.

On November 11, 2011, a great vortex of Light, a Great Portal of Light, will be opened for all the Children of Gaia and for all the star brothers who share their lives with you. On this day you must be inspired by the Light of the Creator, in order to open your hearts to the new essence, to the new energy that will surround you and feed you from now on, the new energy that will nourish your souls, your hearts, your minds and, in this way, tune into your Divine I, with your Beings of Light. You must connect with your Inner Masters to be these who guide your steps at every moment.

In every time necessary portals for the growth of Humanity have been opened, now it is your turn to close this great Portal that opened a few years ago. (This portal was opened for the first time in the year 92, in a ceremony between Mexico and Spain and then has had another 10 openings and closings. This year will be the last opening and closing time, to finish sending us your energy.)

This portal was opened with the intention that the conscience of the Children of Gaia would wake up. It was opened with the intention that all of you could ascend, transcend the 5th dimension planes in which you must live from now on. Although your bodies are in 3rd dimension, your hearts and your minds will have to start vibrating in 5th dimension. This is a great commitment, this implies a great interior work, because it implies that although your bodies want to live in the low frequency of 3rd dimension, they must be transcended and subtle to the point that it is in 5th dimension where they really live. For this reason, it is why alterations, even diseases are occurring, but all this is part of the transforming process.

Daughter expand this knowledge to your brothers, inform them of the changes that will take place from now on, everything is necessary for a process, so that Humanity, the Children of Gaia, unite in a common goal, so that it is a true Humanity, sister, so that all of you belong to a ONE, only being, Children of Gaia. That is the intention, this is the purpose so that all of you can live in the planes that correspond to you. Your brothers in these planes already live in 5th and 6th dimension, they are waiting for you with open arms. Many of you are already there sharing and living with them, in Great Cities of Light, Great Cities that are waiting with open arms and with all the happiness that their 3rd dimension brothers, children of Gaia, go to them, share their lives with them, meet them.

Many of you already had contacts with these planes, but some of you had to go down to 3rd, for commitments, for missions, now it is time to end, time ends for those who must ascend and, therefore, transcend themselves in order to live in the planes that correspond to them. For this purpose, on the 11th from 11 to 11 in the morning, the Grand Crystal of the City of Light of 6th dimension, of Mepcaut, located at the North Pole should be activated. This crystal, in turn, will activate a network of intraterrestrial crystals located in very special areas of your planet, you have already discovered, because the information has been arrived, that within the Tronador Volcano, near Bariloche, in southern Argentina, there is a great network of very old crystals where the information of the origins of your planet and of your humanity is. These crystals have to see the Light, they have to unify their information and their energy to the Great Crystal of the City of Mepcaut, 6th Dimensional Crystal with connection with planes external to your planet, to your planes. This is the Great Crystal Master, Master of the entire network of earth crystals, but it has to be activated this year and not the one that would correspond to 2012, to help you open your fields of Light, your bodies of Light, your minds of Light. Only he can do this with a large group of beings, as you are, the Humanity daughter of Gaia.

The Tronador Crystals, which are what they are called from here, will help to merge all the origins of races and lineages that have inhabited your planet. Those lineages are represented in the City of Light that is above you, in 5-dimensional plans (Hispania Atlan), which you inhabit in the Iberian Peninsula . You know, because this information has already been given, that in the center of the Iberian Peninsula, there is a part of this Great City in which the representatives of each one meet of the lineages that originally made up the genetic information of your DNA. Apart from these beings of Great Light who wanted to contribute their seed so that you could see the Light that they see, there are other brothers who also contributed their knowledge, their protection and, of course, We those you call angels, Masters in these planes and in your planes, who also contribute our Spiritual Seed, our Energy Seed, so that in this way, we can live together without great difficulties. These beings, these representatives of ancient ancestral lineages, are there on your planes of consciousness, beings of Hispania Atlan. In this place, great projects are being agreed right now for all of Gaia and, all the information they provided at source, was recorded in the crystals that are now stored in the center of the Tronador Hill.

The Grand Master Crystal of the City of Mepcaut, energetically connected with the Polar Star that now guides you, will activate and give Luz all the information on these crystals, which will begin to reach many of your brothers and begin receiving it so that, little by little, it can be taught to all others. Do not fear anything, everything is protected, everything is organized, now you should only let yourself flow on the new frequency and understand that if you all tune in with it, you will arrive at the place marked by the Creator.

It is also important to know that there is another place on your planet with another network of crystals that will be awakened. One of these groups of crystals is in the Australian continent very close to the vertex that once opened to the east of this wonderful continent. Look for a large mountain that is located near the vertex zone of the continent. Under this mountain you will find the group of complementary crystals to those of the Tronador and from there, all the information you need will come out. (The place that Metatr n talks about is that of the Twin Peaks of Mount Barney 90km from Brisbane where the Australian Vortex is open). If you put these places on a map, daughter, you will see a large triangle whose vortex is in the city of Mepcaut, and the base on Mount Tronador and in Australia. This great triangle of light formed by crystalline structures, will enhance the entire crystalline structure of the planet. At the same time, your crystalline structures have to be activated, you have already been given the information to make this possible, start it now, it is time, pass the information to all your brothers and that each of them can also make their activations, do not keep it, share it and that everyone, regardless of their places of residence, can activate its crystalline structure in tune with this planetary crystal structure, with this new awareness of Gaia.

Therefore, on the 11th from 11 to 11 in the morning, the Grand Portal will be opened, this Grand Portal of Light that will open your consciences and communicate you with the entire Galaxy. This portal is going to be connected to the center of your Galaxy, so that it is the energy of this center that accesses you and helps you to transcend. The galactic center, in turn, is in connection with sister galaxies, the 1st and closest, Andromeda and from there a great chain will be formed and, little by little, a great Universe will be formed in connection with you.

It is a great moment for everyone and, therefore, you should be very aware of the work you are going to do on this day, ascension day for all of you and for the planet.

At 11 in the morning, unify in groups, no matter the number, this is not important, but the unity of the group. Meet in positive places, in places of energy in connection with the high frequency of Gaia.

At this moment, connect with the energy of the crystals, visualize the great triangle of light, whose vortex is in the city of Mecaut and whose bases are in Australia and in the Tronador.

We will help you activate the structures of light that are in the crystals and each of you will receive the information you need.

Sun we will pass you in writing, what this celebration will consist of and this writing will be sent to all your brothers. Likewise, in any other place on the planet where you want to do this meditation work, the information can be sent.

It is a moment of unity, it is time that you all understand that you are 1, that all the souls that now inhabit Gaia, you have chosen to be there right now and that the intention precisely in this moment of your existence is to unify your energies, is Get united as one conscience. We, from here, are guiding you in this direction, but you are free to want to accept it or not. Therefore, if you wish to accept this Project, this Great Unity Plan with Gaia, is the best time for it. Take advantage of this moment because we will all be united to you so that you can channel this light without pain, so that you can channel this light in a harmonious way, in a calm way, that brings you all the Peace and all the Love you need to transcend to the Light of the upper planes.

Peace, Light and Love form the Trilogy of the Creator. It was the first 3 rays that formed, then came the election and everything else. But think that these first 3 rays of divine energy are the ones that form the essence of your being. Once these 3 rays were integrated, came the choice of wanting transcenders or wanting to descend, it is in you, it was in you. Now is the time to return to the unity of these 3 energies, to return to recover your divine consciousness, to return to being divine as you were in origin and, therefore, it is time for you to integrate these 3 energies into your heart, so that your soul shine, shine, merge with your Divine Self, with your Higher Self.

On the 11th from 11 to 11 in the morning, we will all meet again in a great project of unity, of Light, we will meet again as originally we were gathered, it will be a magical moment for all, for you and for us.

On 11 from 11 to 11 in the morning, you will understand what I am telling you now. It does not matter that the 11 in the morning of some places do not coincide with that of other places, but all of you at 11 in the morning you must meet with us, with the Universe, in order to integrate into it and be part of it.

Children of Gaia, it is time for your ascension so that you can all integrate into the energy of that wonderful solar system to which you belong, so that you can all integrate into that wonderful galaxy that feeds your soul and so that you can integrate into the great network that is It will be forming with the sister galaxies and, all together, as a new universe, go after a new Plan, a new end. Each one of you will reach the vibration and frequency appropriate to your evolution, but all united by the hands, twinned, you will reach the end as a single being. Do not worry about what the brother next door is or has been; don't worry about whether he is more or less prepared than you; do not worry about which divine consciousness is greater or less than yours; This is not important, all you have to worry about is that you are united, you are brothers on the road to the Creator. You are Workers in the Light and of the Light and this is the only and true thing.

Now, Children of Gaia, walk, always walk towards that light that is going to be sent to you through this Portal, on 11 from 11 to 11 in the morning.

We send you from these Kingdoms of Light and Love all our energy so that your hearts will join ours and, in this way, you can feel what it means to be here, in these higher planes, so that when you will free yourself from your physical vehicles, you can meet us again and find each other and, in this way, unite finally and that your roads in that 3rd plane can be completed. This is the end of everything, your evolutions in the 3rd plane must end, hence all the souls that are now in Gaia have this possibility, transcendental to 5th and 6th dimension.

For you the 3rd dimension is over, you are in 4th time, your consciences are in higher frequency, understand the importance of this and understand the transcendence as well, because the jump you can take right now, the jump that is time to take, is very great and, it is very large, because your karmas in the 3rd dimension must be finalized, everyone who does not vibrate in this frequency will have to continue advancing in 3rd, learning and growing in 3rd, but all of you, the Children of Gaia transcended, yes that you can finish your karmic journey in 3rd plans and access 5th and 6th dimension.

Look at the importance of this portal, look at the relevance of this day, it is a before and after for all of you, Children of Gaia. Do not miss the moment, do not lose yourself in your confused lives, in your daily problems, they are not important, just think about the opportunity that the Father / Mother is giving you, just think about the opportunity you have and get away from those low frequencies, of that density and in this way also to be able to transcend your daily problems, your worries, your pains, your attachments, everything has to be finalized. Yes it is important that you understand that all this is linked to an ego not transcended from there the importance of identifying the traps that your ego sets you to transcend them in light, in Divine Virtue. Children, be honest with yourselves so that, in this way, your being of light makes you see the pitfalls that your lower ego sets you, polish it, work it, you still have time, there are still days for this wonderful moment of the opening of the Portal and of the closing, also of him.

Identifying these traps of your own ego is enough, then you will have time to finish polishing them. Consciousness will be growing, therefore, the work will be less for it, but do not waste time, we are waiting with our open arms and your divine beings are willing to merge with us and, well we know, that all of you, Children of Gaia, aware of your divinity, are desiring to be merged, to be unified in one being. It is time for this, now you can and, therefore, it is necessary that this day you join, but you unite as real brothers, from the heart, that you do not think about what it is to transcend individually, each one of you will transcend, but if in your Consciousness, in your interior, in your heart, there is the essence of unity, of the group, of the unity of humanity, of unity in the ONE, this step will not be taken. It is NOT a matter of one-to-one transcendents, but transcenders in unity, of transcenders in a being, in a great being, in a great mind, composed of many beings of light, by many souls willing to return to the Creative Source. Also, this unit will make you be more loving, more tolerant, more respectful of your brothers, it will make you detach, it will make you not have those emotions so selfish, so dependent, so impregnated with ego or pain, all that must be left behind. Your hearts can no longer feed on that energy, all that is not in the light, therefore, learn to love yourself, love one another without demanding anything, without forcing anything, without imposing anything on you, with total and absolute respect, It is the only way to transcendental to 5th and 6th dimension.

I hope that my words reach your hearts and that you understood that this day will be a before and after on your path of evolution, in your connection with the divinity that you really are.

May all the Peace of these Kingdoms of Light flood your souls and may all Love and Light radiate into your hearts and minds to find that true balance between matter and spirit. So, we wish you the Masters that we are here, Guides and Angels, that we protect you every day, that we help you every day, even if some of us are there among you, but our essences from here and support you, help you, protect you, love you and wish you, in the shortest possible time, you can merge with Us.

Metatr n from these Kingdoms of Light encourages you to do this wonderful work, this openness towards your being of Light. So be it.

Message received by Sol Hern ndez (Spain), September 30, 2011 ^

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