Message from Kwan Yin channeled by Nia Beyn

  • 2010

Gestating the New Seeds of the Earth ”

Message from Kwan Yin channeled by Nia Beyn on 11-10-10

I greet you and bless you, my beloved ones!
They are in a process of redemption that will bear beautiful fruits on Earth.
Gaia is helping them in this. She forgives all those who have caused her harm and from her Crystalline Diamond emanates her purest Mother's Love.
Receive that protection of the feminine frequency that welcomes you in your bosom and keeps you from all evil.
They are loved and protected by all of us, so do not fear. Release that fear of children that many have not yet been able to transcend.
Fear is what is taking them away from the Source.
Connect with the energies of Love of the Father and Mother ... and heal that child who cannot grow.
To evolve, my beloved human beings, they have to take care of that creature. And as adults, give him the love he is needing to stop screaming his fears that prevents them from moving forward on the route.
From my ethereal abode I am sending you this message and my loving energy so that you can take that transcendent step.
I know you have much to forgive and forgive ...
But it's time to redeem blame! Time to clean the internal bedrooms and open doors and windows to let in the Light.
Don't be scared to see the dirty and ruined corners. It's simply because there is light so you can see it!
Then clean it and remove everything that is not healthy for you. Keep only what allows you to go where you should go.
Put order in the interior house and as a mirror, everything outside will be accommodated.
From here we are assisting you in this. Receive our purest love and protection.
My dispensation of the Violet Ray is being sent right now to all of you. And my energy of Mercy and Forgiveness envelops you like a mantle of redeeming Light.
Accept this as an offering and keep it.
Remember that feminine energies are being sent these days to connect you with the loving maternal bond of contention.
This was necessary to stop the manifestations of violence that were taking place on Earth as a result of the disconnection with the Source.
From these universes we are sending waves of feminine energy to compensate for that excess of Yang in human beings that are moving on Earth at this time.
You will be able to see creative manifestations as a result of this energy that is entering now.
Many of you will begin or have already begun to channel messages from the Higher ... maybe for the first time. It is because they are receptive wombs to retain the seeds and give birth to the good news!
Men and women are nesting and brewing something truly great that will come to light when the ripening time is over.
It is part of the Great Masterpiece. Art of the Akashic Blue Plane that each of you knows in essence and that you have begun to recover behind the veil.
The human androgynous is waking up from his lethargy and generating fruits of the purest love.
Like Lotus flowers that arise in the middle of the murky waters, you, my beloved Lightworkers on Earth, are blooming.
And the more swampy and difficult the terrain that is presented to them to transit, the more beautiful the Lotus flower that will emerge as a result.
So do not stop if the appearance of the trail does not please you ... if you are afraid to move in the middle of a swampy area. Because it is precisely in those places where the most beautiful Lotus will be born.
Being ... and recognizing themselves as Beings of Light ... that is the key, my dear humans.
I leave this message from my deepest Unconditional Love to be an element of help and evolution in all of you.
Spread my words to all who need it.
I love you, I bless you and hug you
I'm kwan yin


“Towards Original Mastery”

Message from Kwan Yin channeled by Nia Beyn on 10/19-10

My beloved, I am Kwan Yin.
I have a beautiful message of love for you, dear ones.
Know that you are being guided in a process of ascension to your Inner Mastery. And from here we are many who are accompanying them.
The Sacred Fires have been activated in each of you to awaken that sleeping Mastery, so you will be rediscovering yourself as new Beings of Light.
Divine Love, Divine Wisdom and Divine Power vibrate within you and that makes them especially bright.
I ask you to seek your own formula of mastery to regain contact with the I-God in you.
These days they have been given back access to the Original Mastery, so now they only have to find it in yourselves.
Some are already ready for that inner search, others still have long stretches of route to travel until they find the path that takes them there.
That is why there will be many Guides on Earth fulfilling the Mission of helping them in that.
Teachers, Messengers, benefactors, people who may have never seen and will enter their lives to give them what they need and then they will leave ... without more.
Like birds that make a fleeting flight over the site they will choose to nest, these people will roam your Souls until they recognize the signal. Then they will deliver the entrusted message from here and will withdraw having completed their task, having deposited the egg-seeds in the right place. They are planting times for you there.
Take the job of choosing the seeds very well so that then the fruit obtained from the harvest is what they need and not something else.
Recognize well the land where these seeds are going to be deposited and clean it of all weeds.
They fertilize the earth with all the nutrients that they are missing: Love, Faith, Mercy, Forgiveness ... everything that feeds the planting field.
Add water, so that it does not dry out and so that these fertilizers can penetrate the Earth. Waters are emotions. Without them we are like the desert sand, which does not allow any seed to be born and grow there, only those with thorns.
So only when everything is perfectly taken care of and prepared for planting, throw the valuable seeds you have chosen to sow.
Then the work does not end, my dear.
Here begins the most committed part of the task. Because they have already invested your seeds and your work in that land to which they have watered and fertilized.
So then you have to take good care of that planting to get a good harvest.
The work is not easy, but when they see the first outbreaks appear, they will say: “Wow it was worth the work done!”
I am Kwan Yin.
I love you and I bless you all.


“The true meaning of Being Teachers”

Message from Kwan Yin channeled by Nia Beyn on 10/19-10

You are loved and blessed. I am Kwan Yin.
I have been telling you about the Inner Mastery that has already been returned to you by the Gods. You have earned enough merit for that.
You will tell me maybe if from here we do not see the acts of violence and darkness that are also happening among you.
And of course it is. But a part of that Master's Degree consists in knowing how to live with all levels of vibration without affecting them.
A teacher does not judge.
A teacher does not punish.
A Master does not feel fear or be frightened by the forces of evil.
A Master does not depart from the weak: he accompanies them and guides them towards the Light.
That is why it is so important that those who have taken a step further on the path of personal evolution embrace that Mastery that belongs to them and vibrate in it. Walking on Earth as true Masters, without anything or anyone stopping them. Simply being LOVE.
And in each section, as they experience contact with the lowest vibrations, they will acquire greater Mastery. Because that's what the Master Being is about. Give and receive in a perfect exchange.
Give Love, understanding, Light, to receive that greater dose of Inner Mastery.
Is that how it works. A give and take.
Those in the highest vibrations radiate their own Light to those who are in the dark nights of the Soul. They are like lighthouses that orient in the dark to recognize the port where they must anchor.
Great Masters give their own potential of Love and Wisdom to those in lower frequency ranges. That is the purest act of Mastery.
Have you then understood the sense of Being Masters?
It is not about separating but about uniting. While it is as if they were waters that open and do not mix, your vibrations feed back.
You, Masters, give your part to receive more Mastery. As simple as that. Energy exchange.
Flow ... like the waters. This is how diversity works there.
That's why they don't have to worry about the violence and negativity they see on Earth. They are the product of your mind that stays there, re-creating them instead of beginning to manifest the Inner Mastery to change it.
It's that simple. And that BIG.
I embrace you in the purest Love.
I'm kwan yin


Kwan Yin's message about Magnified Healing

Channeled by Nia Beyn, Master Teacher in Magnified Healing of the Highest God of the Universe, on 10/27/2010.

Namaste, my dear beings on Earth.
Here I am today sending you this message of Light that is related to the technique of Magnified Healing.
Magnified Healing was delivered to Earth, many years ago, in a special dispensation to adapt to the planetary changes that were already happening then.
Today you are also in a process of change, but towards other goals.
Gaia's Electromagnetic Grid has been modified and as a result, you have experienced readjustments in your Magnetic Fields. This has caused them some discomfort in the physical bodies, which has given them the pattern that the work was done.
But not everything ends there: all this has consequences on the reality that surrounds them. And those consequences can be read in events, attitudes or other manifestations of your daily life that can be apparently negative, but that bring you important lessons to discover in each of them.
And in the midst of all this, I must tell you that Magnified Healing comes these days with good news!
It is known that Magnified Healing is a dynamic technique in every way: because it is essentially pure movement of energy and because in addition, it is constantly evolving to adapt to the new planetary vibration frequencies.
This implies that every time a new being approaches Magnified Healing, either to take a therapeutic session or to start as a Master Teacher in Magnified Healing since Phase 1, it is already there. being balanced and coordinated in the new DNA chains and in the Electromagnetic Field Light templates in total harmony and synchronization with Gaia.
This is simply beautiful. Something as simple and as great as Magnified Heling of the Most High God of the Universe is today assisting you to access the Universes of Light from the experience in the third dimension that you have chosen to live there in the earth.
You are grateful for this, my beloved human beings! You are blessed by this technique and are assisted by me in each celebration, session or initiation of it.
Magnified Healing is working for you and for you. It is being re-calibrated in each Cosmic and planetary movement to adjust to the needs that you manifest there.
When you start in Magnified Healing, you are automatically being readjusted to the higher frequencies, which accelerates your vibration, raising them to the upper octaves.
This translates into:
Greater acceptance of changes
More tolerance to the harsh environment
A greater capacity for Love, Mercy and Forgiveness towards others and towards Mother Earth
Manifestation of perfect health and harmony in all bodies
Ability to see reality with the eyes of God, that is, with Divine Master
These benefits are obtained by approaching Magnified Healing .
It is an infinite dispensation of more Divine Love, more Divine Wisdom and more Divine Power that are already the essence of each one of you and now arrive to be revealed.
Be part of this dispensation and use it as a tool of Light and evolution in these times of planetary and personal Ascension that you are going through.
Live these moments as a valuable and enriching experience for all mankind, because that's the way it is.
Every fact, every event, every person that acts in your environment, every piece that moves in the universal gear responds to the synchrony of the Divine Plan for the greatest good of all.
Be partakers of this synchronic movement that brings you closer to a new Earth, to a new state of Being that shows you as who you really are.
They are manifesting your greatness and your Mastery in every act they perform even if they often do not recognize it.
Precisely ... that's what they need to learn, my dear ones: self-knowledge! To re-meet and meet the Master in each one of you.
There are many disciplines that can bring you this. But you also have that ability. It is as simple as achieving the inner connection to communicate with your own Self, with your divine essence.
Walk this section of the road to the reunion with the Inner God that dwells in each one of you.
With the contributions of Magnified Healing® you can access the Secret Chamber of the heart, where the Trine Flame is located and through it activate the I Am, the Inner Christ.
They can also connect the Upper Bodies with the Most High God of the Universe, which leaves them aligned with the higher frequencies in a frank manifestation of Personal Ascension.
Being One with the All, vibrating in its highest and purest Light, identifying with the virtues of the Cosmic Rays, experiencing the greatness of Christ, anointed by the Grace of God the Father Mother ... Gifts that Magnified Healing® sends you in each session, ceremony or personal initiation that they perform with this technique of Light.
This is the good news that I have brought you from the other side of the veil of illusion, where Everything Is What It Is.
From here I embrace you in the Light, Love and Mercy of Father Mother God.
I am Kwan Yin.

Nia Beyn

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