Message from the Mother, Here and Now - Channeled by María José Lorenzo 04-07-2011

  • 2011

Beloved Mother, you know each one of your children, you know all our weaknesses, our fears and concerns, in these moments of great personal and planetary changes, where many of us still feel disoriented in many Areas of our lives for these strong shocks, dear Mother, that you have all the Universal knowledge, that you are all Love, I humbly ask you to show us the best path for our awakening and that of all humanity.

My beloved children, although some of you feel disoriented, that nothing seems to make sense in your lives, that you are suffering from diseases, with internal voids…. Know that I am with each one of you, I have not abandoned you, my Light and my immense Love protect you every day and at all times.

What is happening to you is the work that is being done at all levels of your bodies and in your lives, for all the beings of Light who collaborate with you in this evolutionary change and in your awakening.

So you have decided and agreed, your Being is leading you.

Do not be afraid and keep calm.

My dear children you are very strong and brave, more than you think, it is time to work, everything starts with one. If you raise your Love towards you, your Light and your energy change and also your surroundings and the whole Universe feels it, accepting that we are part of a Whole.

Healing, transformation and Love begins with yourself, you lose a lot of energy trying to help others when you are not ready yet.

Search within yourself what you need, what you like, listen to your heart, connect with your Being, he will guide you.

Don't look outside, don't follow anyone, don't put me on a pedestal.

I am a part of you, all the knowledge of the Universe and your earthly and extraterrestrial lives is within you. No one knows more than your own Self.

You are not responsible for the life of your family, friends or your children, only for your own life. Love them and respect their processes.

Only through Love and recognizing who you are can you emerge from your awakening, see your truth and be free.

You are children of Love, Children of Light,

You are Divine, You are Eternal

You are everything you can believe or dream, you just have to believe it and feel it inside yourself, everything else is illusion.

Feel all our Love and our blessings, without you this change would not be possible

We are all helping you as we have never been able to do it, we can now transform everything, we can make magic come to your lives, but do not forget that you are the channels, you are the creators, you are our inspiration, you have free will and You have given permission.

Do not stop dreaming, believe in magic, believe in us and most importantly believe in you, believe that you can no matter what.

We accompany you in your awakening

My Love and my Light envelops and protects you in your walk



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