Message from The Female Arc ngeles: The Light of the Soul

  • 2014

There is a lot of strange movement around everyone, isn't it? Well, yes, those are the forces of darkness that no longer know what to do to stop the plan of the Light, which has everything ready to emerge victorious, and they are not able to accept, to assimilate it as true, as true. They lack a lot of courage, to admit that they have been defeated, that for more maneuvers, no matter how hard they try to confront us, they will achieve nothing. So stay calm.

Those helicopter movements, which you see around you ... is nothing more than the warning that they are desperate, for not finding what to do to face us.

What they don't know is that the Light cannot face it. It can only be surrendered, we can only allow ourselves to join forces and be transformed into Light. But they will not be able to realize this truth in time, only when it is too late, and we cannot receive them on this new planet of Light, but they must continue on their way on another level, on another planet. Know that despite their misdeeds, they will continue to be respected for what they are. Because we are simply children of the Father / Mother, we have considerations with them. They will be taken to other planets to continue their evolution, if other destinations are not determined.

He said that they, many of them, will have different destinies than simply following their evolution on another planet; but we'll take care of that later. We will define what to do and what not to do, with each of those who are still determined to be against the Light, not realizing that it is something impossible to do.

The Light is simply the winner. Or try the darkness turn off a light. Impossible.

Now try to turn on a light in a dark room and see how easy it is to extinguish the darkness. For the same is no way to defeat the Light at this time, and it has never been a possibility.

They have been able to keep us blind, they have been able to keep us deceived, but they have never defeated or, managed to defeat the Light, which each of you and you have in your heart. With your Heart they have never been able to face each other, because it is Light, because it is love, and there is nothing that can stop force greater than Light and Love.

That is why now it is that you began to rekindle that little Light of the Soul, which only managed to worsen for a long time but, that it was never extinguished, let alone now, that we are so close to achieving what we have longed for so much, that it is to arrive at a beautiful time of Peace, of Unity, of Love and Light, among sisters.

So, all sisters, daughters of the Soul, be aware of the power that you carry in your hearts, and know that never, no darkness will extinguish the little light that you carried lit on your breasts.

With love.

The female arc angels.

Message from The Female Arc ngeles: The Light of the Soul

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