The Return Home Route

  • 2010

Sally Barbosa

The route of return to HOME, the PRIMARY SOURCE where we come from, requires the soul in transit through this world to fully learn the lessons that three-dimensionality involves. Entering Earth's time means accommodating the happening moment. Fully experience the lessons involved.

The role to be played by the individual is BE who really IS. Feel, perceive the sounds, the music of nature. Appreciate the beauty of the surrounding landscape. Enjoy the company of individuals related to him or her. Let unconditional love, acceptance, tolerance and harmony reign in your life.

Love yourself unconditionally by introducing into your life everything you need to be happy. Happiness is lived instant after instant, moment after moment. A moment of happiness, fully enjoyed is the Light of Love for your life. Be genuinely you! Live instant after instant, moment after moment!

Truth brings happiness. By living your truth you will be happy for the simple fact of being who you really are. Let yourself flow in your truth. I really be you. Fill the lamp with the living oil that you are with the purity of your love. Give yourself the happiness of loving without waiting to be loved. To love and be loved. Give and receive love and it will be genuinely you.

You need to heal your emotional body, cleanse it of negative emotions, pain and resentment. Dissociating yourself from everything that disturbs you, frightens and enrages, hinders or frustrates your urgency to be genuinely you.

Facilitate that disassociation living fully each of your moments, your present that does not happen. Everything happens in the eternal present. Leave behind what happened. It already happened. Don't worry about what might happen in the future. Has not yet reached. Take care to live your present, intensely, enjoying it to the fullest. The eternal present is the most precious gift God / Father / Mother has given us. To live in the present is to enjoy the gift of eternity here / now!

Be like a new sheet, a blank scroll, moment after moment, moment after moment. Let the Magnetic Light of Love attract you without opposing any resistance to the changes that this represents. Release and leave everything you are not to be. Drop the burdens of resentment and pain that you carry.

Get rid of what binds you, that limits you, that prevents you from flowing freely in the harmonic current of life. Dissociate yourself from fear, from power, from low passions. Doing so will make it easier for you to reorient yourself in life easily and naturally. Reconsider your origin and your destiny. Rediscover your place as an integral part of the ONE. Consciously take your place on the evolutionary scale.

By reorienting your awareness of being, you will recognize and accept your relationship with the cosmos. You will be able to feel your relationship with the primordial movement of life and dance fluidly and freely to the rhythm of Cosmic Dance.

When you feel, think and act from the nuclear center of your solar heart you will rest in the certainty that the Presence of God guides you. This gives you the courage and capacity to overcome the fear and loneliness you face in this three-dimensional plane.

The transit through this Earth world entails the repolarization of Energy / Life. She is the Portal of the Mirrored Pairs. However, the principle of duality makes you see them as opposite pairs. Here / now you are spirit and matter. You have to fly and you need two wings for it. Therefore the two that are one have to be reunited consciously. They become Essential Unit again. Bird in flight!

By recognizing your true identity you go from conscious dependence to conscious interdependence. Interdependence is the level of consciousness reached by an individual who takes responsibility for himself and acts for himself. Dependence is the level of consciousness of the human being that requires constant help and direction from others to act.

When you firmly establish yourself in the consciousness of independence you are ready for interdependence. This is the level at which two or more independent individuals unite from their integrity forming a team, whether as a family, couple, friends, partners or travel companions, retaining their sense of integrity when they are alone.

Unity manifests itself when two individuals cease to be opposite pairs to become one. Unity is a much higher level than interdependence. Unity demands that you reconcile the apparent opposite pairs. It requires that you enter into a very intimate relationship, and that of course, each participant in the uniqueness experience returns to its level of integrity. The level of intimacy can occur mentally when you join others in an idea, in a dream or common interest when you make love.

The ideal space to occupy for each individual is 40% of the total space. Thus each of them has an area of ​​10% that allows him to play with the different ways of facing the life that have one and another member of said unit.

The reunion in that section of the route to eternity with your mirror pair, that being that you call your other half or soulmate, demands to empty the mind of illusions until your solar heart devours you to silence you. The moment you silently undress your soul before the Presence of God, his immense peace will fill you fully with LOVE.

We get lost on Earth soaring the flight to the seventh of the heavens. We cross the Sacred Fire of earthly life in wings of love. Upon regaining our innocent holiness, the pure child we are, being one, flies back to the House of Life where we come from. Our Spirit One rejoices and the galaxy in which we dwell feels our Presence / Essence unified.

We know, for having lived it, a new sense of inclusion. We have learned to repolarize and fly high! When we were reflected in our own mirror pair, we met the astral colors, the symbols, the sounds that repolarization involves. We already know what the angels feel when they fly because we fly. But we must return to the three-dimensional plane, to the world of people.

The return to the three-dimensional plane requires an indomitable value since the state of grace that we enjoy when flying is so wonderful that we would prefer not to return to this world. We must cover our spiritual eyes again so that the radiance of LOVE does not blind us. Plug our spiritual ears so that the angel's angel does not alienate us from our multidimensional reality. Seal our lips and stop savoring the ambrosity of the gods. We have to return to Earth to complete our task! Leaving her unfinished would be throwing overboard what she earned with so many efforts.

The return to our humanity has an extremely high price to pay immediately. When we become human again we forget. Fortunately our old friend, disappointment, comes to our aid, restraining our fall, forcing us to stop the descent. Forcing us to look inward again. Only when we meet again, reintegrating ourselves as individuals will we fly freely again through the middle path.

The soul expresses itself through emotions and feelings. Feelings are immediate manifestations of judging values ​​at instinctive, organic and emotional levels. Our mind knows the truth of our emotions and feelings. Experience the life lessons of the third dimension dressing consciously in light. This entails reconsidering our values ​​and feelings. Reconsider what represents opportunities for growth and what is potentially destructive to us and others.

Love is the greatest and highest of feelings. Attraction and repulsion, happiness and unhappiness, etc., are values ​​of judgment in relation to the requirements of our physical body, soul, cultural and moral sense of participation in society.

With each motivation, values ​​and feelings, cultural or moral, are acquiring new meanings and higher purposes by reassessing them. We discard useless, obsolete, worn out values, whether cultural, ethical or religious to give way to new and greater values.

In remembering the reality of our identity and cosmic destiny we recreate ourselves consciously. We do not destroy the temple but purify it by electrifying, with the assertiveness of LOVE, our feelings, thoughts and emotions. We renew ideas and concepts as well as emotions and feelings because our perceptions of life are changing when we understand that the mind, heart and consciousness of being are agencies for the organization and liberation of our inherent powers.

We work with our body or light vehicle. Solar seed focused on the love radiation of our heart. Understanding based on our primary values, by electrifying our feelings, resonates in harmony with what we need to understand to return to the Source of Life from where we come.

Our feelings, electrified by the LOVE Energy movements, build a spiritual resonator woven with the substance of the Sunlight. This comes to be like a radar that warns us of what is approaching us, making it easier to evaluate it within new frames of reference. This spiritual resonator is really the armor of light that the warrior of the Rainbow wears.

As our light armor is refined and strengthened, the magnetism of our individuality is altered. We shine with a new, different light, which is magnified as we increase the electrical voltage of our feelings.

Each conscious action of ours gradually dissipates the clouds of our mind causing new adjustments, strengthening us spiritually as we write in gold letters in the BOOK OF LIFE.

Passing through earthly life requires our individuality to experience a metamorphosis in itself, a reconversion. It requires forgetting the words to, in the depth of silence, listen to our feelings, our thoughts. Listen to the faint little voice of our experience.

This allows us to live in society to serve you, but not to live with it. Our function as the stellar being that really IS leads us to plant the ideological bases for a new society. For the establishment of the true spiritual culture of the new terrestrial solar race.

What we call reconversion is the transformation of an aesthetic production to an integrated genetic engineering product. This entails the transformation of the creative powers of the spirit into the toned silence of our solar heart. Only in this way do we create, co-create and recreate ideas, archetypal symbols or forms of power capable of inspiring, moving and guiding a new civilization.

The practice of silence requires the synchrony of our subtle bodies, quieting our emotions, feelings and thoughts to penetrate to the nuclear center of our solar heart. In that emptiness that is everything and that is nothing, we strip ourselves of our human personality to live our spiritual identity.

Those who practice the silence of their mind and heart are freed from their old social, cultural or religious beliefs. The individual who achieves the conversion of his earthly personality and uses it as an instrument of the spirit becomes part of the Winged Brotherhood of the Light of Love. Then ... then ... he becomes consciously engaged in the business of God / Father / Mother.

Experiencing the life lessons of this world means the conscious incorporation of the individual who experiences the experience to the three-dimensional plane in which he resides. Through exclusion, the illusory bad creations that the individual and collective ego led him to perceive as realities, each one defines the differences of other forms of expression of life. The individual's personality seems to possess continuity and identity. The ego becomes the structural factor of the personality that corresponds to the inherited and the environment.

I AM is a permanent reality of the spirit in contrast to the illusory complexities of the ego. In contrast to fluctuations in moods, desires, expectations of the human being. By entering into synchrony with the material plane and using matter as a springboard to catapult forward on the evolutionary scale, by consciously becoming One with Creation, you leave behind the exclusivity to participate in the inclusiveness of life. The mastery acquired in the management of worldly illusions enables him to jump quantumly to a higher spiral of Life.

Life in the dense matter of this three-dimensional plane requires the individual to energize his Energy / Love. Be revolutionized energetically. Transfigure your thoughts by merging them into the Faith, leading them to resonate in harmony with the Universal Mind.

The power of thought / light and creative power are activated in the individual who has felt in himself and lived the reality of the seed of God / Father / Mother. Both powers are activated when we experience the process of transfiguration of our thinking forms.

This process is deeply disturbing because of the destructive connotations it involves. It not only destroys the egoic structures but also challenges the socio-economic and cultural privileges we enjoy, forcing us to free ourselves from conventions, indoctrinations and conditioning to live in Grace and the Grace of God.

When the individual in transit to the Source of his primordial origin experiences, consciously and deliberately, in this Earth world the crucifixion dies for the common humanity. Its crucifixion implies the conscious descent into hell that represents incarnating multiple times in this planetary time. He demands that he find, assimilate and bless the collective unconsciousness of the human race and the civilization from which it emerged. His redemption is not complete until he descends to the bottom, to the depths of his human nature and the collective memory of humanity. This is the price to pay for his immortality.

It is necessary to face the evil demons created by feeling, thinking and making individual and collective mistakes of their counterparts. It is necessary for him to have enough strength of mind to retain his conscious connection with the star he really is.

The apparent loss of the individual consciousness of the person who descends to hell happens because the process entails the unconscious disintegration of the separativity of being. During the descent into hell darkness erases all the stars in the sky. But when the Divine Presence of God remains vibrant in the individual whose consciousness is temporarily submerged in darkness, it acts as the central core of a new Kristica body or vehicle of light.

Then ... the initiate in the mysteries of life, sexuality and death RISEN. He rises from the dead in three-dimensional life, invalidating forever his subjection to the Earth's planetary time.

The conscious handling of the Fire that burns in our nuclear heart center literally forces us to be who we truly are. To demonstrate it with our actions, products of our feelings / thoughts. To walk on the razor's edge to overcome the power of correctly managing the energetic torrent of life that flows and refluxes inside.

The revelation that surrounds his power comes suddenly, suddenly, when he least expects it. As suddenly as a lightning bolt in the night or a light that turns on in the dark forcing us to see what we have not wanted or could see until then. This leads us to synchronize our lower and upper bodies to flow in harmony with the Totality of Existence. Transmute our way of thinking, seeing and feeling life. The correct channeling of this energy current fills us with the joy of living. Turn on the Power of the Rainbow in each of us.

The transfiguration of our feelings / thoughts fills them with Divine Light. It operates as the universal power that completely fills us with light. It is a state of being where the sizzling of the sacred fire that burns in the purified temple of the seed of God / Father / Mother resonates in perfect harmony with the sizzling of the Sacred Fire of the Creator / Creation.

Our realization requires us to keep in our hearts the Power of Love, the Power of Light / Wisdom and the Power of Spiritual Will. Prove that we are legitimate heirs of redemption. For this, the warrior healer must die to the collective, to the traditional.

The socioeconomically privileged classes repudiate the individual who manages to transfigure his way of thinking and see life as it is considered a danger to society. In most cases his relatives and acquaintances call him crazy or crazy turning his back for not understanding the processes he is experiencing.

Society makes him the object of ridicule and derision because he dares to live what many would like to live and do not dare. Because he gives love with full hands, because he lets go to those he loves, because he opens doors to others, reveals, shares, releases. Because he risks living his life to the fullest.

Because it has broken with all the schemes imposed by the collective ego to live according to the Universal Laws precipitating the future in its present envelope. Because he has endorsed the dream of living in peace. The light of the spirit that is, gains its immortality thanks to the Judas that come to pass. Those who, betraying themselves, issue a judgment of condemnation against him or her. To those who have believed or believe that they betray him before society, destroying his safe place in it. The encounter with his adversary really becomes the encounter with his liberator.

The elements resistant to the reconversion of the personality of the warrior who lived the experience of the crucifixion are destroyed by his adversary. By destroying them he releases him. By breaking the chains that held him to the Earth, the Power of his Love, the Power of his Light / Wisdom and the Great Power of his Spiritual Will lead the individual to overcome the fear and insecurity caused by conventions and inhibitory barriers imposed by society. In solar age, in the fullness of his state of Grace, he goes back to spiritual heights to consciously live his freedom.

Transubstancion is the process to make the rose bloom on the cross of matter. It involves the encounter with the fog of the unknown or what the individual mistakenly believed he knew. Physical and psychological security cease to exist for him. The mists of that section of the road prevent him from materializing his spiritual experience. His spiritual knowledge is lost in the fog of the unknown. The fear that seemed defeated assails him again, paralyzing him.

What was his reality, his support, his guidance, his motivation to continue forward has been left behind, caught in an incomprehensible mystery. To flourish, it is necessary to rely totally on the Presence of God. Only being guided by your inner teacher from the nuclear center of your heart can help you save that stretch. He feels that someone has bandaged his spiritual eyes and that the tightrope through which he travels is violently agitated under his bleeding feet. He doesn't know what to think, say or do.

His shadow pursues him relentlessly murmuring intelligible words to his ear. He feels that the cold of the fog surrounds him, completely envelops him. If he falls his spiritual values ​​will be lost. Your mission will remain unfinished. To breathe is to live and you dare not do it because you think you are intoxicated One more illusion to overcome. More is known and feels life. IT'S LIFE! ETERNAL LIFE! By making a superhuman effort he manages to silence his emotions / feelings / thoughts. Take the risk! Breathe! Then it captures the solar sound.

It is guided by the solar sound emitted by the Nuclear Center of your Heart! Breathe and nourish the substance of the Spirit of God, of His Divine Grace. The flower that really IS opens to life. ROSA has flourished on the CROSS. He lives in God. Live to God Is God. It has proven to be what it IS. Therefore he dares to consciously declare I AM THAT I AM!

His absolute confidence in the Presence of God makes up for it. And it is balanced with the Totality of Existence. Your spirit creates the solution to your needs. As a human and divine being knows and feels, it is part of that ONE that is EVERYTHING. Blossoming participates in the Divine Eucharist! Commune with God! Then, the delicate aroma of the flower that ES manifests its truth in each of its actions.

But the transit of the soul through the time of the Earth requires the individual to know, understand and use the secrets of the MOON to achieve it. Birth and death is the same thing. We know how human life is gestated and how it concludes by transforming that apparent end into a new and greater beginning.

We are spiritual beings living a human process. Final does not mean termination, cessation or annihilation. Biological death becomes the end of a cycle of existence. But ... we are not a physical body. We have and use a physical body that becomes our uniform of being human. When we sleep we die as individuals to live in other levels of dynamic expression. When we wake up we rejoin the three-dimensionality and pursue our usual tasks.

The metamorphosic process of the soul through three-dimensionality includes the resurrection of the individual who experienced the experience. This process entails the reordering of the dynamic ideo-spiritual elements of their kristified individuality. Light is energy and substance. More than that, the Light is essentially the expression of its spectral action.

The resurrection is the spectral action of the spirit ideo-plasmically. That is, in the spectral form of the divine idea and purpose of the action. The one who resurrects the life of the spirit has made its end a beginning: a beginning without end in the Light of Love. The eternity of its spectral action gives it the power to make each end consciously significant the beginning of a major spiral cycle.

The spiritually resurrected individual has completely regained the power of his divine inheritance as a son or daughter of God / Father / Mother. He has transfigured the shape of his thought patterns. He has gone through the bloody evidence of the crucifixion by accepting his responsibility to enlighten himself spiritually and serve as a torch for humanity.

That is why he is able to condense the substantial energy of life in his body into his subatomic and atomic re-crystallized body to let the spectral action of his presence be felt among the humanity from which he emerged triumphant.

To consciously enlighten implies the demonstration of the scope of the individual's mastery over himself and the illusions of the collective ego of earthly humanity. It involves the application of KRISTAL MAGIC. Master Kristal, versed in his handling, applies his powers to ascend to the higher levels of expression of being.

The Kristos that IS, wearing the Freedom Star on its chest, is ready to fly towards the summit of its realization. The soul that which caterpillar was traveling through the Earth's Planetary Time has become a butterfly. The kristalino being that IS shines in all its splendor. You are about to cross the THIRTEEN PORTAL. The Kristos has to cross the Rainbow that serves as a bridge between two spirals of life. He has achieved Solar Mastery! The warrior of the Rainbow transmuted into COSMIC LIGHT is free to fly to the Spiritual Sun!


Gloria Helena

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