Message from AA Miguel "Vitamin" D "the Vitamin of God" through Ronna Herman

  • 2010

Dear Friends, this month I must make a preface with an explanation. Over the past three months, a large number of people I know personally, on a routine blood test, have shown a marked deficiency in vitamin D. Some were so deficient that they were given 50, 000 IU once a month until their Vitamin "D" levels were in the normal range. Why is vitamin D so important, and what does it do for the body? Below I have put parts of an article on the Internet by Dr. Marcelle Pick, OB / GYN:

“This essential nutrient is called a vitamin, but in nutrition, Vitamin D is currently a precursor hormone and the basic part of a powerful steroid hormone in the body called Calcitriol. It has been known for years that vitamin D is critical for the health of bones and teeth, but a deeper knowledge about the broad role of vitamin D is completely new. Vitamin D works in concert with other nutrients and hormones: it is an important support for the absorption of minerals and for metabolism (especially calcium and phosphorus in the blood and bones). Regulates the normal differentiation of the cell and its proliferation (for example, cancer prevention) Promotes insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation (insulin secretion). Studies have also shown clear links between vitamin D deficiency and obesity, insulin resistance, heart disease, certain types of cancer and depression. The body cannot create vitamin D by itself. It is designated to create it through sun exposure. Now I am examining all my patients and I have been surprised to find that more than 85 percent have a vitamin D deficiency.

In theory, a large amount of vitamin D can be manufactured, only being a couple of hours a week in the sun, as long as the UV rays are strong enough. It can also be ingested through food and many foods are fortified with vitamin D, but the truth is that we are not getting enough and that is why many are not even producing a safe level, ”

Dr. Pick states that studies have shown that adults need 3, 000 to 5, 000 units per day, and others recommend even more. However, you should consult with your own doctor to determine which is the best dose for you. If you wish to read this complete article (English), the Internet page is:


Dear teachers, it is common knowledge that the sun transmits its life-giving force through its rays. In ancient times, the sun was erroneously considered to be God, and was given the name of RA; however, an advanced group of wise beings began to worship the only God instead of worshiping several gods. It is true that there would be no life on Earth without the electromagnetic radiation of the sun, because the solar system they see in the sky provides the heat and light giving life and light necessary to sustain life in the earth. However, what you do not see, and most do not know, is that there is a Great Central Sun above and beyond each visible sun and which is of a higher dimensional frequency, and therefore, in no way is visible at this time to humans. This sun is the house of the Gods Fathers of your solar system. These great spheres of God's light are fresh, comfortable and more glorious than you can imagine. Because they are where all the magnificent facets of great radiance of the Creator reside, and it is their duty to radiate the Substance of Primal Life Force and the full spectrum of the Metatronic Light, out to all the solar systems and the planets in them, including Earth. These wonderful descendants of the Creator were some of the first irradiated born from the central heart of the Supreme Creator and they were considered to deserve to be the supervisors of the universes, galaxies, star systems and planets without end. The same applies to all solar systems, galaxies and universes through Creation. This is a very complex system and we will not delve into this issue at this time. What we want to express to you is that your sun provides much more than the heat and light of which you are aware.

Until the middle of the 1900s, people around the world worked all day outside under the sun's rays and did not use sunscreen or feel that the sun's rays were harmful. They wore hats and some covered their arms, but it was necessary and it was not considered harmful to spend many hours in the sun. Gradually, the ozone layer has been affected by pollution and is no longer as thick as it was in the past, thus allowing greater ultraviolet radiation from the sun to reach Earth and humanity. Since then, the damaging effects of the sun's rays have been emphasized so strongly that most people have forgotten the many benefits derived from sun exposure. The ads for sunscreen products have been very effective and most people don't go out in the sun without them, no matter how much time they intend to spend outside. Remember that the sun's rays are still safe and of great benefit during the first hours of the morning and until 10.00 am. And after 3.00 pm., Or 4.00 pm., During the summer hours. At least fifteen minutes a day several times a week are enough to give them a light bath from the sun's beneficial rays. Also, the sun's rays are not as intense in the winter, therefore exposure to them may be a bit longer.

What we have given you is information about the importance of the sun for the well-being of the physical body; However, we also want to emphasize that this phenomenon is representative of how decentralized the concepts have become within the belief structure of collective consciousness, and how these misinterpretations are affecting humanity in a wide variety of ways.

Remember dear hearts, those of you who are firmly on the road and are able to attract the Adamantine particles of the Creator's Light and then share them with the world through your loving intention, will derive greater benefit from the sun, because you will be able to absorb the superior and even more powerful and beneficial Essence of the sun's rays, which is called the full range of Metatronic Light. Vitamin D, is just one of the many gifts that are provided to humanity through the rays of its sun, as well as from the great Rays of our Father-Mother God.

Know this, dear ones, that you are in the final stages of a specific unit of time, and all of you have been subject to a unique system of rules. Total free will was considered to be a great gift; however, it has become a great weight as humanity sinks into the full range of duality, which has resulted in great pain and suffering. There was a non-interference clause written in the rules and the time specified for this particular phase of Creation had to be played before our Father-Mother God declared: “It is enough. It is time to intervene. There will be a Divine dispensation for those who are striving for self-mastery, and the spiritual hierarchy and the angelic kingdom are authorized to give help in any way that is appropriate within the framework of the Cosmic Law. ” The Law of Grace exists as the higher frequencies of the Karmic Law and from now on, they will apply to the group emerging from Servants of the World, as well as to the aspirants and disciples on the path of ascension.

When this particular era comes to a close, there will be a new system of rules and laws which will apply to all the Spiritual Human Beings emerging. A new expanded cycle of Creation is in progress, and all of you who are striving to achieve a unified state of consciousness will be designated as co-creators of the future. As a Ray of Divine Light, your Divine Mission is to expand the boundaries of the Consciousness of God. His goal is to become masters of manifestation, summoning the Essence of Creation, activating it within his Sacred Heart and through specific thoughts from his Sacred Mind, shaping the Divine Substance into an endless variety of forms. Therefore, becoming a true extension of our Father / Mother God.

You, the counters of the road, are the hope of the future. You are laying the basis for a new social order. It is vitally important that they walk the path of the center. A master car does not take sides, either for or against the conflicts that are currently sweeping around the world. Your personal power is most effective when you remain centered within your Sacred Heart and are guided by the wisdom of your Sacred Mind. Your position should always be that of good will and your platform should be for the greatest welfare of all.

When actively seeking Enlightenment, and striving to return to internal balance and harmony, it is important that you be aware of certain Karmic limitations which your Soul has accepted as a learning experience in this time of life. There are specific limitations and conditions that cannot be changed, and the lesson is to accept them graciously and fight for excellence within the time frame of the limits that have been imposed on you, not as a punishment but as an opportunity to balance the energies and patterns of discordant thoughts. However, we wish to emphasize that this lifetime is unique to each Soul on Earth; and no matter what circumstances they were born in, there is an opportunity for greatness and a reserve of knowledge and talents needed to obtain self-mastery. You were designed to be a manifestation teacher, a co-creator with the skills given by God. The first step is to realize that you have programmed in your DNA the Potential of a Genius, and a wide range of talents and abilities. They chose, before incarnating, a number of circumstances with specific abilities which are available before others. However, even though the full range of their gifts and talents is kept in reserve, they have the ability to bring them forward so that they can begin to update, integrate and use them. They must access the higher dimensional levels of the brain in order to make contact with their Soul Self and with the Beings of the higher realms. Your brain is composed of multiple levels of consciousness. The lower brain and the three lower chakras are the realm of human and animal consciousness. It is almost instinctive, attracting most of its information from the collective consciousness of the astral plane as well as from the consciousness of the Earth. Survival and the body of desire or ego are in control of the thoughts and desires of the masses and therefore form the prevalent painting of reality. The focus is on the external, the material world and on service to oneself.

While your consciousness moves toward the middle level of brain activity, you begin the process of becoming a spiritual human being, and your sensitive nature gradually moves up to incorporate the heart and throat chakra. A process of gradual awakening begins while your soul pushes you towards the path of consciousness, and the journey of ascension begins. An aspirant on the road must cross the astral plane and gain control of the emotional or astral body and the lower nature (the three lower chakras), which will open the way to the refined frequencies of cosmic truth through his Higher Self, guides, teachers, and angelic helpers. Safety in thought, word and deed with focused observation skills are the important qualities for a Self Teacher. They must clear the mind of negative, distorted and defeat thoughts before they can become a transmitter of Light in the dark.

It is important that they understand: As their frequency patterns (or Song of the Soul) become more refined, their attitudes and understanding will be tuned to higher levels and higher levels of consciousness. Your etheric body will also change and respond to higher divine energies. The service itself gradually evolves towards a desire to carry out its Divine Mission, and to carry out the group service.

As an Enlightened being, they begin to build a bridge of consciousness back to the higher realms of this universe. This is called Antakharana in the ancient esoteric teachings and currently called Rainbow Bridge. In order to return to mastery, they must learn to use all three aspects of their mental nature: The brain - mind - Soul. They must also clear the distortions of the subconscious mind and tune into the conscious mind of their Soul Being, so that the wisdom of their Soul and Higher Self can begin to flow through their four lower body systems. Remember, each atom and all its Physical Being have consciousness; they must be illuminated and tuned to the higher frequency patterns of ascension. You are made of Divine Essence. You are a Spark or Fragment of the Supreme Creator. They have latent powers that must be developed. There is a great need for humanity to refresh its spiritual memory and develop the powers of a Master of Light.

The Antakharana is composed of sub tributaries or streams of light which finally reinforce and magnify the connections between the many facets of the I and your I God or I AM Presence. These streams of light are aware and contain the intelligence of their multiple levels of the I, which resides in the higher Realms. As we have told you, your subconscious mind is becoming conscious, and your conscious mind is opening towards the wisdom of your supra conscious mind, which contains all the mysteries of the universe.

Dear ones, we see the Light expanding and gaining strength in many places around the world. We also see their brightness and influence growing, and they are making a positive impact on more lives, more than before. They must remain focused on their heart and focused on the soul as chaos and fear grow and spread throughout the planet. We are now joining forces and we are and will always be invincible, because we are carrying out a Divine mandate from our Father-Mother God. Love, protection and eternal blessings are with you now and eternally.


June 2010

Translation: Odilia Rivera.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Think about it and share it freely, however, I claim the universal copyright for this article on behalf of the Arc Miguel Angel. WE OFFER THE MESSAGES FROM ARCANGEL MIGUEL IN OUR INTERNET PAGE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP US SUFFER THE POSTAL OPERATING COSTS AND TIMBRES FOR FREE LOVING PACKAGES WE SHIP AROUND THE WORLD.

Scientists identify why vitamin D solar is key

Bibliomed, Inc

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Vitamin D is vital to activate human defenses and the deficiency suffered by almost half of the world's population could mean that the T cells that attack the immune system cannot eliminate infections, according to In a team of scientists.

The finding of researchers in Denmark would help improve the global fight against infectious diseases and global epidemics, in addition to being especially useful for creating new vaccines.

The team found that T lymphocytes use vitamin D to activate. When the vitamin is deficient in the blood, these cells remain asleep and do not warn of the possibility of an infectious threat or the presence of a pathogen.

"When a T lymphocyte is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it deploys an alarm device or 'antenna' called a vitamin D receptor, which it uses to search for the vitamin, " said study author Carsten Geisler of the International Department of Health, Immunology and Microbiology of the University of Copenhagen.

“That means that the T lymphocyte must have vitamin D or its activation will cease. If the immune cell cannot find enough vitamin in the blood, it cannot even begin to move, ”he said:

Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption and there is a relationship between the levels of the compound in the body and the appearance of diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis.

"What we did not know is how important vitamin D was for the activation of the immune system, which is what we now know, " Geisler's team wrote in the journal Nature Immunology.

The body produces most of vitamin D as a natural byproduct of skin's exposure to sunlight. It is also present in fish liver oil, eggs and fatty acids, such as salmon and mackerel, and some food supplements.

Almost half of the world's population is below the optimal levels of vitamin D and specialists say that is getting worse as the population spends less time outdoors.

The team noted that the results provide indispensable information of the immune system and that they would be very useful for developing new vaccines.

"They are not only important for fighting diseases, but also for controlling autoimmune reactions and rejection of transplanted organs, " the authors wrote.

Active T lymphocytes multiply at an explosive rate to eliminate an infection, but they can also attack the body itself.

After a transplant, for example, T cells can attack the new organ as an "invader" and in autoimmune diseases, hypersensitive T lymphocytes confuse parts of the body's own cells as infectious agents and attack the body itself.

Geisler said there are no conclusive studies on the optimal daily dose of vitamin D, but experts recommend consuming between 25 and 50 micrograms.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift ”

Albert Einstein

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